Bill Gates had an interesting interview in Business Insider. He’s suggesting we be integral with our hearts. God is too!

Life is about intentionally choosing and following through on what matters most — following through on your commitments, as Gates said. Maybe you feel stuck in a dead-end job, chose the wrong career, or feel that you were made for something else —something more significant.

While it’s normal to question your career direction or motivation to do your job, what is not normal is for these feelings to reside permanently in the deepest crevices of your mind when you know you were made for something bigger.

If you grapple with thoughts about “what if,” start the beginning of your journey with this question: Am I doing what I want — i.e., what most matters to me? At some point, a person needs to break the cycle of swallowing his own voice to speaking into his truth faultlessly about what matters. When you are asking yourself what you want and you hear from deep down inside your gut, “This is what I want,” that discerning voice is the voice of truth to which you should commit wholeheartedly.

Change starts in the heart – Shifting to the “next thing” is always a challenge. We all naturally prefer sameness and safety until boredom or finances force our hand. There are times when the drawing power of a dream is a very positive motivation to woo our hearts toward adventure. Transition is often a mixed bag of both fear of changing the old and anticipation of experiencing the new.

If you look back on life’s prior graduations (forced or voluntary), there is always a change of heart beliefs that finally permits us to graduate. We don’t just change our minds and run off in a different direction. Our hearts are driving the bus, and the foundation of any promotion is a change in our heart beliefs. Nothing new happens until our hearts have a good reason and give the green light.

It shouldn’t be too surprising that: 1) the philosophies and logic behind our heart beliefs are shared with many other people, and 2) those who have successfully made transitions may have experienced overcoming some of “our” heart boundaries. Sharing those new heart beliefs can be the truth that sets our hearts free.

Mental models – The term for heart boundaries in secular psychology is mental models. Kevin Wagonfoot’s book, Mental Models is a compilation of examples. Here’s more on the definition:

A mental model is an explanation of how something works. It is a concept, framework, or worldview that you carry around in your mind (actually heart) to help you interpret the world and understand the relationship between things. Mental models are deeply held heart beliefs about how the world works.

World-class thinkers are often silo-free thinkers. They avoid looking at life through the lens of one subject. Instead, they develop an awareness of different mental models and view circumstances and people from a variety of perspectives. They recognize the mental models’ other people carry without rejecting them.

This is why it is important to not only learn new mental models but to consider how they connect with one another and morph from one to another. Creativity and innovation often arise at the intersection of ideas. By spotting the links between various mental models, you can identify solutions that most people overlook.

Where is your heart? – In my own journey to Kingdom over several decades, there have been some key heart beliefs that helped me through transitions that are listed below. I wish someone would have sat me down and talked my heart through this list of boundaries and breakthroughs long ago. Here’s your assignment: See which ones resonate with your transition. If you can think of others, please share them with me, and we’ll expand the list.

Want More? – We’re launching the Online Heart Plan Course to clarify your strategy for the dream in your heart. Navigating heart beliefs is an integral part.


If you’re one of those young lions hungry to birth a reformation in the Netherlands, contact Marcel van den Berg

For those of you who own a Business, join Larry Nault and me at Building A Kingdom Company.

If you’re in education, please get acquainted with David Nycz at

Releasing Kings is available in French “Libération des Rois pour le ministère dans le monde du travail” ISBN:  978-90-78643-08-1



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