🔥 A Story For Your Heart

Intro to A Story for Your Heart Heart connection, me with my own heart (authenticity) and me with Father’s heart (sonship) led me down a path of seeing a dynamic in movement(s) – what moves people. What is it that grips our hearts and touches our emotions? The...

See It, Decree It, Do It

Believers know they should have authority but often don’t know how to use it. The common failure scenario is having a path in mind and then ratcheting up our faith to get it. Using imagination, mindset, Bible verses, or theological preconceptions to leverage God’s...

Beyond Prophetic

We are in an age change that is exciting and troubling. Sons are moving from saying and seeing revelation to doing it. The OLD – is intellectually understanding our direction; able to prophesy it, explain it, preach it, love it. The NEW – is being moved by it to...

The Honor of Your Presence

We are accustomed to asking for the presence of the Holy Spirit in meetings. We can feel His moving and hear the prophetic themes He brings. The age of Kingdom adds another dimension. Father requests the honor of our presence in the Courts and Council of Heaven....

Preemptive Strikes

One of the challenges of Kingdom Business is staying ahead of problems rooted in spiritual warfare. Bill Hybels pastored a 24,000 member church, Willow Creek in Chicago, and Brian Houston pastored Hillsong in Australia. Both were vital leaders and household names who...

Decrees are Ambushes

The enemy has a strategy that is gradually being exposed. We can see enemy devices and strategies (graphic and Clay Clark interview). I’ve been asking the Lord to show us His strategy as this exposure has happened. We are all anxious to see the evidence of God moving....

Mountains and the Council

The gospels record Jesus going up into a mountain nine different times, but Luke 8:16 also says he “often went,” and there are likely many more instances than those recorded; it was Jesus’ regular practice. If you’ve been to Israel, you know...

See it First

See It First, Believe It Second A few days ago, I was asked to pray for a women nine time zones away who had a chronic back problem. She had suffered from pain for ten years and was bedridden for the last 4. She was cheerful, receptive, and thankful. I was convinced...

Sons Co-labor

One of the interesting things about sons who frequent and become fluent in the courts and council of heaven is that they become co-labors in Father’s purposes. We are not just Seers, we are Seers and Doers who bring Heaven to earth. Jesus paved the way for sons and...

Releasing Judgment

Judgment is taboo in western cultures. Jesus, Gandhi, and King are held up as examples of non-violent pacifists who always turned the other cheek, never spoke an unkind word, and happily surrendered to martyrdom. The implication is you should too. Really? The sister...

Unwrap Your Seer Gift

The little-known secrets of the seer gift that anyone can develop. Give yourself permission to use your imagination to start seeing, then discern what you get. Rinse and repeat until you “experience knowing” the scenes are real and interactive....

God With Us or Us With God

I got back from ten exciting days in Europe after 24 hours of airports on a Monday night and went to work Tuesday morning with a combination of euphoria, jet lag, a cold, and a sense of overwhelm on what to do next. While I was nursing a little self-pity, Jesus...

You Can Be a Seer

We used to think gifts of the Spirit weren’t for anybody. Then we decided they were for a few. Now we know they are for anyone who has faith and maturity to operate in them. Becoming a seer is the same. It’s for everyone. First the why, then the how. Why see? – Seeing...

Where is Your Open Door to Kingdom?

We would all like to be the hero of our story. We all want to hear, “Well done.” We all like the sense of his favor to fill our sails and to touch the miraculous on occasion, i.e., to confirm He is with us. The problem is the resistance is real. It’s not easy....

Communion – Shared Purpose

We usually translate communion as remembering the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood in the context of our personal forgiveness. We think of the drinking unworthily as coming to communion carrying unforgiveness against other people. We check this box by extending forgiveness...

A Spirit of Enthusiasm

Plastic smiles – We all know the rules, and we all know how to put on a happy face when the rules get broken. We also know what our hopes and dreams look like and we know how to hide the pain of their demise under the same happy face. The happy face looks about...

How To Be Known in Heaven

We’ve heard a lot over the last few years that our identity is in Christ i.e., that we know who we are by understanding what Jesus did for us and can do through us. It’s all good, but few have a practical grasp on what that means. Most people interpret Christ in me as...

10,000 Instructors

We are in a season where God’s people understand that His will can be found in the desires of our hearts. That’s how we define a King (connected to his/her heart’s desires). Traditionally, doing God’s business was always presumed to be sacrificing my will and picking...

From Excuses to Decrees

We are all adept at making excuses. Excuses have power because they are rooted in some aspect of truth or reality. They often stem from spiritual accusations. When we verbalize them, they sound prophetic in the same way accusations have a prophetic tone that is spoken...


We’re just wrapping up the beta edition of www.OnlineHeartPlan.com. The biggest and most pleasant surprise was getting to meet new people and helping them articulate their book or the desires of their heart (their dream). It morphed into a tribe of people with...

Rethinking Spiritual Warfare

Several nights back I woke up with a vision for a couple who are good friends. I got up to capture it about 1 AM before it evaporated and pushed save to see if I still believed it in the morning. I passed it on, and it did encourage them. Since then it felt like there...

His Council is Home

Yesterday, in the course of a conversation with a friend about business and life and reformation, I mentioned courts and council as great kingdom tools. This morning the Lord tweaked me and said, “The council is not just a tool, it’s your home.” The highlight of 2018...

Happenings in Europe

The video is here. The Lord did some amazing things on this trip to Europe. It started in Denver at Terry Tyson’s house with a group of businessmen and women. In Berlin, we met Beverley Watkins and prayed for Europe with 20 people from seven nations (Ireland, UK,...

Connecting My Heart

You will enjoy reading Seers and Doers.   “We are in an era where the forces of feudalism know this is their last shot at maintaining power.”  David Brin The “manor lords and serfs” narrative has long been a cultural fact of life from the middle ages to modern...

From Serfs to Surplus

The video is here, Note: I wrote up two courts and council prayer sessions to go with this blog. The first is my own courts of heaven session – Courts of Heaven for Serfdom. The second is a Council session with prayer for others called Recovering Spiritual...

What You See Is What You Get

The video is here. Now that Seers and Doers is out, I’m asking the Lord “What’s our strategy for helping your people see?” The answer was simple and motivational, “What you see is what you get!” The courts, trading floors and the council all function through a seer...

Videos for Seers and Doers

Link to this page – http://releasingkings.com/2018-08-03-videos-for-seers-and-doers/ We made a dozen videos to go with each chapter and appendix of Seers and Doers. The links are live in the Kindle version of the book. This list of links is for the hard copy...

Getting Started in the Council

From Revelations to Manifestations The video is here. One of the keys to getting started is to understand where we’re going. Ascending and seeing in the courts of Heaven, the trading floors and the council is a wonderful and meaningful experience, but we’re not...

Q&A for Courts and Councils

The video is here and Part 2. I attended Harold Eberle’s Worldcast conference that included a round-table discussion which was interactive, respectful and healthy. We touched on some fair questions that deserve answers. I asked most of them myself in the past and now...

Seeing Your Future Self

The video is here. Our new book, Seers and Doers: Sons Bringing Heaven to Earth is on Amazon Our hearts build our identity around pictures and movies that replay whenever we think about who we are and why we’re here. We have role models or heroes that inspire our own...

Going Up to a Mountain

The video is here. Our premise (and experience) is that the Keys of the Kingdom (Mt 16:18-19) is ascending to Heaven’s courts and councils to “see” what is already bound and loosed so we can play our Kingdom role on earth (very practical). Let’s look at the context of...

From Sinai to Jesus

The video is here, There is a huge Kingdom invitation in this season for God’s people to appear before the Lord in heaven. We’ve been discussing it in Gateway to Kingdom and Seers and Doers. At the same time there is resistance, fear and hesitancy in our hearts. Some...

Seers and Doers

The video is here. Please read the introduction to this blog at Gateway to Kingdom. It gives the background. Why See? – God is teaching His sons to: 1) ascend, 2) see, and 3) loose what they see. It’s part of our Kingdom mandate to make a practical difference on...

Overcomers Buy Gold

The video is here. Have you ever noticed there are two tracks in the Kingdom, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering? The life and life more abundantly track sounds like a recent podcast I listened to. The interview was conducted around a...

Overcomers Set a Table

The video is here. When Jesus stands at the door of our heart and knocks, the offer is that “I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). Our hearts are equipped with a table we set for communion and communication with Jesus. Servants invite Him in to...

Adding Nations to Your Purpose

The video is here. Why Purpose? – It doesn’t matter if I’m a millennial living paycheck to paycheck or a retiree traveling the world, life without a purpose beyond “self” is empty. For believers, the irony of life in the Kingdom is that when we seek “things” they (and...

White Guilt and the Courts of Heaven

The video is here. This is an amazing and wonderful time in God’s Kingdom and in American History. New victories are appearing every week and the curtain has been pulled back on levels of corruption in politics and the press that are liberating for all of us. God...

Intercession For Kings

The video is here. Kings are courageous, entrepreneurial, self-starters who bless the heart of God with their initiative. While much of Christianity is passive, God has some sons and daughters who carry His favor and do exploits. We all feel the wind of His Spirit...