If I just had more money, I would ______________.  When my ship comes in, I will _______________. We’ve all said this to ourselves and to God. We live in secular and Christian cultures that believe money is the measure of success and spirituality; that money is a measure of God’s favor. Sales copy is written around your financial pain points to say, if you buy my product, you will be able to:

  • Get out of debt, take vacations with your family.
  • Take your wife out to dinner once a week and not worry about the bill.
  • Have a nice car, house, and be freed up for some fun hobbies.
  • Be free from a J-O-B and able to pursue your real dream, calling, or ministry.
  • Have a great retirement plan free from worries about inflation and the economy.
  • Have a nest egg for the kid’s college in the school of their choice and weddings.
  • You can be generous and make a difference via benevolence.

Father’s view – The pagan world has always run after these things. They are not bad things. Father knows you need them. But if you put the Kingdom first, He will add “all these things” (Lu 12:30-33). You are not a pagan, carnal sinner for wanting to provide for your family. Monk-ish poverty is not a measure of spirituality either. That’s just falling off the other side of the horse.

Perspective – The pagan laundry list above is myopic because it misses two things, 1) bringing Father’s Kingdom to earth in a way that really does bless everyone, and 2) storing treasures in heaven. Imagine having a well-run business with exacting cashflow, a well-managed staff, and production metrics but forgetting to account for eternity, or what Father is doing on earth right now. When we take our last breath, the entire list goes out the window! Imagine we’re busy building our castle but we’re missing building God’s Kingdom that blesses nations and people around the world with the next Reformation. We don’t even see it coming! All Father is really asking us to do is get a grip on a perspective that is a little bigger than “SELF.” …by talking to Him!

The “If I had money” syndrome – The accusation behind longing for income is that God isn’t opening the doors to provide for me right now. He’s the reason for my lack! It feels like God’s blessing is delayed or being withheld for some reason? I’ve even had setbacks that pushed my dreams out further.

The truth is that God just might be the one behind your delays. Here’s the reason:

Deut 8:3 – He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna…
to teach you that man does not live on bread alone
(Money alone)
but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.
(Matt 4:4)

Rich Toward God is the goal your heart and family really want. It doesn’t preclude wealth in this life. It’s an eternal perspective that is much closer to reality. Our life and abundance don’t come from bigger barns. Our cups overflow from sons and daughters who can hear their Father’s words. It comes from conversations in the Council that allow us to share His passions, and do what He is doing, co-laboring with Him (Jn 5:19). True riches go with us after this life, whereas nothing on the wish list does.

My own story – I have big dreams for the Kingdom that really are in sync with Father. I spent 100K over the last 10 years trying to buy the promise of my personal purpose (which is):

Intentional Reformation
  – To: clarify and co-labor with the purpose Father wrote in hearts and Business,
  – So that: Leaders are sons who build Kingdom Culture in their Staff (Ecclesia), and have a contagious, thriving template for prospering People, Businesses, Cities & Nations.
  – With whom: Business Sons & Daughters who access Father’s Council (Seers & Doers).

To reach that promise I bought training for copywriting, course creation, membership strategies, public speaking, marketing, coaching, trading, business reinvention, starting online biz, and more that I’ve forgotten! I was totally convinced I should buy my way into my wish list, and that it was God’s wish list too. My perception of lack opened a door in the spirit to manipulate my perceived pain with the temptations in marketing hype. I was straining by myself instead of reigning with Him. I was having mental conversations in my head, self-talk on how to make progress, instead of experiencing conversations in the Council.

The whole left-behind mindset put me in a space of dwelling on a great future so much that I missed this: I have everything I need right now to do everything Father is doing today. I have no reason to wait from a perspective of lack. I have every reason to be grateful for everything and everyone He has already put in my hand. Previously I could only see the gap between the present and the future. It kept me from celebrating today, conversing today, working today, and bearing fruit today. I have everything I need right now!

2Cor 9:8 – God is able to make all grace abound to you,
so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
11) You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way,
which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

Phil 4:19 – But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Sonship and Rich Toward God – The transition to True Riches goes through sonship. Father’s priority for His sons is relational conversations in the Council. Ascending to the Courts of Heaven and Father’s Council is at the top of the list. All these things follow this relational and practical exposure to every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Father from your seat in Heaven.

Sons see from Father’s perspective:
#1.  They don’t set their hearts on lack and evil. They have a different spirit.
#2.  They are bright lights who see Father moving now, making a way now.
#3.  Sons keep in step with Holy Spirit, mindsets are not holding them back or pressing them ahead.

Intentional Reformation – Now I’m intentional about true riches. I manage money, yet I’m careful not to set my heart on the love of money (1 Tim 6:10). Jesus was rich but became poor for our sake. Note that Jesus was never wealthy in terms of money. The true riches He redeemed for us was access to Father, access to His purpose and power, to co-labor and do even greater works today. The true riches Jesus redeemed is access to Father’s Council and having Father/son conversations. Outward success in business or my personal life isn’t precluded, yet it doesn’t compare. It’s not first anymore. Now I have all sufficiency in all things at all times to do what Father is doing every day. I’m working with Him instead of for Him (co-laboring).

2Cor 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

These are links we use to help people “experience” these Key Experience Indicators (KEI’s).

We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow.
Axiom – Have fun, make money, love people, and build the Kingdom!

This blog was inspired by two Council sessions with much more on this theme:

Great 30 min discussion on this topic with business friends.

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