🔥 A Story For Your Heart

Intro to A Story for Your Heart Heart connection, me with my own heart (authenticity) and me with Father’s heart (sonship) led me down a path of seeing a dynamic in movement(s) – what moves people. What is it that grips our hearts and touches our emotions? The...

🔥 Pastors With Purpose

We have several pastors who are very excited about our Kingdom emphasis even though we’re targeting business leaders. Having been a pastor, I carried a mind-your-own-business boundary when it came to intentionally reaching out to them in the same way we help business...

Business Starts With Purpose

Money/Wealth is the earthy currency for Value (Kingdom and Commerce) Money is not the metric for Wealth (Its purpose) Wealth Creation (Deut 8:18) – I create value others want to buy because they benefit from it. (The value I create helps them fulfill their purpose!)...

Business Starts With Love

The KPI isn’t money – Businesses and the people that make them work are not machines we grease and adjust to keep them running smoothly. People, Businesses, and even Nations have a Kingdom purpose that makes them come alive. You may have heard of dead works; there are...

See It, Decree It, Do It

Believers know they should have authority but often don’t know how to use it. The common failure scenario is having a path in mind and then ratcheting up our faith to get it. Using imagination, mindset, Bible verses, or theological preconceptions to leverage God’s...

What Do I Really Want?

There is much to discern about what is true, a conspiracy theory, or narrative propaganda from an intentionally deceptive source. We naturally assume personal objectivity in reviewing the news and wonder why we reach different conclusions. Self-deception is the one...

Confusing Gifts With Purpose

I went to see Jesus Revolution with Sue and recommend it highly. I got saved in that era, so it’s particularly meaningful. Came to tears many times. Lonnie’s personal life story wasn’t the film’s theme, but as I read his full history, it is a mixed story and has...

Cash Flow and Kingdom Purpose

One of the prominent failure scenarios in Kingdom business is that we correctly understand Father’s purpose and run out of money trying to do it. It doesn’t help to come from a religious background where another offering solves every cash flow problem under the God is...


God’s Kingdom has always been distributed. Power is invested in sons and daughters of God (the King), and they are assigned to the nations in each of the Seven Mountains. Centralization of religion under a single pope, potentate, or apostolic figure has worked...

Mechanics vs. Miracles

We are helping businesses build a Kingdom Culture around their book or Kingdom purpose. The goal is to provide value that clarifies their spiritual direction and adds the practical side of increasing their cash flow. That led to a couple of courses on Business...

Beyond Prophetic

We are in an age change that is exciting and troubling. Sons are moving from saying and seeing revelation to doing it. The OLD – is intellectually understanding our direction; able to prophesy it, explain it, preach it, love it. The NEW – is being moved by it to...

The Power of Purpose

One of the distinctives of this Kingdom age is that sons have purpose. We are not serfs measuring our spiritual prowess by obedience. We share our Father’s heart, and we’re co-laboring on a dream that is in my heart. Our exploits flow from entrepreneurial adventure...

Build Your Tribe

What’s a Tribe – Purpose is the difference between a tribe and an organization or a crowd. People in a tribe share a purpose. There are still leaders, but the mutual respect level is much different. Everyone is working on different facets of the same purpose. Because...

Marketing Kingdom Culture

How does marketing get off the ground, so we get results? We’ve all seen the mystery of marketing dollars disappear without sales. Now we’re skeptics! The cure starts at home with three questions, Am I enthusiastic about my Business Purpose? Is it in writing, in a...

From Purpose to Brand

I’ve always been a little intimidated by marketing, primarily because of all the big promises and modest results. How do we convert purpose to story, and they package it in our brand and marketing and then actually get results? That question bothered me enough to ask...


What’s your dream? – We often view God and our lives from a perspective that we shouldn’t get our hopes up because another shoe is about to drop. Unfortunately, enough bad things have happened to all of us to birth something between pessimism and healthy skepticism....

John’s Story

Personal Name: John & Sue Garfield (Kennewick, WA) (www.ReleasingKings.com, www.OnlineHeartPlan.com) Family: Sue, 4 kids, and 7 grandchildren Education: BS Chemical Engineering, BA Theology via a local church Business/Vocation: John Garfield Consulting, Engineer...

Tell Me Your Story

Why Stories – People who tell stories engage us in the language of our hearts (pictures and movie clips). Leaders who tell us our story move us. We lead people into their greatness when we connect them with their own stories. It’s a prophetic process that you can do....

Co-Creating Your Story

Father, Thank you for creativity. It’s motivating to bring new things into the earth and see them bless people. Working on a God-idea is life-giving. After I made my own list of creative ideas, I was surprised how it moved my heart. I was on the phone with three...

Creativity and Decentralization

Father has a strategy to overwhelm tyranny with creativity in sons and daughters. He invited me to decree new inventions, new ideas, and new initiatives in sons. The Cabal is in the process of being overthrown, and we’re being invited to play a role in replacing...

Prepare The Way

I have held a belief that Trump is our real president and that God will not allow this level of corruption via the deep state to last. In a recent council session, I asked the Lord, “What happens when Trump Returns (Devolution).” The video helped open my eyes to the...

What People Want

A good friend found this quote, “People buy 4 things and 4 things only. Ever. Those 4 things are time, money, sex, and approval/peace of mind. If you try selling something other than those 4 things, you will fail.” This secular summary is what makes copy and products...

Kingdom Business Workshop in FL

EMI Family Gathering and Tamarisk Group Kingdom Business Workshop with John Garfield Links for Attendees Link to Videos from Friday AM & PM https://www.emmint.com/family-gathering-livestream/ Workshop Slides Heart Connection Quiz Purpose Mind Map Court and Council...

The Honor of Your Presence

We are accustomed to asking for the presence of the Holy Spirit in meetings. We can feel His moving and hear the prophetic themes He brings. The age of Kingdom adds another dimension. Father requests the honor of our presence in the Courts and Council of Heaven....

Hearts Known and Read

Decree – What is in hearts shall be known and read of all men; it’s a jailbreak! Our religious tradition is that what is in my heart is so corrupt that it should be hidden. This decree releases two things: Secrets in men’s hearts are being revealed (accusations in the...

Businesses Create Value

It is in all our hearts to be part of what God is doing and contribute and be part of the action. When we thought there was only one mountain, it led to a form of pulpit idolatry where everyone wanted a microphone ministry. Now that we understand 7 mountains, we...

Preemptive Strikes

One of the challenges of Kingdom Business is staying ahead of problems rooted in spiritual warfare. Bill Hybels pastored a 24,000 member church, Willow Creek in Chicago, and Brian Houston pastored Hillsong in Australia. Both were vital leaders and household names who...

Decrees are Ambushes

The enemy has a strategy that is gradually being exposed. We can see enemy devices and strategies (graphic and Clay Clark interview). I’ve been asking the Lord to show us His strategy as this exposure has happened. We are all anxious to see the evidence of God moving....

My Brother’s Purpose

We each have responsibilities (burdens) to carry that belong strictly to me (Gal. 6:5). But, each of us has responsibilities to help discern and carry our brother’s purpose (burden, Gal 6:2). Yes, but how? There is a kingdom shift toward sons with purpose right now....

Turn Hirelings into Heroes

Staff attrition is always a source of discouragement and profit erosion for a business owner. Not surprisingly, it feels like a relational and strategic betrayal when a senior leader moves on. Why did it happen? Why couldn’t I see this coming? You can; we’ll explain...

Red Light Green Light

I recently got this comment from a good friend and thought it was very instructive: John, clearly, your perspective is that the Council is located in a spiritual realm, apart from us – “heaven.” What if the real location of the council is “in God” who is in you? See...

Fog of War by Johnnie Enlow

I watched this 90 min. interview a second time and took notes. As Sons, we carry an anointing and a responsibility to bring these things from heaven to earth in prayer and practice. Plus, I thought it was one of the best prophetic insights I’ve heard this year. We...

From Servant to Son

The God we “serve” isn’t really looking for servants. He is not the King of servants; He is the King of kings. Our Father isn’t looking for compliant submission from servants. His heart is longing for collaborative creativity from sons. He treasures two things: 1)...

The Gospel – Saved Into Significance

When people first encounter Jesus they ask the two questions below. First, I want the relationship and the promise of heaven. Salvation is an amazing experience of sensing God for the first time. It’s never just an intellectual decision, although we do decide for...


True worship that blesses the heart of God is much more than words. What thrills His heart is when sons connect with the desires in their heart, so from the heart, they co-labor with Him to build the Kingdom. 2 Sam 24:24 – I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord...

To Russia with Love

You are invited to a Zoom with Christopher and Jonas Leveraging the Media Mountain to Reach Eastern Europe Saturday 10/2 @ 9:30 PDT Zoom Recording is here. When I was in Poland we tried to meet the influential evangelical pastors throughout the nation. Pastor...

Mountains and the Council

The gospels record Jesus going up into a mountain nine different times, but Luke 8:16 also says he “often went,” and there are likely many more instances than those recorded; it was Jesus’ regular practice. If you’ve been to Israel, you know...

The Gospel in Business

The challenges of leadership in any mountain of culture are like giants in our land. Before we talk about milk and honey, let’s address some of the hurdles business owners, and managers face. Most leaders are already familiar with and challenged by these same...

Business With Purpose

Businesses are a collection of people that should have a purpose bigger than their widget or service. Businesses that flow with God’s purpose have an entirely different feel. They are relevant, bigger than themselves, and there is an intangible ‘Pull’ to work with...

Jesse Garfield (1873-1920)

MONTANA COWBOY HALL OF FAME & WESTERN HERITAGE INDUCTEE JESSE CALVIN & RUTH (LANE) GARFIELD (1883-1920) (1892-1974)  YEAR OF INDUCTION: 2020. DISTRICT OF INDUCTION: 6 Oscar Calvin Hoover, the son of a railroad conductor, was born in Harrisonburg, Virginia, in...

The 3rd Great Awakening

There is another Reformation in the wings. Awakening is part of the process of coming alive to what God is doing. It helps to put this move in the context of the first two: #1. Jesus came to earth – History records Jesus as an influential figure, a teacher, or a...

A Gift From Fire

The title of this blog is the name of a conference in Lewiston, Idaho August 7-8. I’ve been asking the Lord to show me the theme and the two biggest things I’ve heard is the Release of Sons in the Third Great Awakening. Sons are the gift from fire! They are familiar...

Discover Your Limiting Beliefs

This helpful quiz represents the five areas we help people make progress on with their dream via the Heart Plan. The limiting beliefs that go with each quiz question are available at the link below. 2021-07-02 limiting beliefs...

Jesus Has a Question for You

Jesus asked 307 recorded questions in the Bible, but people only asked Him 183 questions. Why? When a servant encounters God, he expects the ten commandments. Servants expect to be told what to do, how to do it, and when. They deal in statements of fact. Obedience is...

Does God Provide?

At any given time, I have a few friends struggling with cash flow who can’t pay all the bills. Some in the business realm and others in ministry (same thing). They are not lazy or unmotivated, they have powerful attributes of success. They are in the theological...

From Servants to Sons

John 15:14-17 – You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you....

See it First

See It First, Believe It Second A few days ago, I was asked to pray for a women nine time zones away who had a chronic back problem. She had suffered from pain for ten years and was bedridden for the last 4. She was cheerful, receptive, and thankful. I was convinced...

The Fallacy of Guru Greatness

The concept of discipleship implies followers and leaders. It’s entirely appropriate when we are young in the Lord. However, the ultimate goal is that God wants to be the Father of His own sons, the ones for which all creation has been waiting. He wants to share...

Sons Co-labor

One of the interesting things about sons who frequent and become fluent in the courts and council of heaven is that they become co-labors in Father’s purposes. We are not just Seers, we are Seers and Doers who bring Heaven to earth. Jesus paved the way for sons and...

Avatars – Is This You?

Mid-life with job or business resume of achievement. Christian with a family, nothing is broken – they don’t need or want to be “fixed.” He/she is not bored but wearied by the rut; by the mundane routine that doesn’t tap their full potential or release their own...

Opening Hearts With Purpose

We all know people who are not open or receptive to God or us. I typically move on to people that are open, to buy time for the Holy Spirit to do His job and ripen the fruit. I think they can feel the abandonment in that attitude of leaving them behind. By contrast,...

Act Like a Man of God

https://youtu.be/QvfV-jm04-w These are amazing times of confusion over enemy successes. In all this turmoil. Father is exposing corruption in politics and separating sheep from goats. The fearful and the careless of Gideon’s 30,000 are being sent home; now...

Releasing Judgment

Judgment is taboo in western cultures. Jesus, Gandhi, and King are held up as examples of non-violent pacifists who always turned the other cheek, never spoke an unkind word, and happily surrendered to martyrdom. The implication is you should too. Really? The sister...

Why So Passive? (Universalism)

I was a little surprised at the sprinkling of believers who will not take a stand for the nation, our heritage, or Trump. Their stance is to justify pacifism no matter what kind of propaganda, revisionist history, corruption, or depravity surrounds them. Universalism...

A Personal Invitation

We’re starting two more Heart Plan On-line courses in January. One led by John and the other by Beverly. Why don’t you join us? More on the video and the short answers to your top 10 questions. For you – Getting connected with the purpose God wrote...

If You Knew You Were Going to Fail?

Getting in touch with the Kingdom purpose God wrote in your heart isn’t a surefire recipe for fame and fortune in this life. It is simply the Father’s purpose for His son or daughter. There is more than one way to accomplish it, which taps our creativity...

Experiencing Your Purpose

Eight things We Substitute for Purpose Character and career – I’m a good person, with a good job, and make good money. What else is there? Response: Women wake up to purpose after age 35. Men can be a decade or two behind. Money – I’m living the life, I can afford my...

Heart Resources

This is the first of 3 short videos that introduce the heart plan #1 What will the Heart Plan do For Me? https://youtu.be/TzeSEUF5Dr4 #2 How does the heart plan get results? https://youtu.be/rvp3EcWgAU4 #3 How to get started with...

America Is Not Divided

America is divided is more an accusation than a truth. There are cancerous and contentious tentacles intertwined with vital organs that originate from a tumor. Like any invasive tumor, the whole body is fighting it. But, by mass, it’s a tiny fraction of our...

The Hero’s Journey

Sons go through stuff, It’s normal. If something goes wrong, we assume we’re wrong somehow and experience “shame.” Deaths and resurrections are normal pathways for God to reveal His glory in His sons. Not pleasant, but afflictions will lead you...

Sons are Courageous

Yesterday, we had a prayer time courts of Heaven with our tribe, and we all repented for thinking too small, not believing for the magnitude of what God has for us in individual books. God is raising up sons right now, and they are more courageous, more able to...

Spectators to Gladiators

Exousia (G1849) – Ability, privilege, competency, freedom Matt. 28:18-19 – Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations NIV Luke 9:1-3 – And He called...

Nations in the Kingdom

This is a short 12-minute video on why I have hope for nations coming into the Kingdom. The warfare over the USA book is intense right now. This will give a totally different perspective from God’s word and a foundation to become a Seer-and-Doer yourself. The verses I...

Throwing Jezebel Out the Window

Jezebel is a spirit present in our national discourse right now. Her influence is deceptive, seductive, controlling, manipulative, intimidating, and ruthless. Her effect on believers is an emasculation of their boldness, clarity, and initiative. Men and women of God...

What’s in it For Me???

Healing for Warriors connects your health and your purpose. I’m writing to a group of people that are chosen and called by God. You have a fruitful Kingdom purpose, and I don’t think of you as “sick.” But, once you say yes to Kingdom, the enemy...

Goals Through the Eyes of a Seer

Most of us have dreams or goals we want to materialize. I have friends who speak of 10X increase in their business. This blog reveals a great way to use your seer gift to discover the right goals for your dream and make them come true. What not to do – Most of us are...

Apocalyptic Sons

The book of revelation is thought of as apocalyptic in our culture; thanks in part to a faulty rapture theology that predicted the end/destruction of the world in judgement when Jesus returns. In reality, the bible verses pointing to destruction have a fulfillment in...

Eight is New Beginnings

Eight years ago, we found out an investment I made was a Ponzi scheme, and we nearly went bankrupt. We didn’t just lose the money and everything but our house. We had a legal liability to go with it. This week we got an email from our lawyer with these words,...

Surrendering to Resurrection

I have several friends who are hurting in this season. Some financial and some emotional or relational. There is plenty of shaking going on, and I wondered how to pray; whether to reach out; what to do? Friends experiencing hardship is tricky. There is a fine line...

Taste and See

Jesus-followers all know one thing: they have experienced Him: (The feeling of a load taken off our shoulders as sins are forgiven; The sense of His love for us as sons and daughters; The invitation to Kingdom and co-laboring; His presence). The Christianity of...

Stewards of Glory (3)

Servants Repent; Sons Redeem – The biggest question God has for sons isn’t what you don’t do trying to be a good Christian; it’s what will you do? We all have a broken past for which the cross is the answer. We also have a religious tradition that if...

Stewards of Glory (2)

I watched a documentary Out of the Shadows and an interview with Martin Geddes that dealt with tumultuous issues going on around the world. They are dark and touch on the level of corruption and control in governments and media. It will be darker than any conspiracy...

Stewards of Glory (1)

What’s Worship – As a believer and then a pastor, I loved congregational worship. We practiced the music and sought God for a prophetic flow in every service. Those services taught me a precious aspect of hearing God’s voice and learning to glorify him. I will always...

Even the Winds Obey Him

When pandemics come along, every possible theory pops up. It’s a test! No, it’s judgment! It’s a Sabbath rest! It’s the devil! It’s China. Like the Covid-19, people have different theories about Jesus. His disciples understood Him over...

Opening the Gates of Nations

Your assignment will inevitably lead to a closed door that can be confusing. Sons open doors and gates, servants assume something is wrong with them and either try harder, repent of their sins, or reopen their inner healing issues one more time. This blog is on how...

Unwrap Your Seer Gift

The little-known secrets of the seer gift that anyone can develop. Give yourself permission to use your imagination to start seeing, then discern what you get. Rinse and repeat until you “experience knowing” the scenes are real and interactive....

Start With Purpose

Transformation from the Heart – No matter how hard we try; we can’t make ourselves be someone else. Incentives, discipline, and accountability won’t cure your personality and calling. There’s nothing wrong with your design! God likes you the way He created you....

Hearts Are Not Herds

Businesses, organizations, and marketing all have hierarchies that are not necessarily people friendly or value-oriented. The mindset is to make the sale in a belief that there isn’t time in the business model to build a relationship. They leave us behind because they...

How to Find Your Labor of Love

Fathers impart blessing on people and favor on the works in their book. The people, their book and their works are strategic ingredients in reformation. Their works flow out of the purpose in their book. God favors those people and work. Father’s connect those dots...

How to Find Your Purpose

I watched a new department manager of projects introduce himself to a staff of 100 engineers. The one phrase that stuck in my mind was, “I am very results-oriented.” Now project engineers, including me, tend to be results-oriented anyway, so the remark passed without...

Making Friends With Failure

The image of success is often painted with a thin veneer of never failing. When we fail, shame sets in and the accusation is, “Successful people don’t fail, but success is not for you; you are a failure.” I lost the family nest egg in a bad investment seven years ago....

God With Us or Us With God

I got back from ten exciting days in Europe after 24 hours of airports on a Monday night and went to work Tuesday morning with a combination of euphoria, jet lag, a cold, and a sense of overwhelm on what to do next. While I was nursing a little self-pity, Jesus...

You Can Be a Seer

We used to think gifts of the Spirit weren’t for anybody. Then we decided they were for a few. Now we know they are for anyone who has faith and maturity to operate in them. Becoming a seer is the same. It’s for everyone. First the why, then the how. Why see? – Seeing...

Where is Your Open Door to Kingdom?

We would all like to be the hero of our story. We all want to hear, “Well done.” We all like the sense of his favor to fill our sails and to touch the miraculous on occasion, i.e., to confirm He is with us. The problem is the resistance is real. It’s not easy....

Substituting Process for Purpose

Connecting with the purpose God wrote in our hearts starts with the belief that there is a cause and giving myself permission to go there and look. This dreams-really-do-come-true stuff feels like the last time I was out on a limb and got it sawed off. I hear these...

Communion – Shared Purpose

We usually translate communion as remembering the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood in the context of our personal forgiveness. We think of the drinking unworthily as coming to communion carrying unforgiveness against other people. We check this box by extending forgiveness...

The Roadmap to Your Heart

Before any of us volunteer to get on a train, we would like to know where it’s going. We would also like that destination to be somewhere we really want to go. I’ve had the experience of riding a train in Poland. I can’t read any of the signs, and very few people...

A Spirit of Enthusiasm

Plastic smiles – We all know the rules, and we all know how to put on a happy face when the rules get broken. We also know what our hopes and dreams look like and we know how to hide the pain of their demise under the same happy face. The happy face looks about...

Seeing the Big Picture

Have you ever spent a lot of time and energy in a big initiative only to find out it was a blind alley, a bad investment, or a waste of time? Or, have you missed the big picture and your time and energy produced something unprofitable; then felt like an “unprofitable...

How To Be Known in Heaven

We’ve heard a lot over the last few years that our identity is in Christ i.e., that we know who we are by understanding what Jesus did for us and can do through us. It’s all good, but few have a practical grasp on what that means. Most people interpret Christ in me as...

10,000 Instructors

We are in a season where God’s people understand that His will can be found in the desires of our hearts. That’s how we define a King (connected to his/her heart’s desires). Traditionally, doing God’s business was always presumed to be sacrificing my will and picking...

From Excuses to Decrees

We are all adept at making excuses. Excuses have power because they are rooted in some aspect of truth or reality. They often stem from spiritual accusations. When we verbalize them, they sound prophetic in the same way accusations have a prophetic tone that is spoken...

Creation is Waiting For Sons Not Sermons

I’m excited about Intentional Reformation from a personal level all the way to nations. This season is distinctly different because there are kings making a difference in their mountains. We are all being invited into our Kingdom Books, and much higher levels of...


We’re just wrapping up the beta edition of www.OnlineHeartPlan.com. The biggest and most pleasant surprise was getting to meet new people and helping them articulate their book or the desires of their heart (their dream). It morphed into a tribe of people with...

Rethinking Spiritual Warfare

Several nights back I woke up with a vision for a couple who are good friends. I got up to capture it about 1 AM before it evaporated and pushed save to see if I still believed it in the morning. I passed it on, and it did encourage them. Since then it felt like there...

President Trump – A Modern Cyrus

In my travels to, and prayer for, Europe over the last several years I’ve seen the spiritual influence of serfdom and wrote about it, From Serfs to Surplus. That generational pull is also present in America and causes us to surrender our freedom for ideologies like...

Clouds With Rain

The video is here: https:// -www.useloom.com/share/3815fe7488e24ac4bf2676bf6090449d The Shift – Many are navigating the reality that ministry is never sustainable without money (lots of it, I might add). We are accustomed to offerings and foundations, but the...

Learn to Pivot

Bad news – “Twenty percent of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small business fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business.” 89% of the Fortune 500 companies that existed in 1955 are gone today. Fifty...

Inheriting Your Purpose

I was a skinny six-year-old when mom got tired of me asking “What is there to do.” She told my dad to take me with him to do the ranch work. From then on, Ford took me everywhere in that pickup; him driving, the cow dog in the middle and me riding shotgun to open all...

From Integral to Integrity

Integral (connected with my heart) naturally leads to integrity. I have nothing to hide and lots to give. Integral means I’m whole. I’m an expression of one part of God’s Kingdom strategy. I’m part of the “whole” purpose which is much bigger than myself. A business is...

His Council is Home

Yesterday, in the course of a conversation with a friend about business and life and reformation, I mentioned courts and council as great kingdom tools. This morning the Lord tweaked me and said, “The council is not just a tool, it’s your home.” The highlight of 2018...

Higher Purpose

Putting my calling in the context of my vocation and business along with what the Father is doing in nations has helped clarify my own story. Imagine coaching Paul; he wants to take the gospel to Rome knowing he will face confinement and loss of his head (before he...

Fathering Brilliance

The video is here. Example I had a natural father who encouraged me to pursue my dream. That story is here. I never realized what a gift my dad was until hearing the stories of broken families and the shipwreck it leaves in personal identity. God can reverse all that,...

Happenings in Europe

The video is here. The Lord did some amazing things on this trip to Europe. It started in Denver at Terry Tyson’s house with a group of businessmen and women. In Berlin, we met Beverley Watkins and prayed for Europe with 20 people from seven nations (Ireland, UK,...

What Masculinity Looks Like

The video is here. There is a different, masculine sound in our nation right now. I believe its very positive and timely. The imbalance of “maleness” can be too domineering, but not enough masculinity opens a door in the spirit for Jezebel to thrive with control,...

Connecting My Heart

You will enjoy reading Seers and Doers.   “We are in an era where the forces of feudalism know this is their last shot at maintaining power.”  David Brin The “manor lords and serfs” narrative has long been a cultural fact of life from the middle ages to modern...

From Serfs to Surplus

The video is here, Note: I wrote up two courts and council prayer sessions to go with this blog. The first is my own courts of heaven session – Courts of Heaven for Serfdom. The second is a Council session with prayer for others called Recovering Spiritual...

What You See Is What You Get

The video is here. Now that Seers and Doers is out, I’m asking the Lord “What’s our strategy for helping your people see?” The answer was simple and motivational, “What you see is what you get!” The courts, trading floors and the council all function through a seer...

Videos for Seers and Doers

Link to this page – http://releasingkings.com/2018-08-03-videos-for-seers-and-doers/ We made a dozen videos to go with each chapter and appendix of Seers and Doers. The links are live in the Kindle version of the book. This list of links is for the hard copy...

Getting Started in the Council

From Revelations to Manifestations The video is here. One of the keys to getting started is to understand where we’re going. Ascending and seeing in the courts of Heaven, the trading floors and the council is a wonderful and meaningful experience, but we’re not...

Q&A for Courts and Councils

The video is here and Part 2. I attended Harold Eberle’s Worldcast conference that included a round-table discussion which was interactive, respectful and healthy. We touched on some fair questions that deserve answers. I asked most of them myself in the past and now...

Seeing Your Future Self

The video is here. Our new book, Seers and Doers: Sons Bringing Heaven to Earth is on Amazon Our hearts build our identity around pictures and movies that replay whenever we think about who we are and why we’re here. We have role models or heroes that inspire our own...

Going Up to a Mountain

The video is here. Our premise (and experience) is that the Keys of the Kingdom (Mt 16:18-19) is ascending to Heaven’s courts and councils to “see” what is already bound and loosed so we can play our Kingdom role on earth (very practical). Let’s look at the context of...

From Sinai to Jesus

The video is here, There is a huge Kingdom invitation in this season for God’s people to appear before the Lord in heaven. We’ve been discussing it in Gateway to Kingdom and Seers and Doers. At the same time there is resistance, fear and hesitancy in our hearts. Some...

Seers and Doers

The video is here. Please read the introduction to this blog at Gateway to Kingdom. It gives the background. Why See? – God is teaching His sons to: 1) ascend, 2) see, and 3) loose what they see. It’s part of our Kingdom mandate to make a practical difference on...

Creating Wealth

The video is here. I recently had a divine appointment with a video on the difference between function and purpose. We are not just created for functions like intimacy, fellowship, worship, etc. We do those things because that’s how we’re wired as sons, but we are...

My Life Is a Business

The video is here. Understanding “normal” – The “average” career track is to get a good education, find the best paying job and retire early. Kingdom changes all that. Now we have a book (calling) that is, in general, to bless nations and specifically to find our...

Overcomers Buy Gold

The video is here. Have you ever noticed there are two tracks in the Kingdom, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering? The life and life more abundantly track sounds like a recent podcast I listened to. The interview was conducted around a...

Overcomers Set a Table

The video is here. When Jesus stands at the door of our heart and knocks, the offer is that “I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). Our hearts are equipped with a table we set for communion and communication with Jesus. Servants invite Him in to...

Overcomers Wear Nike’s

The video is here. We all want to be overcomer’s. The question is how. The Kingdom is exciting and is progressing from individuals all the way to nations. It’s easy to see the advance even in the news. Kingdom warfare and casualties are also a reality. Even...

The Father’s Heart for Nations

The video is here. It’s helps all of us to know where we’re going and how we and God plan to get there. Kingdom is all about co-laboring with Christ to do what the Father is doing. There is plenty of room for initiative and creativity that is fueled by understanding...

Growing in Wisdom and Stature

My Grandfather (Jess ~ 1915) and Father (Ford – 1975) My grandfather raised horses in Montana and my dad had a cattle ranch and used good horses all the time. Growing up, I wanted to be just like dad, so starting at six years old, he gave me a series of horses...

From Gifts to Goals

The video is here. In the 1980’s I was an elder in a great church that had some growing pains. We had another pastor come in to advise the leadership team on a path forward. He said something that stuck with me regarding the mission of our church, “If you don’t want...

What is New in 2018

The video is here. Here’s the 2018 drill… Be an early adopter of those who are both priest and king; Operate in wisdom and revelation; Be part of both a praying ecclesia and a vocational mountain; Set things in order in both heaven and earth (Prophetic...

Putting Kingdom in Corporate Culture

The concept of a reformation among nations is prophetically alive and well in heaven, but bringing it to earth and connecting the dots between my own life and company and Kingdom is the challenge of the hour. It’s one thing to experience the presence of God at church...

Contagious Reformation

As believers we do trade our time, talents, treasure and our very lives for something much better… It’s not a sacrifice, it’s a bargain that we trade for in wisdom to “increase” our spiritual and natural portfolio.

Whats Next in the Netherlands

The video is here. The Netherlands was an amazing time of opening the book of a nation, sounding a trumpet and gathering young lions who are hungry for their own book, the call on their nation and reformation. The wisdom and stature on the Dutch who heard that sound...

Meeting God@Work

Where is God? – in the Kingdom, we find the presence and power and person of God when we get in our mountain and get to work. It’s really simple! That’s where we find ourselves too… our passion, our anointing, our purpose, our fruit, our authority and our personality.

Reformation and Patriotism

The video is here. The genius of entering the Kingdom is that we are simply allowing Jesus to focus our calling, cooperating with it and following it to a place of fruitfulness. With people, we use the heart plan and our prophetic sense to tap into the desires that...


The video is here. The pattern of communication in Christianity is preaching. We share information hoping to convert others to our beliefs. Kingdom has a different twist. We are builders inviting others to share an initiative. Our Father is a builder and so are His...

Adding Nations to Your Purpose

The video is here. Why Purpose? – It doesn’t matter if I’m a millennial living paycheck to paycheck or a retiree traveling the world, life without a purpose beyond “self” is empty. For believers, the irony of life in the Kingdom is that when we seek “things” they (and...

God – Why Me?

The video is here. Whether God allowed my trial or caused it makes no difference to my heart. I’m trusting Him to protect me from calamity… and he doesn’t. What if God really doesn’t control “all” of time and circumstances and He is not the one who authors or...

A Prophetic Centrist

The video is here. The prophetic is discerned when it’s applied. Revelation from God is truly understood when we respond to it and do something with it. Respecting or fearing God enough to put our revelation to work is simply wisdom. Revelation is the idea, wisdom is...

Partnering with the King of kings

The video is here. We never outgrow the need for encouragement and we all long for fathers. Our hearts are designed to cherish a father and to be one. It is pastoral, but once we feel the call to our own destiny, that relationship is better described as apostolic. Our...

Healing Emotional Detachment

The video is here. When we coach people with the Heart Plan, the whole goal is to help them get in touch with their hearts. “Heart” is our emotions, but it’s also something more. God writes His desires on our hearts in a way that they show up in our desires. As we...

Intentional Reformation

The video is here. We usually think of reformation as Luther nailing a sermon with 95 points to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Today, it is often thought of a modern apostolic influence on various church or church growth movements. Reformation is really just...

Wisdom Multiplies

The video is here. Coming up with new thoughts and ideas can be intimidating. It starts with our identity, when we Feel permission from God to collaborate with Him to birth something brand new. It’s a discipline that leads to words, works, destiny… and eventually...

Collaborate Co-labor and Co-create

The video is here. The precept of “faith” is that when we are spiritually mature, doubt and uncertainty will now longer be with us and we’ll know exactly what to do… and it will work. This is a partial truth (lie) that’s embedded deeply in our hearts as new believers,...


This video is here. Politics in any nation cannot be understood or debated without an awareness of the plan that God has for that particular people and nation. Patriotism is an appreciation for that national destiny. It’s true that patriotism without God becomes...

The Power of Passion

The video is here. Much is shifting in the Kingdom right now, with many practical ramifications in every mountain of our cultures. It is spring in America, a season for new beginnings. At a personal level, servants who have emphasized discipline and obedience are...

Prophetic Creativity

The video is here. There is something brand new in the air. New ideas, new agendas and new initiatives are being released that are blessing people and cultures around the world. I really believe it’s in the context of a Kingdom reformation that will bless people and...

White Guilt and the Courts of Heaven

The video is here. This is an amazing and wonderful time in God’s Kingdom and in American History. New victories are appearing every week and the curtain has been pulled back on levels of corruption in politics and the press that are liberating for all of us. God...

From Grace to Competence

The video is here. Most believers carry a concept that grace is how we get saved without works. Grace is much more but it has three basic definitions or aspects. Grace is not just fire insurance for heaven, it’s a key ingredient God’s uses to build His Kingdom and...

Apostolic Fathers and Mandates

The video is here. We never outgrow the need for encouragement and we all long for fathers. Our hearts are designed to cherish a father and to be one. It is pastoral, but once we feel the call to our own destiny, that relationship is better described as apostolic....

Goals for Your Heart

The video is here. I’m participating in a goal setting exercise for 2017 and have also been dabbling in business coaching. Although I’m very high on both, I noticed something missing in my heart. Goal setting is usually built around how to get something… “What I...

The Lord Our Provider

Many individuals and our nation as a whole are walking through a season when the Lord has removed the things in which we had trusted for the future. No matter what the circumstances are, the Lord is our provider. I’m hearing this phrase, “the just shall live by...

When to Press

The video is here. One issue we all face is knowing when to press into initiatives without getting ahead of God. It is wounding to invest our energy and faith to contend for something that never happens… or find out later that it was never supposed to happen. In our...

Personal and National Destiny

One of our highest Kingdom goals is to make disciples of nations (Mt 28:19) and to bless nations (Gen 12:2). Like personal discipleship, the most exciting part of this discovery process is learning that we were created to fulfill a Kingdom purpose… that destiny is...

Growing Through Your Near-Death Experience

The video is here. Two weeks ago I had an accident while leading some horses out of a corral. My memory was thankfully erased by the concussion, but somehow I got my head stepped on by one of my friends… 30 stitches, 10 staples, fractured skull and broken collar bone....

From Church to Kingdom and Back

The Video is here. The biggest “motivator” for every Christian is experiencing God’s presence and power (in the church) and then getting the invitation to walk with the Father to do even greater works (in the Kingdom). The church is an incubator for new believers and...

Recovering Masculinity

The video is here. The theatrics of presidential politics is always highly entertaining. This year the spirit behind the candidates is particularly revealing in the level of emotion that it sparks in the debate. Both sides are talking way more than listening, and have...

The Spirit Behind Intimidation

The video is here. One of my experiences in doing great exploits in confidence, feeling the sense of God’s presence, and being so excited, grateful, zealous… is that if something goes wrong, the air suddenly goes out of the balloon and intimidation of the atmosphere...

How to Pick Your Battles

There is a lot swirling around in politics, nations and in the spiritual realm right now. There is a general call to prayer and to address the forces behind the attack. There is a theme of lawlessness and deception at high levels of government that has a trickle-down...

Leaders Tell Stories

The video is here. People, organizations, corporations and nations that are great are that way for reason. They have connected the dots to the reason for their existence. Organizations or people that exist merely for themselves aren’t worth leading. Idolatry of self...

Having a Right Spirit

When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” 55 But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of;  56 for the Son of Man did not come...

Recipes Don’t Work

We have all met people whom we admire. They seem to have it all going their way: something intangible that fuels them with energy, creativity, purpose and “Midas touch” results. Finances often follow such people, but their prosperity in life is much broader than...

Signs Follow

The video is here. “Signs are best meant to follow – not lead. If we are led by the Spirit our “next step” direction will most likely come in the form of a repeated desire, idea or concern that calls us to some form of action. I am alarmed by the number of people who...

He Goes Before Us

The Video is here. He is not here… He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you… Matt 28:6-7 We all make decisions and take initiatives to live. There are times when those paths feel like God is walking right with us and other times with it feels like we’re...

How to Delegate to Empower

The video is here. The practical side of working with people in any mountain starts with knowing what makes us tick. We all do exactly what’s in our hearts. We don’t do what we say and we don’t even do what we intellectually believe. Our hearts are driving the bus....

Cultivating Excellence

The video is here. Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. Dan 6:3-4 NKJV The gold – A spirit of excellence is shown in people who can always...

Kings Leverage Purpose

The video is here. We all have personal needs and face difficult circumstances… relationships, finances, rejection, etc. Much of the time we can simply go to our Father and ask, and we get the answer. As we mature in the Kingdom our lives start having more impact and...

Man of God

The video is here. The Lord gave me this for a friend, but I feel that it has an application for many of us. I think there is something in this for women as well. Recovering from Failures – You have beaten yourself up for doing things in your own strength, apart from...

Intercession For Kings

The video is here. Kings are courageous, entrepreneurial, self-starters who bless the heart of God with their initiative. While much of Christianity is passive, God has some sons and daughters who carry His favor and do exploits. We all feel the wind of His Spirit...

Experiencing the Love

The video is here. Pursuing our dream has a huge “fear of failure” quotient for all of us. The simple fact is that if we contend for our destiny and pursue our highest dreams, we will have some failures along the way. The message our hearts receive in trials, failures...

Micro Church

The video is here. Micro church is the concept of extending the ministry of traditional church into the 7 mountains. What makes a great life? First we find our purpose (in the desires of our heart), then we find our people (micro-church). The distinctions are simple:...

Identity – Who am I?

The video is here. Jesus is not just the master of servants, or the Father of sons, or the first born of many brothers. He is also the Lord of lords and King of kings. We all go through a transition from being comfortable as a faithful son who obeys the Holy Spirit....

Releasing Angels

The video is here. One of the most challenging things about being prophetic and sharing God’s heart is heartbreak. When we know something about the future, and it gets deferred or changed, the disappointment can make our heart sick (Pro 13:12). In the very same way, a...

Free to be Wise

The video is here. See prior blog, Your Father Believes in You. The beginning of wisdom – The fear (reverence) of God is the beginning of wisdom. We’ve all had the experience of doing things our own way, without seeking God, and ending up in some kind of painful dead...


The video is here. One of the anomalies I see in myself and in our culture is a tendency to focus on strategies of darkness rather than strategies of Light. The events in Paris cause us all to search for the reasons why such things happen and how to prevent them… a...

The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants

The video is here. One of the greatest paradoxes of human behavior is embraced by this quote from Emily Dickenson, made popular in a song by Selena Gomez. Our most important decisions about romance, vocation and purchases are always in tension between our intellect...

Experiencing Jesus

The video is here. We heard something new in Paris as well as the Netherlands. France spawned the age of reason and the enlightenment after the reformation. Christians have always balanced spiritual experience with sound doctrine. Intellectualism presumes our heads...

The Gateway to 7 Mountains

We usually hear something new from the Lord at each of these conferences. It gets clearer each time we try and articulate it. This time we found precious, hungry people positioned by God with a special calling to lead reformation. There is big-picture move by God to...

Having Fun

The video is here. A friend shared with me yesterday that his business was expanding into several neighboring nations and his schedule was busy, but he was having fun. In the middle of a conference in Poland 5 years ago I was with a team of businessmen in a...

Creating Value

In the course of “Releasing Kings,” one of the challenges is getting Christians to get their hands dirty with filthy lucre. Money is really just a medium of exchange, and it is neither good nor evil. In fact, all ministry costs money, so the folks who are too...

Personal Reformation

The video is here. There is a macro shift from revival to reformation happening now. The concept of getting saved and serving others for the rest of your life on earth doesn’t tap the real calling to a mountain that rests in our hearts. About 75% of young...

Leading from the Heart

There are two prior newsletters that go with this theme, Listening Skills and Putting Life in Corporate Culture. Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Prov 4:23 Message For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings...

Dreams Do Come True

  The video is here. Life is busy. Our culture doesn’t naturally get us connected with our own hearts, nor do any of our institutions teach us how. It leaves us plodding through life with no sense of destiny or purpose. We use entertainment to fill the gap in our...

Putting Life in Corporate Culture

The video is here. I have been dreaming about using the concepts of heart in the engineering company where I consult. There is an open door of invitation. Now, we have to deliver a practical approach that works in a secular, corporate setting. First step: define the...

Surviving Setbacks

The video is here. There is a belief in most of our hearts that if we are God’s kids, nothing bad will happen to us. It might be more realistic and Biblical to suggest that the Holy Spirit will lead us through a wilderness where lots of exciting things will happen....

Real Wisdom

The video is here. We all want to make wise choices that bear fruit. Revelation and wisdom are often confused in the spiritual dimension, and God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are often confused in the business dimension. So, how do we know what path is wisdom? Do not...

How to Change Your Mind

The video is here A friend put me unto a concept by Carolyn Leaf and her book, Switch on Your Brain. Neuroplasticity refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses due to changes in behavior, environment, neural processes, thinking, and emotions – as well as to...

Try Smarter not Harder

The video is here. One of the remarkable differences between people under the influence of a poverty mentality and those living in God’s abundance is knowing when to get help. Those in poverty usually believe they must make in on their own. When they encounter a...

It’s Easy to Make Money

The video is here. Fifty years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the War on Poverty. Since then, US taxpayers have spent more than $22 trillion fighting Johnson’s war, three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history. Currently in the US, about 35% of...

Welcome to Warfare

The video is here. This adventure of releasing our own hearts in the Kingdom and inviting others to do the same has led to some surprising places. For example, I’m blessed beyond measure to find that God has written in the hearts of people who do not yet know Jesus....

Sharing Your Why

The video is here. There is a sound in the Kingdom built around sharing your “why” – the real reasons for the motivations of our hearts. If we try to convince others to adopt our why, it feels disingenuous and raises the resistance we all have for a sales pitch. If...

In Christ

The video is here. One of the great keys of the Kingdom is learning to dwell “in Christ.” It is simply surrendering our agenda to be with Jesus and see what’s on His heart. That place and time is the wellspring of everything we have to give others. He who dwells in...

Crowns and Thorns

The video is here. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings… Phil 3:10 NIV If we died with him, we will also live with him; 12 if we endure, we will also reign with him. 2 Tim 2:11-12 NIV The Lamb will...

Getting Connected With Our Hearts

One of the distinctive features of followers of Jesus entering His Kingdom is that they become themselves. Religion is trying to be better than you really are. Christianity is becoming who you really are and creating an abundant lifestyle that blesses people and...

Releasing the Lion

The video is here We all have a pretty good picture of what a Christian should be like in the church mountain. What we look like in business or politics is not as clear. Our theological stereotypes don’t work when we get into our own mountain. People in business or...

Resetting Your Heart

The video is here. Making decisions – We usually think of making decisions in our mind. The western bias premised on “enlightened reasoning” is that change happens when we change our minds. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everything we say and do comes right...

Obedience Kills

The video is here. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant — not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 Cor 3:6 NIV The media has been full of stories about muslim terrorism. They believe that they are...

Living in Rest

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. 9 There remains, then, a Sabbath — rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make...

Experiencing Surrender

The video is here. The Old – Surrender means that, in the face of insurmountable odds, we raise our hands and give up. It means letting go and letting God. It means letting go of our own will, taking up our cross and letting God have His way. Instead of doing our own...

Embracing Vulnerability

When we were in Dallas last weekend sharing about Releasing Kings and hearts, I shared my own stories of tragedy and triumph. There is some fragrance that comes into our lives when we experience a death and resurrection on a personal level. Everyone there was either...

What’s on God’s Heart?

The video is here. This is a time when we all think about goals and resolutions for 2015. Having some extra time over the holidays, I decided to start the process and wasn’t getting anything too exciting. So, I asked God, “What is on your heart?” What follows is the...

The Education Mountain

The video is here. We usually put releasing Kings in the context of business and wealth creation because of my own personal bias. However, releasing hearts is a Kingdom principle that works in every mountain. Education is a great example. Since we were all full time...

Give Thanks

The video is here November and the entire year of 2014 has been a season of blessing and breakthrough. In spite of turmoil around the world, the Kingdom of God is moving forward in amazing ways. I’m thankful for God’s invitation into the Kingdom. He bought my ticket...

Intentional Creativity

The video is here. Creativity is important because great ideas give meaning to our lives and profit to our businesses. We often think of their arrival as magic and mysterious, or mundane in the sense that new ideas are just part of the planning process… or we can just...

Trading Up For Your Future

The greatest freedom in life comes from knowing our direction and making progress toward our destiny. The leverage to make an adjustment and redirect our course depends on knowing where we’re going. The sweet spot comes when we add the dimension of knowing where God...

The Lord of Hosts Is Encouraging

The video is here. When you say “Yes, Lord” to your destiny, you coincidentally sign up for some great victories and some additional warfare. A decision to be part of the Kingdom and have an influence in your mountain comes with an anointing for persistence, work and...

Hide-and-Seek in Corporate Culture

The video is here I work in a typical corporation. There are large numbers of good people in a beehive of activity and communication. Engineering, operations, and project types are well-educated and trained in the corporate culture. Most come from sixteen years of...

We Can Change the World

The video is here. Some would say, “No, you can’t change the world.” Others would say, “One person at a time, starting with me.” For those who are staying to build the Kingdom, and not leaving in the rapture, we can get started on our assignment right now. Here’s how....

Leverage in the Kingdom Part 2

The video is here. Leverage is simply the Kingdom concept of multiplication; the way God does things. Most people work for dollars per hour. The hard truth is that wealth is created when we begin to leverage what we have and develop other streams of income. That means...

Ministries of Justice

The video is here. One of the attributes of God that Jesus demonstrated is Justice. The word means fairness, also having the connotation of prosperity in the sense of restoring what has been stolen, or granting what is our inheritance. Righteousness and justice are...

The Corporate Gospel of Chairs

The video is here. You tube has several versions of the gospel in chairs. It contrasts the gospel of the early church with some of the emphasis that has crept into evangelical circles over the centuries. Harold Eberly did a version of it at his summer conference that...

Overcoming an Orphan Mentality

One of our primary themes is that the Kingdom is built upon dreams in the hearts of God’s people. We were not designed to serve another man’s dream indefinitely. It can be good for a learning season to serve under tutors and governors, but Jesus eventually leads into...


The video is here. There are a multitude of crises that feel totally out of control… Ukraine, the Middle East, our southern border. Putin feels like Hitler. Isis feels like Nazi Germany in the genocide of non-converts. Leaders talk more of appeasement than justice....

Finding Your Why

The video is here I watched a new department manager of projects introduce himself to a staff of 100 engineers. The one phrase that stuck in my mind was, “I am very results oriented.” Now project engineers, including me, tend to be results oriented anyway, so the...

Only Believe

We all face issues in life that are beyond our ability to control or even to foresee. Our role in the Kingdom is volunteering to initiate something that is not possible to complete without God’s intervention. Faith always feels a little farther out on the limb than we...

Relational Leaders

The video is here Business schools and MBA programs are typically staffed with instructors who have never owned a business and never will. It’s a symptom of our culture. One of the primary areas of failure in leadership, mentoring, management, and education is trying...

Signs, Wonders and Cash Flow

The video is here. One of the needs of our hearts is to know that God’s favor is going with us. We can put our hand to the plow of our life’s work for a season, but our heart is always asking the question, “Is God really in this?” Instead of quieting that question, we...

Wealth Creation

The Video is here. Helping people to make a connection with their heart and purpose in the Kingdom isn’t theoretical or just theological. Dreams come true when we connect our heart’s desires with our vocation and cash flow. One of the failure points of counseling,...

Free to Choose

What a great time to be alive and have the opportunity to build God’s Kingdom on Earth. Although we can see revival popping up sporadically around the world, there is a larger sense of Kingdom transformation in the nations. The warfare is at a level higher as well,...

The Gospel of being Chosen

The Video is here. This video departs from the newsletter so I recommend you watch it (10 min). This trip to Poland and Denmark consisted of a 7 Mountains conference, two Heart Plan workshops, a church service and a dozen meetings with Kings operating in different...

Is My Dream Too Big?

The video is here. Over the last two weeks we had the privilege of helping several dozen people in Poland and Denmark to get in touch with themselves and the dream that God wrote in their hearts (Heart Plan Workshops). It’s really a process of hearing God and...

Raising Kingdom Kids

Teaching our children to follow us as we follow Jesus is not a small challenge. Believing parents do take it seriously, but for most, when the kids are all grown, we can look back on some serious mistakes and mixed results. The current generation of young adults in...

We Are Not Equal

The video version of the blog is here. As the Kingdom of God unfolds around the world, we are watching people occupy their roles in different mountains. We are seeing great victories and great warfare at the same time. Equality is one of the ideological and spiritual...

Connecting With Our Heart

The video is here. One of the most profound ingredients of “Kingdom” is making the transition from servant to friend in our relationship with Jesus. God is walking us all through this transition to Kingdom by teaching us how to connect with what He’s already written...

He Is Still Alive

The video version of this blog is here The concepts of market place ministry and finding your 7-mountain role is embedded in the gospel of the Kingdom. We are saved through Jesus’ death and resurrection, but the invitation into the Kingdom goes beyond an invitation to...

7 Kingdom Strategies

The video for this blog is here. God is pointing us toward revival, intentional reformation, and Kingdom, and He’s inviting us to be more practical and strategic. Waiting on God and prayer are good and essential, but the Lord is inviting us to implement our prayer in...

Ideas That Have Legs

The video version of this newsletter is here. With the advent of social media, viral ideas have the ability to travel the world at a much faster pace. The Utopian theory is that this global exchange of ideas would foster enlightenment and unity around the world… I...

Filling the Leadership Vacuum

I’ve met some great people in our travels to Poland and I want to introduce you to one of them. John Godson is a member of the Polish Parliament. He’s a great example of a King in the political mountain with an apostolic gift to raise up some sons and daughters....

Leveraging the Kingdom Part 1

The video for this blog is here. One of our Releasing Kings coaches sent me a 10 minute video by Daniel Pink on his book, Drive. It’s really good! His thesis has to do with what motivates people to be creative or productive… at work, in life, everywhere. He found that...

Preparing Our Hearts For Victories

The video is here I am amazed at the sudden changes in Ukraine. It feels like there may be no place for corruption to hide. Friends over there are proud, cautiously optimistic, and determined. Here is a translation of a face book reflection from one of our friends who...

Choose Yourself

The video is here. The greatest trade mark of making the transition from servant to King is the sense of having a Father and being chosen by Him. The Gospel of Being Chosen for fellowship with God and to share in what the Father is doing touches us deeply in our...

Having a Teachable Heart

The video is here Becoming a King in the sense of fulfilling your destiny and living at a level of abundance that allows you to bless others is no accident. There is a connection between the wisdom, wealth, Kingdom ministry and a teachable heart. The good news is that...

Intentional Graduations

The video for this newsletter is here. I see this cycle in institutions (church, government, business, etc.): 1) People are drawn to the cause or opportunity in the institution, 2) they are mentored or discipled into the organizational values, 3) they mature and...

Start Before You Are Ready

The video is here. Successful people start before they feel ready. The key: they respond to their heart’s passions with action before their mind can list all the reasons why not. It’s important to understand the difference between heart and mind. Our public schools...

11th Hour Disciples

The video version is here. Sometimes the Lord gives a verse number and lets me go look it up. This time I was praying about 2014 and went to Mt 20:14… the 11th hour disciples. Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Matt...

The Wisdom of Judgment

The video version of this newsletter is here. Getting engaged in your heart’s desire and mountain leads us straight in to the “go” portion of the great commission, and we find ourselves working in the middle of our cultures instead of just with believers. That means...

Fathers and Managers

The video version of this newsletter is here. The emphasis on Kingdom influence in our culture is something the Lord is speaking in all of our hearts. One response is to focus on the shortcomings of the church. It’s a negative point and I don’t find diminishing the...


The video is here. Results make many believers a little nervous because it’s close to “works”… also known as dead works. We’ve all worked with people driven by a religious or workaholic zeal toward rules that were supposed to lead to results. The lack of relationship...

Commerce and the Kingdom

The video version is here. Helping people to make a connection with their heart and purpose in the Kingdom isn’t theoretical or just theological. Dreams come true when we connect our heart’s desires with our vocation and cash flow. One of the failure points of...

Corporate Heart Plans

The video introduction to this newsletter is here. The concept of getting in touch with our heart’s desires and finding our Kingdom purpose has an amazing impact in individual lives. It puts us on the team of making disciples of nations and the kind of reformation...

Strategies of the Heart

The video version is here. Getting to travel to different nations and compare notes with others in the Kingdom is very insightful. God’s building His Kingdom at macro level and on a personal level. At the top there are large initiatives for prayer, evangelism,...

10 New Things in the Kingdom

The video version is here There are some great changes happening right now. As with every historic move, the old is passing away and the new is beginning to appear. It’s always a birthing process that is painful and glorious at the same time. 1. Hearts are being...

Thankful for His Presence

The video Version is here. God is always present; the earth is really already full of His Glory. We just don’t always feel or see Him. Most people believe that you can’t really experience God’s presence in this life… that is until they actually experience it. Then...

Send Me!

The video version of this blog is here. When we are saved and filled with God’s Spirit there is a very natural desire in our hearts to please the Father. When we are new in the Lord we want to serve Him and obey him. As we mature our initiatives our more Kingly and...

From Orphan to King

The video version of this newsletter is here. Learning to be a King in God’s Kingdom is all about relating to the Father in the sense of co-laboring with Him. We are not saved by our works. Kingdom comes after salvation issues have long been settled. We are God’s...

The Spirit of Wisdom

The video version of this newsletter is here. Last week we dreamed about going from Revival to Reformation: How do I take the presence of God into my own mountain? We have a mental image of what revival might look like in a church meeting setting. But what does it...

From Revival to Reformation

The video version of this blog is here. We’re on our way to Releasing Kings in the Netherlands and Poland in a month. Friends have reported evidence of revival in England, Finland, Denmark, and Germany. My sense is that all of Western Europe is ripe for such a...

Change of Heart

The video version of this newsletter is here. Much of the secular coaching profession as well as pulpit preaching is centered on managing what we think, say and do. Linking attitudes with behaviors and emotions is a popular theme in both camps. The concept is that if...

The Dilemma of Desire

The video version of this newsletter is here. “Many people find that the dilemma of desire is too much to live with, and so they abandon, they disown their desire. This is certainly true of a majority of Christians at present. Somehow we believe that we can get on...

Kingdom Creativity

The video version of this newsletter is here. The concepts of being spiritually fruitful and financially profitable both have roots in crafting value for others via a creative process that is being emphasized in the Kingdom right now. People tire of retreading...

The Mind of a Servant or the Heart of a King

The video version of this news letter is here. The paradox in the mind of every Christian is reconciling the incredible promises of God versus our own personal experience. Healing and wealth creation are two of the larger battlefronts. Jesus didn’t tell us to pray for...

Adding the Multiplier

The audio version of this blog is here. Pray with is for the next Releasing Kings conference in Europe. One of the challenges for Kings is integrating their faith in the real world in a way that results in real progress, profit and ministry. There is a whole school of...

Letting Your Heart Breathe

The video version of this newsletter is here. Choosing Life – Releasing Kings is really fun right now. The wind is at our back and the enemy is in our face. All over the world, a mighty army is waking up to a breath of fresh air that is bringing life and vitality and...

You Get What You Preach

The video is here. There is a shift happening among many believers in terms of the message that they are hearing. Said from the other perspective, the gospel of sin management or the gospel of salvation is being expanded to the gospel of the Kingdom. We are not...

Replacing the Sin Management Model of the Gospel

You can watch the video here. When we first experience Jesus in our hearts we are all naturally drawn to want to cultivate our obedience and elevate His lordship in our lives. It’s natural and healthy to want to please the father. Most of us struggle to get through...

RU Entrepreneurial? – 13 Ways to Check

Have you ever wished you could be more creative and personable?  The kind of person that can invent new things are spark new ideas when they connect with other people.  What does it mean to have that entrepreneurial spirit?  You’ll find out in the next few...

Releasing the Fragrance

The concept of releasing Kings is all about defining your dream and seeing it come true in a way that displays something of your destiny in the Kingdom. It’s a Jailbreak on a personal level and it makes a real contribution at the Kingdom level – making disciples of...

The Political Christian

I watched the news with glee on July 3rd when 33 million Egyptian men and women took to the streets to overthrow an oppressive Islamic government. An entire nation was being swallowed whole with loss of personal freedom and the degradation of their economy. It had...

Transforming Relationships

You can watch the video here. We live in the information age, and our concepts of how to change are usually skewed a bit by not being in touch with our own hearts. Both the marketing world and the church have adopted an informational approach to personal...

Depression of the Heart

We were designed to have fellowship with God and to experience His presence, and to dream and see those dreams come true. The path of life can lead us through great challenges in both of those areas, and when we go through a valley it really does feel like depression....

What to Do While You Wait on God

The traditional answer is, “nothing.” I want to suggest that the correct answer is “everything.” Collaborating with the Father in the Kingdom means that we do our part and God does His. He really is a miraculous participant in our lives. He really does intervene,...

The Leverage of Love

I recently updated my own goals and plans, shared them with eight friends and got back some valuable input through the process. These folks genuinely cared about me and my vision, and went out of their way to offer some practical and prophetic suggestions. It felt...

An Apostolic Age

The concept of revival is typically in the context of churches or church meetings. Everyone, including me, is very positive on the concept of revival because no one can resist falling in love with the presence of God that goes with it. Revival is real and genuine. We...

The Perfect Law of Liberty

We shared great article on How to Connect With Your Own Heart. This week let’s focus on how you can release the freedom that comes with being a King in touch with our own heart. The implication of heart is that we have a plan in place to make our own dream come true,...

Trusting Your Intuition

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.       Heb 5:14 KJV Afraid to trust my heart – I was raised on a ranch and educated as an engineer.  A practical, logical,...

Metrics For Coaching

I love the concept of coaching at a heart level. It releases Kings and sets captives free in amazing ways. At the same time, coaching, books, and conferences that don’t produce real fruit are a reality, even in the Christian community. So why don’t we measure the...

Our Deepest Heart’s Desire

The greatest pearl of the Kingdom is the realization that God has written His desires on our hearts. We all reach a stage in the transition from servant to King when we have to choose to pursue our heart’s desire instead of a shopping list of do’s and don’ts....


The video is here. It’s surprisingly easy to tell when people are being real and genuine. You don’t have to be prophetic or even a Christian to discern authenticity in people. It’s a huge value in every culture. The most common and credible criticism of religion is...

The Great Omission

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Ps 2:8 NIV Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… Matt 28:19 NIV As we have cultivated the concept of Releasing Kings for Marketplace Ministry through books,...

The Heart of Profit

Believers who are past the guilt of whether to prosper are currently in the “So how do I make money?” stage. It’s a great question because all dreams have one common ingredient: they cost money. We could define our dreams so they didn’t cost money and we would find...

Things We Substitute for Heart’s Desire

We are just entering a season where God’s people are beginning to grasp that His will can be found in the desires of our own hearts. That’s how we define a King. Traditionally, doing God’s business was always presumed to be sacrificing my will and picking up the cross...

Choosing Between a Diet and a Dream

God is graduating believers into the Kingdom right now. I hear many stories of both excitement and travail. We have all been discipled in a concept of holding ourselves accountable to live up to certain standards. Two things eventually happen after some amount of time...

The Heart of Profit (2)

If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks.  19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything.  20 Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because...

Managing Imagination

A tool of destiny – I want to suggest that our imagination is one of the ways that we discover our Kingdom purpose (aka the will of God). Here’s how it works: imagination or meditation is our journey through the desires of our heart to find the desires on God’s heart....

Finding Your Open Door

In my own life and the lives of all my friends, we are wrestling with finding an open door. Or, if a door has opened, how do we manage the flood of blessing and adversity that goes with it? Many hearts are longing for a door to open. Some don’t even know what door to...

Making the News

Bad news – I periodically succumb to cynicism from the steady drum beat of bad news in our culture. A national arrogance that denies God’s calling, prayerless public schools that rank 26th in the world, poverty and the murder rate in inner cities, 60 million...

Stewards and Superstars

In the course of pursuing dreams and experiencing the desires of our hearts, we all weigh the concepts of being a faithful steward of what God has for us and experiencing the fruit of God’s intervention in our lives. Stewards emphasize discipline, wisdom and...

Mystical Poverty

It’s a little surprising, in the political landscape of our day, that wealth and wealthy people are being categorically demonized. Greed and corruption do make headlines, but those errors are more present in poverty than wealth. When we look for the roots of our...

Trajectories of the Heart

In the world of coaching, psychology and self-help there is a truth that goes something like this: “People who believe they are ‘worthy’ have a strong sense of relational connection, love, and feel they belong.” These people can embrace their vulnerability and become...

A Light in the Darkness

One of the themes for 2013 that resonates in my heart is that we will see increasing darkness and increasing light at the same time. At some level that’s always been true, but it’s easy to see our social and political landscape darken in America while the Kingdom gets...

From Chaos to Kairos

The rate of change in our society and in the Kingdom is astounding right now. Waiting 2 years for a cell phone contract to expire means watching 50 models introduced – all better than the one I just bought. 2012 was a year of total chaos for Sue and me. In the summer...

Plans of the Heart; Steps from the Lord

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov 16:9 NIV We are in an amazing spiritual season right now. Every few days there is a new shaking in some part of the world that ignites the passions or fears in the hearts of people. As 2013...

Immanuel – God With Us

The essential message of Christmas is that God chose to come and dwell with man. Jesus was not a “fall guy,” an angel or even a son in the sense of being someone other than God. Jesus is God in a way that humans cannot adequately explain. As CS Lewis said, it...

Thy vs My Will Be Done

CS Lewis is one of my favorite authors and yesterday I posted this quote on FaceBook. There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to who God say, in the end, “Thy will be done.”  CS Lewis I originally though he...

From Parables to Profits

We are in an amazing hour of transition. I believe it’s for the better. Even though our economy approaches a cliff, as are many personal accounts, something new is being birthed in the hearts of Kingdom people. We should see it and cooperate with it. On a good day I...


The recent election, the fiscal cliff, world events, and the political and spiritual climate leave our hearts wondering where God is in all these events. We’ve listed every answer floating to the surface because many of those same theological choices are being...

Hang on to Your Heart

The Gospel of Salvation – We all have roots in the gospel of salvation; Jesus died for our sins and, if we accept his sacrifice and ask his forgiveness, we can be saved. People in desperate straits are indeed forgiven and heaven is their destination. When we translate...

Out of Control

The concept of being “out of control” isn’t a particularly comforting thought. It translates to something about our health or finances or a relationship that has gone wrong and we are stuck in an unpleasant circumstance. It happens to all of us. I also want to suggest...

Proclaiming Favor

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me… to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19 NIV The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me… to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God   Isa 61:1-2 NIV Faith for...

Dreams and the Ability to Produce Wealth

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18  NIV Money is a tool – People can get entangled in the love of money, but the honest...

The Wisdom of Patience

A man’s wisdom gives him patience… Prov 19:11 NIV The Spirit of Wisdom – The Shack is a fictional book that I really enjoyed, in which the main character meets God. It’s a book that warms your heart and scares your mind. One of the things I enjoyed most was the...

Learning to Rule and Reign

From servant to King – There is a huge emotional jailbreak that occurs when we get the concept of moving from servant to King. The folks in Baltimore got it, and the next question that usually comes up is, “How do I channel this relational concept of God now allowing...

Loving Baltimore

We were in Baltimore, MD for a conference this last weekend. There is something about live conferences with new people that is really fun. Connecting people with their hearts causes them to connect with Jesus in a whole new way. They go from servant to King. I’m using...

From Casualty to Conqueror

Whenever I meet one of those wise old sages of business or management, I am continually impressed by the resiliency: their ability to resurrect from impossible setbacks. There is a reason that they do come back. It’s right between their ears – the attitude of their...

Enjoy the Ride

There is a place in our walk with Jesus where we are carried by the winds of the Kingdom and all we have to do is put up our sails. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 NKJV Brokenness – When we first get saved we...

Tested Until We Trust

Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. Ps 105:19 KJV When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. Matt 13:21 NIV This is an amazing season of testing for those pursuing the Kingdom in the marketplace. Many...

7 Keys to Tapping the Wealth Within

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18  NIV For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for...

When the Heavens are Brass

The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron. Deut 28:23 NIV There are times in our walk when prayers feel like they are going unanswered or we are just too discouraged to spend time in prayer. We’ve also experienced the mountain tops when...

7 Reasons to Believe in Yourself

“It’s about believing in yourself, your God-given ability and your work ethic.” Tim Tibow Who we are, what we become and what we do come right out of our hearts. At a subconscious or heart level, we irrevocably march toward what our hearts believe about ourselves. It...

Why Children Talk to Themselves

Under the age of 10, children freely talk to themselves without inhibition. They are free from the boundaries that prevent the expression of their hearts. As we grow older and become more educated, we distance ourselves from our hearts and dwell more in our minds...


The Olympics are a great showcase of human competition, victory and defeat. Every athlete competes with the best in the world, with full knowledge they may not win. Yet, they are able to give their best effort toward their desire. One wins, two more medal and the rest...

Waiting Patiently for God

The first ingredient for being a King and seeing the Kingdom of God is sharing a sense of destiny in Christ. That means we have a vision or heart’s desire… some design for our future. When we really find that place of intersection between our heart’s desire and God’s...

Is There a Cause?

Connecting our hearts with a real Kingdom purpose is a key to Releasing Kings. Seeing our future is the faith that motivates enthusiasm, a work ethic, creativity, fruit, and wealth multiplication. It’s very easy to get in a rut of working a job that pays the bills but...

Apocalyptic Thinking

Whether people are left or right, secular and religious, there is a trend in America right now to think that the sky is falling. I read The Last Myth by Gross and Gilles. They make an excellent point about what apocalyptic thinking tells us about America. The topics...

The Next Level

“3 steps to connect with your own heart” –          Stop living someone else’s script –          Become yourself (the way you were designed) –          Build the bridge between vocation and ministry –          Get started on the dream God put in your heart Where is...

The Justice of Restoration

Justice is coming – The night is darkest just before the dawn. We are prophetically on the eve of new levels of creativity, opportunity and fruit. Yet, our experience is navigating the present darkness and attack against our dreams. The reason we guard our hearts is...

Experiencing Resurrection

The first step – We have all heard stories of millionaires having a history of bankruptcies and failures before they reach their dream. I want to suggest that there is a principle in the spirit by which God prunes, kills, shakes or breaks off things in our lives so...

Struggling or Strategizing

Why are people struggling? – There is an amazing phenomenon in the Kingdom called “seasons.” When God is doing something, we all can feel it and taste it and usually experience it. I’ve experienced loss, and when I look around I see some of my friends are experiencing...

The What, Why, and How of Life

“What” – Life has a purpose – The most fundamental question we ask in life is, “What’s my purpose?” Even if you don’t ask it overtly, your heart is searching for the reason in subconscious ways. I’ve heard believers say that it’s to glorify God. I’m not sure what that...

The Father’s Coaching Heart

We are all discipled through personal relationships. I’ve invested 40+ years in traditional services, conferences and classes, have written two books, preached in my own church for 13 years, and this newsletter is approaching number 400 over the last eight years. All...

Doors and Keys

Kings share one common phenomenon, particularly in this present hour: we are all contending for our inheritance and pursuing a dream. Servants content themselves with the blessed hope of heaven. Kings are focused on building the Kingdom here and now. That Kingdom...

Showing Ourselves To Be His Disciples

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8 NIV Adding a Kingdom perspective to our traditional church discipleship process has some profound implications, not just for others, but for you and me. We want to...

Shaking and Baking

The video version of this newsletter is here. Kingdom shaking – One of the realities of living in the Kingdom is that we sign up for both great victories and great battles that are bigger than we are. Many Kings are tasting a level of resistance, warfare or testing...

Learning to Stand

Sit, Walk, Stand – I love the progression of maturity in Ephesians. First we’re seated with Christ, second we learn to walk with Him, and finally we learn to stand in our inheritance. Normally we think of having to attain or accomplish something to achieve our...

Experiencing Praise

The video version of this newsletter is here.I have often heard of the concept of praise as means of releasing God’s power. Israel toppled the walls of Jericho by simply marching and praising, and Paul and Silas praised their way to an earthquake that opened the...


The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. I’ve been in several group retreats where we take a DISC profile (Personality assessment) and divide up into groups for discussion. One of the four traits is an “S” for stabilizing. When I place myself in...


Ashamed of it, or filled with it? Kings are “quietly” entrepreneurial, courageous, powerful, competitive, adventurous, visionary and generous. They leverage their success to make others successful. Instead of creating followers, they are leaders who create more...

My Dream Isn’t Here Yet

I received a comment on a last week’s newsletter that is very relevant. Many are going through a phase where aspects (or all) of our dream hasn’t arrived yet. Welcome to the club. I thought this articulated one of the excesses we can fall into: pursuing a legitimate...

When Fear Comes Knocking

One of the realities of life is that things do go wrong occasionally and we have to make wise adjustments. The first choice involved is deciding to move. The consequence of fear is that it tends to immobilize us; our response is to surrender and curl up in the fetal...

Going Viral

We touched His glory this weekend at a Releasing Kings conference. Like breaking the alabaster box and releasing the fragrance, we released some of His glory from within the saints. We’ll never know the full ramifications until heaven. My heart is full and satisfied...

The Purpose of the Church

I actually think the church is healthy and growing worldwide. It is popular, and somewhat appropriate, to “bash” religion right now. Old wineskins are continually being exchanged for new and that process has historically been painful and contentious. What is...

Meditation – Exercising Your Heart

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17) It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of...

Choosing a Path Of Life

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Vacations Back in Egypt

The Promised land – Let’s try to define the promised land in modern terms relevant to the Kingdom: 1) Living the desire of your heart and releasing the creativity, initiative, and entrepreneurial spirit that naturally flows with enthusiasm. 2) Knowing that your dream...

Things I Learned in Debtors Prison

Going through a financial test is like living in the Promised Land and going back to Egypt for vacation. The good news is that I’ve learned a few things, and the Lord nudged me in the sense that He’s redeeming some lessons out of this season. Kings live and rule and...

A Season for Wisdom

The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is...

Fathers Who Connect

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Cultivating Charisma

The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. We wrote about seven ramifications of being in touch with your own heart’s desires in A Kingdom Primer. There is one more – charisma. People in touch with their own hearts have a freedom that resonates in...

The Best Defense

A good friend sent me this message as a prophetic admonition. I thought it was very relevant and decided to share it in this newsletter. The Lord has a significant plan for the message that you carry and it is being sharpened to have even more penetration in the days...

A Kingdom Primer

The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. David Tinney and I did four conferences in Gdansk, Warsaw, Lutsk, and Rotterdam in November. My heart is thrilled with the fruit. We explained Releasing Kings in conference settings, personal...

The Ten Virgins

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Discovering the Kingdom Within

The video version of this newsletter is also available. Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as...

Ideas Create Wealth

Wealth Creation – A door is open for Kings to create wealth. We don’t preach so much as we do it. I’ve come to the place where I believe (for Kings) that creating wealth is a spiritual discipline that ranks right up there with prayer. We can use money in this life as...


Results oriented – I was raised on a ranch in Montana where we learned how to get things done. From there I spent a career in engineering where the focus was on cost, scope and schedule. I measured my own self worth and that of others by the ability to get results....

Playing Above Your Head

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I will be discussing Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. One of my favorite places in worship is when the songs, musicians, and God’s people are swept up in the...


I don’t think it’s possible to understand freedom apart from the freedom we have in Christ. Once a man has tasted the freedom of heart that Jesus gives, he can never again by enslaved by tyranny. Our founders understood the connection between the heart of God and the...

Just Do You

People that are really fulfilled in their work and ministry have two ingredients that propel them into excellence, promotion, and effectiveness: they are self-aware and authentic. They understand what their own gifts and talents are as well as their weak areas....

From Entitlement to Initiative

Now that world economies are slowing down, entitlements are being threatened. There is also a theory that riots in the UK and other countries have roots in the government providing inadequate care for those trained to depend on entitlements. The reality is that...

Stop Driving the Church Bus

In the course of encouraging Kings to be entrepreneurial and take their Kingdom land, I run into people new to these truths who are frustrated with their local church. The idea of giving your heart permission to go out and create wealth, have fun, love people, and...

About Sacrifice

The world economy is in some disarray, so we hear a lot about paying the national debt through “shared sacrifice” which means the government would like more of your money. We’ve been spending trillions to bail out everything from banks to nations, so now we’re running...

Adding Substance to Your Dream

It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It is the one who won’t be taken who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live. From The Rose Secular writers...

Hearing Hearts

I heard your heart – Once we learn to hear our own heart’s desires, we start a process of learning to distinguish between our hearts and our minds. When I say “heart,” I’m referring to a deeper level; “subconscious” or “spirit” may also be terms we could use to...

Go There

We share a lot on pursuing the desire of your heart. It’s the key to life and motivation. Some don’t believe we can trust the desires of our hearts due to the past emphasis on human depravity – a belief that our hearts are evil (desperately wicked). God has placed his...

Heirs Together

Marriage is a great example of a relationship where the union is greater than the sum of the parts. Life is all about finding the people with whom we’re called to work, and enjoying the ride. The original couple was created to 1) be fruitful, 2) multiply, and 3) have...

Teamwork to Make Your Dream Work

Dreams with a chance to succeed have two ingredients: a plan to create wealth and the necessary help to implement them. People in poverty tend to miss both the money and the support system. They tend to think in terms of working alone. Wealthy people navigate the...

Like a Child

One of the secrets to fulfilling our Kingdom and Kingly destiny is becoming child-like. When we were little, our philosophy of life was going after whatever we wanted. We would crawl or waddle over to the desired object and simply grasp for it. If we couldn’t get it,...

The Price of Success

Most of us have heroes or role models whom we consider successful. Last week we discussed the role of passion in finding our personal calling or purpose in life (Passion is in Fashion). This week we want to make it a little more practical and outline eight simple...

Passion is in Fashion

There is a shift in the Kingdom that allows Kings to embrace their passion. We are all attracted to public figures in music, sports, business, or politics who are passionate. They love what they do; they are really good at it, and their level of fervor, enthusiasm and...

Sowing for a Resurrection

It’s bad – the news media and the prophetic camp are having a feeding frenzy on the dire US and world economy. In the US, we tax 2.2T and borrow money so that we can spend 3.5T. That’s bad enough, but every year we spend more. Other nations have similar issues, so...

Entering Rest

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. 9 There remains, then, a Sabbath — rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make...

From Poland with Love

Our Releasing Kings business conferences in Warsaw and Gdansk exceeded our expectations in many ways. We got to stay in homes and re-connect with people we met in Warsaw in November. We also saw the progress of business men and women who were saved at the last...

The Increase of His Kingdom

Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. Isa 9:7 NIV The “Chicken Little” mentality – I have lived all of my life under the threat of catastrophe…. over-population, nuclear winter, peak oil, acid rain, global cooling, ozone layer depletion,...

Discipling Nations Starts With Me

Living paycheck to paycheck – One of the interesting realities of life is that most of us just spend all the money we make working at a job. It’s called “living from paycheck to paycheck.” Unions are fighting for better job benefits, but it’s really a losing battle....

Standing in the Gap

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then… Eph 6:13-14 NIV Judgment – Believers are focusing on much that is wrong morally and...

How Change Happens

Information and Motivation – Have you ever been to a motivational seminar? …where you see the possibility for something brand new? Then we go home with our new knowledge and excitement and it lasts until our first encounter with our old lifestyle, whereupon it...

Created for Success

You win – Just like airplanes are designed to fly, God created you to succeed. Most of us have experienced enough failure in life or our upbringing that our computers are programmed to doubt that we can succeed. However, you can overwrite the negative software if you...

Connecting Disciples with Their Hearts

Guilt vs. dream motivation – I want to offer a simple premise about motivation. Guilt can be a good short-term motivation to stop doing the wrong thing. However, guilt can’t be used as a motivator to do the right thing.  It just doesn’t last. People who do reach their...

The Next Great Idea

Creativity – I interviewed Andrew Ferguson, a business CEO, who has an amazing story. One of the things he mentioned was very profound. Andrew has been through an amazing number of ups and downs. He learned that failing in a business is not the “end” of an...

Thy Kingdom Come

Which Great Commission? – I was recently sharing in a local church about life purpose and a lady explained that, “Our purpose is to lead others to Jesus.” I hadn’t thought about it for years, but that used to be exactly my belief. If you asked me to recite the great...

Thy Kingdom Come – Part 2

Which Great Commission? – I was recently sharing in a local church about life purpose and a lady explained that, “Our purpose is to lead others to Jesus.” I hadn’t thought about it for years, but that used to be exactly my belief. If you asked me to recite the great...


Extraordinary – Moving Up from the Mediocre Mindset Average is safe – I’m fascinated by the things that hold us back from achieving our full potential. One of the most common failure scenarios is resting once you get to average. Many use sabotage to achieve...

The Gospel of the Kingdom

I have one more insight regarding Warsaw. Our business conferences “accidentally” resulted in 30-40 salvations. The Lord spoke something into my heart regarding why it happened. This newsletter is an introduction to Kings and the Gospel of the Kingdom. It’s worth...

Whats Next for Kings

I saw something at our conference in Warsaw that amazed me. Of the 30-40 people that were saved (at a business conference!), many represented very successful businesses that are already influential in the city. Our church tradition is to rescue dysfunctional people...

Have Fun, Make Money, and Love People

My personal journey toward marketplace ministry and this Kingly mindset started with four aspects of theology, and it changed my perspective on being entrepreneurial and contending for the Kingdom. We carefully wrote about these four topics in Releasing Kings, part 2....

Free Markets

Where the Spirit of the Lord is… There are Free Markets The Great Commission – We all subscribe to the goal of preaching the gospel to all men and making disciples of all nations (Mark 28:19, Gen 12-2-3). We stress evangelism and missions and we see the Lord moving...


Breaking Poverty – We all want to help the poor. It’s a Biblical mandate that strikes close to home. We’ve all been in situations where we needed someone else’s encouragement and help to make it. Bearing one another’s burdens is a real expression of love. Kings should...

The Spiritual Roots of Capitalism

Opportunity – Christians on the left and right share a desire to help the needy and give everyone an opportunity for education. The political arguments are really about how we can best do that. As you are reading this newsletter the United States will be 13 trillion...

Goals That Overflow

Fish or fisherman – We all have desires and aspirations. Some of us even have goals written down. Why is it that some people seem to have an ability to create wealth and others don’t? There is even a political movement that concludes this scenario is unfair and wealth...

From Pew to Palace

First Love – When I first got saved the feeling of being known and loved and accepted by God was amazing. When I first found a church home I loved the feeling of God’s presence sweeping over the congregation. We soared like eagles in worship and the prophetic. Finding...

When Kings Get Drunk

Learning to drink – In 1995 Sue and I went back to Toronto to the Airport Vineyard to catch an outpouring… there were meetings six nights a week and people were there from at least 60 different nations. Our congregation was glad to see me go; and to some degree pushed...

Heart Exercise

exercise thyself rather unto godliness.  1 Tim 4:7 KJV But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Heb 5:14 KJV Mind vs. Heart – Western Christianity is prone to...

Viral Leadership

This week we’re expanding on a theme that started with last week’s newsletter (Independence Day) and a book entitled The Starfish and the Spider. Both are worth a minute to follow the links. Blessing the Nations – marketplace ministry adds a new dimension to the great...

Use Your Words

Affirmations – An affirmation is simply a declaration or proclamation that something is true. Coaching and the new age movement have borrowed the concept from the context of Biblical Christianity to help people change or get what they want… “I am a millionaire.” I...

Viral Discipleship

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matt 28:19-20 NIV Discipling Nations – We’ve recently come to the realization...

You Can Dream

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they...