#1). FUN – Shared Kingdom Purpose is fun, contagious, Ecclesia in Business.
- Money and the mechanics of business are not long-term motivators.
- People will do more for a cause than they will for money.
#2). FLOW – I’m sensing a movement among other businesspeople. I want to be part of it!
- am seeing other business friends Excited About Jesus!
#3). FAT – Father Adds Things to our business when we put His Kingdom first (Mt 6:33).
- As a son, I’m one of the gates that lets the King of Glory into business (Ps 24:7).
- We have KPI’s for getting Father’s help with the resources of Heaven in our Biz.
#4). FOLLOW – We’ve turned a corner to follow the Lamb, not just the money.
- We’re intentional & Strategic about storing treasures in Heaven (Mt 6:19-21).
- Those treasures are people, the things we do for them, the difference we make.
#5). GW – Greater Works flow from co-laboring with Father.
- Seers & Doers – We do what He’s doing.(John 5:31).
- Hear & Decree – We say what He’s saying.(John 12:49)
#6). ROF – Reformation of Nations, I want a piece of the action, my heritage as a son!
- I don’t just want to run a business; I want to leverage it for Father’s Purpose.
- I want to be part of the next Reformation that blesses People, Cities and Nations.
#7). LOVE – We’re not just selling products and making money for our Staff & Clients.
- We’re pulling them into their sonship (Father’s Council, the 9 Conversations).
- Our priority is hearing their hearts, knowing their Kingdom purpose.
The Entrepreneurial Back Story
Nearly all businesspeople take a similar path to Kingdom Business. It resembles the hero’s Journey to success but lands in a much better place. Kingdom business is very compelling, but the price tag to get there is a bit circuitous, from the Coin to the Cause, and finally, the Fellowship. Our stories have these three acts. You are already on this journey, somewhere! Father calls it His Path of Life, because its way more fun leveraging business to store treasures in Heaven.
#1). The Coin – Young people start from insecurity and try to prove they can make it with hard work and innovation (risk tolerance). They work very hard to optimize the work ethic, business metrics, processes and Staff. They buy training to grow and scale their products and profits via goals to reach their dream. The flaw in this first act is in the business plan that is all about me. The business is leveraged to address the insecurities that began it.
1a). The Resurrection – Act 2 is preceded by a failure in our hero’s journey. This setback could be financial, health, relational, etc. It leaves us feeling helpless, hopeless, broken, and broke. The good news is that when we start over there is a whole new layer of humility, and our hearts see the need for something bigger than “self.”
#2). The Cause – The post-resurrection eureka is finding a higher purpose and a higher power. The cause we leverage is doing what Father God is doing (Jn 5:31). We experience the wind of the Holy Spirit in our Business sails as we embrace Kingdom Purpose.
2A). Sonship – Our new cause has a prophetic dynamic that I call Juice. It is Father’s purpose, but somehow, He managed to write it in our hearts so that it’s our purpose too. This newfound Purpose Profile has a prophetic dynamic that flows. It’s clearly not just us! Its source is Father, and its price is going to get it – ascending to His Council and occupying our seat in Heaven.
#3). The Koinonia (Fellowship) – The process of seeking God for business purpose flags a new level of fellowship we used to call prayer. His mercies and manna are new every day. The conversations in God’s Council with Father, Jesus, and the 7 Spirits have an impartation. As Sons, we’re bringing back puzzle pieces for our business that paint a picture of Reformation in people, business, and Nations. There are 7 clear reasons Kingdom Business is Compelling. It all starts with the experience, the conversations and the impartations in God’s Council.
Heart Questions – There are also some very personal reasons for fellowship in the Council – we find out who we really are. It’s not just theoretical generalities; it’s the specifics we need to navigate our life and business. There are 9 facets of your personality that are developed in 9 ongoing conversations in the Council.
Your business is the forum God uses to answer those questions on earth. Your seat is Heaven is where those nine conversations occur. Sons are bringing Heaven to Earth in their Business. Those Living Words from Living Conversations are the backbone of your Compelling Kingdom Business, Its alive!
It’s the amazing privilege and compelling business advantage of Sonship!
This blog (Study PDF Here) was inspired by two Council Sessions you will find insightful:
Here’s the secret sauce: the 7 reasons Kingdom purpose is compelling is related to the 9 aspects of who you are in Christ. Each of those aspects is developed by conversations in the council with Father, Jesus and the 7 Spirits. They each have a different emphasis that has a direct impact or impartation for you and your business. We’re making those connections between conversations and impartations in the tables below. I’m sharing a fundamental part of our wholistic business coaching process. Living Words lead to a prophetically alive business… that has a Kingdom purpose and a staff that considers work as worship.
This is the 30 min Face Book live Video discussion for the 7 Compelling Reasons.