I was introduced to ascension at a financial and spiritual low point. We had barely dodged a bankruptcy and we’re needing a decade or two to dig our way out. Courts of Heaven sounded a bit mystical in 2017, but a friend of a friend took me on despite my reservations. I was privately desperate, but not necessarily open to what appeared to be a fringe movement!
The experience wasn’t an immediate breakthrough, but I was impressed with the seer gifting and the prophetic aspect was familiar territory. Something did shift and I arranged similar sessions for friends of mine for the next two years. The Council grew out of that experience. Prayer used to be 5 minutes of me rattling off my wish list to God with some proof texts to convince Him to do something. Now I was having conversations with Father, Jesus, and the 7 Spirits devotionally. I also transcribed the notes and shared them with others for confirmation. Those nine routine conversations were dynamic transformations unfolding in my life, and for many others as well.
Ascending to the Courts and Council has turned out to be a key ingredient for Kingdom business leaders. Those nine ingredients of who I am and what I do are the foundation for a healthy business. It’s a roadmap for my relationship with Father and with His movement on Earth. Business Sons and daughters who ascend to the Courts of Heaven and the Council are bringing Heaven to Earth in a Reformation of Nations, one step at a time.
The 7 Spirits are prominently featured around God’s throne, and now in my life. The 7 Spirits are also featured in Proverbs and in my personal Values, read on.
The 7 Spirits of God Reflected in Proverbs
The 7 Spirits of God, referenced in Isaiah 11:2, Rev 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, and 5:6 represent the manifold attributes of Yahweh: the Spirit of the Lord (Truth), Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord. Proverbs contains over 100 references to the 7 Spirits of God, and reflect facets of Father, Yahweh.
- The Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) – (10 times); Jesus said, I AM Bread of Life, the Spirit of Truth
Purpose – Knowing my role, lane
The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, illuminates the path of Life and reveals God’s will. Righteousness is really being on the same page with our Father. This relational principle is reflected in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” The Spirit of truth aligns the hearts of sons with the joy of bringing Father’s Living Purpose from Heaven to Earth.
- Wisdom – (54 times); Jesus said, I AM the Light.
Strategy – I have a plan to implement our Kingdom mission, vision and Purpose
Wisdom is a cornerstone of Proverbs, a living, feminine guide holding our hand and connecting our hearts with Father’s strategies. Proverbs 8:1 asks, “Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding lift up her voice?” This reflects the Spirit of wisdom; her voice can be heard. She can show us strategies for implementing Father’s purpose on earth.
- Understanding – (54 times); Jesus said, I AM the Door.
Tactics – I have a tactical advantage, Co-laboring with Father
Understanding, a partner to wisdom, allows us to be the gates that let the King of Glory into our business. Proverbs 2:6 reminds us, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” The Spirit of understanding reveals God’s principles, enabling believers to navigate challenges and open doors in the spirit and the natural with clarity and purpose.
- Counsel – (13 times); Jesus said, I AM the good shepherd.
Heritage – I know what Father has given me to own, develop
The Spirit of counsel is evident in Proverbs’ emphasis on seeking wise guidance. Proverbs 15:22 states, “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of (nine) counselors they are established.” This Spirit equips individuals with the true North of their heritage, ensuring that decisions align with His promises and our design.
- Might, mighty – (5 times); Jesus said, I AM Resurrection Life.
Courage – It’s natural for me to be heroic, an overcomer
Might is reflected in the strength to courageously co-labor with Father and overcome obstacles. Proverbs 24:10 warns, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” The Spirit of might empowers believers to persevere through trials, resurrect from defeats, and become the mighty men and women who do exploits, in Jesus’ Name.
- Knowledge – (42 times); Jesus said, I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Clarity – I can clearly articulate where I’m going and why
Proverbs 1:7 teaches, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” The Spirit of knowledge enriches believers with an understanding of God’s nature and His desires for humanity, fostering a life grounded  with clarity in a living, dynamic purpose we share with our Father.
- Fear of the Lord – (15 times); Jesus said, I AM I the Vine.
Culture – I see what people carry, Ecclesia in Biz = shared Purpose
The fear of the Lord is a recurring theme in Proverbs, forming the foundation of its teachings. Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Honoring God creates the culture of honoring people by seeing what they carry. It’s the inspiration to help them connect with the Vine and blossom fully.
The 7 Spirits of God are intricately woven throughout the book of Proverbs. Each attribute or personality is a living testimony to Father’s character and nature. 7 Spirit Conversations lead to the transformations and impartations sons can experience in God’s Council through them. The price of admission is ascension, something Jesus redeemed for us – our Jn 1:51 access to Father’s Courts and Council in Heaven.
John’s Values (Beliefs that “Move Me”)
- I Value Father’s living words above any list of static values of my own
- We value loving people and they feel our love or respect when we “see them” prophetically
- We value helping people connect with their own prophetic purpose (book, Ps 139:15-16)
- Ecclesia in business is built on knowing and  sharing the purpose God wrote on our hearts
- Ecclesia feels like love, it’s how people know Jesus followers are for real (Jn 13:35)
- I Value Christ in Me (indwelling) & Me in Christ (Ascension) to receive living words (Jn 15:4-9)
- I’ve invited Father, Jesus and the 7 Spirits of God to dwell in my heart (Promptings)
- I regularly ascend to the Courts & Council, transformations from conversations (Mt 17:2)
- Courts & Council are resources for Sons to bring Heaven to Earth (Reformation)
- Reformation of People, Businesses, and Nations is a theme on Father’s heart
- Jesus redeemed a seat (Eph2:6), a place (Jn 14:2-3) and a table (Ps 23:5) (Graphic).
- What is he saying? (Jn 8:38, Jn 12:49), say it with Him. Hear His Heart before I start.
- What is he doing? (Jn 5:19), do it with him! Follow the Lamb wherever!
- Father’s Mercies and Manna are new every morning, Council Conversation are dynamic
- Living Words I receive are consistent with the bible and sound doctrine
- I transcribe notes from the conversations to share (for Blessing and Discernment)
- The Gen 6 sons of God fell, Jesus redeemed our access to Father as sons (Jn 1:51, Rom 8:19)
- Father delights to repopulate His Council with Sons bringing Reformation to nations
- We are in a celestial shift from Pisces (the church age) to Aquarius (the Kingdom age)
- People are gradually awakening to the cabal, the Council, and Reformation
- Father doesn’t need me to “push” – make the Council a doctrinal imperative
- We help people when they are ready… we do what Father is doing and when
- Business is a perfect format and vehicle for Reformation
- Businesses have Kingdom Purpose that can be discovered by asking in the Council
- Staff, clients, and customers are drawn to people and businesses with purpose
- Biz leaders father other sons into their own Kingdom purpose, into their own skin
- Shared Kingdom Purpose in business is the new Ecclesia, it’s a movement
- Amazing creativity flows from co-laboring with the anointing on Father’s Purpose
- I believe in Sharing the good news, the biblical basis and the practical approach to all that Jesus redeemed for God’s Sons and Daughters, whom He is not ashamed to call Brothers and sisters.
Our Offer – We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow via coaching and courses. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format. Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!
- Get on our mailing list with a free copy of Intentional Reformation or the Lead Your Tribe Field Guide.
- Get on John’s calendar for a Zoom conversation.
- We start with a Purpose Profile to get your Kingdom purpose in writing.
- Have DIY options and a fleet of coaches with different specialties to choose from.
- We’re partnering with Larry Nault at BuildingaKingdomCompany.com.