This blog is a series of four, on Kingdom Business Coaching:

#1. What Can Kingdom Business Coaching Do For Me?
#2. Why Coaching Can Help Nail Your Purpose
#3. What Happens After Coaching?
#4. Awakening: Why Sonship is Key to Reformation


Jonathan is a marketing maestro at the forefront of a Reformation in Marketing. He is partnered with Nina Brennan in a thriving business called Scaling Lean. Jonathan is leading a transition out of the “Cheesy Lack,” in traditional marketing and into the Kingdom abundance of sons. Businesspeople are gathering into their marketing community because of integrity and value – their marketing pays for itself many times over. It’s magnetic because its relational and real; it has radical transparency, and it’s built on real purpose and personal stories that pull people through their “valley of despair” into their Path of Life. They are pulling people out of introversion and frustration into all nine facets of their Identity, Story, Purpose, Strategy, Tactics, Heritage, Courage, Clarity, and Culture. Unwrapping the new purpose and direction is a process, more of an invitation to work together than a sale. Scaling Lean is a catalyst for businesses to get on their Hero’s Journey.

Johnathan is leading people into seeing and branding their bright future.

  • To articulate it in the same language God is already speaking to them about; the promise that pulls us into Father’s purpose
  • Instead of marketing the perceived lack that drives us into a get-my-needs-met-and-pain-resolved marketing message and the carnal temptations that go with introversion.

Johnathan’s Roadmap is a great example that came into focus with John’s help.

Why Coaching Can Help You Nail Your Purpose

Why are clients excited about their progress? We use a conversational template to discern the purpose that really motivates you. It’s also the one God wrote in your heart, so we invite His input as well.

Secular vision casting is done in the echo chamber of personal aspirations. Hearing the god-of-the-universeand setting goals usually degenerates to hearing and doing whatever we want. An outside voice adds objectivity and protects us from our law-of-attraction to self-inflicted dead ends and dead works.

Kingdom Purpose gives direction to aspirations, grounding our identity in Father’s larger cause and in the desires He wrote in our hearts. Finding the overlap between your heart and God’s heart opens doors in the spirit and in your business. We’re releasing sons who know how to co-labor with their Father on a shared purpose, not monks with no individual purpose or corporate narcissists who only see their own purpose.

Recently we made some great progress in the second session with a business client. His comment was “I couldn’t have done this without your help.”   There were two helpers present, I was one, but Father was the third party, and we did get the best inputs, confirmations from Him.

#1).  The Phrase – When it’s right, the purpose phrases we come up with have prophetic juice on them. We can both tell, and we can both feel the resonance… that this is right, it’s true, it fits!

#2).  The Juice – Clients always express their appreciation. They can feel the value of the 1-on-1 interaction. They can sense the spiritual dynamic, but usually can’t put words to it, other than noticing the juice or the fit on what we write down.

#3).  The Ownership – The purpose and implementation strategies in life and business fit so well, they regard the direction as their own, because it is. Father imparts it into their hearts as part of the experience of hearing His voice themselves and translating their purpose into action.

#4).  The Co-laboring – The biggest coaching successes aren’t attributed to the coach. Clients come away feeling like they discovered something about themselves (their identity, story, purpose, strategy, tactics, heritage, courage, clarity, and culture). They got it from God, not the coach! They saw the “fit” in their own hearts and got ignited by their path to co-labor with their Father.

Here’s How – Would you like help nailing your purpose?

There are two ways to get started.

  • If you’re drawn to the 1-on-1, schedule a Zoom on John’s Calander.
    – Our specialty is Kingdom Business leaders and their staff cultures
    – We have a network of coaches who can help with management, culture, & cash flow

In summary, we’re helping people answer questions that are already on their hearts.

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