🔥 A Story For Your Heart

Intro to A Story for Your Heart Heart connection, me with my own heart (authenticity) and me with Father’s heart (sonship) led me down a path of seeing a dynamic in movement(s) – what moves people. What is it that grips our hearts and touches our emotions? The...

🔥 Pastors With Purpose

We have several pastors who are very excited about our Kingdom emphasis even though we’re targeting business leaders. Having been a pastor, I carried a mind-your-own-business boundary when it came to intentionally reaching out to them in the same way we help business...

Business Starts With Purpose

Money/Wealth is the earthy currency for Value (Kingdom and Commerce) Money is not the metric for Wealth (Its purpose) Wealth Creation (Deut 8:18) – I create value others want to buy because they benefit from it. (The value I create helps them fulfill their purpose!)...

Confusing Gifts With Purpose

I went to see Jesus Revolution with Sue and recommend it highly. I got saved in that era, so it’s particularly meaningful. Came to tears many times. Lonnie’s personal life story wasn’t the film’s theme, but as I read his full history, it is a mixed story and has...

Mechanics vs. Miracles

We are helping businesses build a Kingdom Culture around their book or Kingdom purpose. The goal is to provide value that clarifies their spiritual direction and adds the practical side of increasing their cash flow. That led to a couple of courses on Business...

Beyond Prophetic

We are in an age change that is exciting and troubling. Sons are moving from saying and seeing revelation to doing it. The OLD – is intellectually understanding our direction; able to prophesy it, explain it, preach it, love it. The NEW – is being moved by it to...

Build Your Tribe

What’s a Tribe – Purpose is the difference between a tribe and an organization or a crowd. People in a tribe share a purpose. There are still leaders, but the mutual respect level is much different. Everyone is working on different facets of the same purpose. Because...

Marketing Kingdom Culture

How does marketing get off the ground, so we get results? We’ve all seen the mystery of marketing dollars disappear without sales. Now we’re skeptics! The cure starts at home with three questions, Am I enthusiastic about my Business Purpose? Is it in writing, in a...

From Purpose to Brand

I’ve always been a little intimidated by marketing, primarily because of all the big promises and modest results. How do we convert purpose to story, and they package it in our brand and marketing and then actually get results? That question bothered me enough to ask...


What’s your dream? – We often view God and our lives from a perspective that we shouldn’t get our hopes up because another shoe is about to drop. Unfortunately, enough bad things have happened to all of us to birth something between pessimism and healthy skepticism....

John’s Story

Personal Name: John & Sue Garfield (Kennewick, WA) (www.ReleasingKings.com, www.OnlineHeartPlan.com) Family: Sue, 4 kids, and 7 grandchildren Education: BS Chemical Engineering, BA Theology via a local church Business/Vocation: John Garfield Consulting, Engineer...

Tell Me Your Story

Why Stories – People who tell stories engage us in the language of our hearts (pictures and movie clips). Leaders who tell us our story move us. We lead people into their greatness when we connect them with their own stories. It’s a prophetic process that you can do....

Prepare The Way

I have held a belief that Trump is our real president and that God will not allow this level of corruption via the deep state to last. In a recent council session, I asked the Lord, “What happens when Trump Returns (Devolution).” The video helped open my eyes to the...

Red Light Green Light

I recently got this comment from a good friend and thought it was very instructive: John, clearly, your perspective is that the Council is located in a spiritual realm, apart from us – “heaven.” What if the real location of the council is “in God” who is in you? See...

From Servant to Son

The God we “serve” isn’t really looking for servants. He is not the King of servants; He is the King of kings. Our Father isn’t looking for compliant submission from servants. His heart is longing for collaborative creativity from sons. He treasures two things: 1)...


True worship that blesses the heart of God is much more than words. What thrills His heart is when sons connect with the desires in their heart, so from the heart, they co-labor with Him to build the Kingdom. 2 Sam 24:24 – I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord...

Mountains and the Council

The gospels record Jesus going up into a mountain nine different times, but Luke 8:16 also says he “often went,” and there are likely many more instances than those recorded; it was Jesus’ regular practice. If you’ve been to Israel, you know...

Jesse Garfield (1873-1920)

MONTANA COWBOY HALL OF FAME & WESTERN HERITAGE INDUCTEE JESSE CALVIN & RUTH (LANE) GARFIELD (1883-1920) (1892-1974)  YEAR OF INDUCTION: 2020. DISTRICT OF INDUCTION: 6 Oscar Calvin Hoover, the son of a railroad conductor, was born in Harrisonburg, Virginia, in...

Does God Provide?

At any given time, I have a few friends struggling with cash flow who can’t pay all the bills. Some in the business realm and others in ministry (same thing). They are not lazy or unmotivated, they have powerful attributes of success. They are in the theological...

From Servants to Sons

John 15:14-17 – You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you....

See it First

See It First, Believe It Second A few days ago, I was asked to pray for a women nine time zones away who had a chronic back problem. She had suffered from pain for ten years and was bedridden for the last 4. She was cheerful, receptive, and thankful. I was convinced...

Avatars – Is This You?

Mid-life with job or business resume of achievement. Christian with a family, nothing is broken – they don’t need or want to be “fixed.” He/she is not bored but wearied by the rut; by the mundane routine that doesn’t tap their full potential or release their own...

Act Like a Man of God

https://youtu.be/QvfV-jm04-w These are amazing times of confusion over enemy successes. In all this turmoil. Father is exposing corruption in politics and separating sheep from goats. The fearful and the careless of Gideon’s 30,000 are being sent home; now...

Releasing Judgment

Judgment is taboo in western cultures. Jesus, Gandhi, and King are held up as examples of non-violent pacifists who always turned the other cheek, never spoke an unkind word, and happily surrendered to martyrdom. The implication is you should too. Really? The sister...

Why So Passive? (Universalism)

I was a little surprised at the sprinkling of believers who will not take a stand for the nation, our heritage, or Trump. Their stance is to justify pacifism no matter what kind of propaganda, revisionist history, corruption, or depravity surrounds them. Universalism...

A Personal Invitation

We’re starting two more Heart Plan On-line courses in January. One led by John and the other by Beverly. Why don’t you join us? More on the video and the short answers to your top 10 questions. For you – Getting connected with the purpose God wrote...

Heart Resources

This is the first of 3 short videos that introduce the heart plan #1 What will the Heart Plan do For Me? https://youtu.be/TzeSEUF5Dr4 #2 How does the heart plan get results? https://youtu.be/rvp3EcWgAU4 #3 How to get started with...

The Hero’s Journey

Sons go through stuff, It’s normal. If something goes wrong, we assume we’re wrong somehow and experience “shame.” Deaths and resurrections are normal pathways for God to reveal His glory in His sons. Not pleasant, but afflictions will lead you...

Sons are Courageous

Yesterday, we had a prayer time courts of Heaven with our tribe, and we all repented for thinking too small, not believing for the magnitude of what God has for us in individual books. God is raising up sons right now, and they are more courageous, more able to...

Apocalyptic Sons

The book of revelation is thought of as apocalyptic in our culture; thanks in part to a faulty rapture theology that predicted the end/destruction of the world in judgement when Jesus returns. In reality, the bible verses pointing to destruction have a fulfillment in...

Eight is New Beginnings

Eight years ago, we found out an investment I made was a Ponzi scheme, and we nearly went bankrupt. We didn’t just lose the money and everything but our house. We had a legal liability to go with it. This week we got an email from our lawyer with these words,...

Stewards of Glory (3)

Servants Repent; Sons Redeem – The biggest question God has for sons isn’t what you don’t do trying to be a good Christian; it’s what will you do? We all have a broken past for which the cross is the answer. We also have a religious tradition that if...

Stewards of Glory (2)

I watched a documentary Out of the Shadows and an interview with Martin Geddes that dealt with tumultuous issues going on around the world. They are dark and touch on the level of corruption and control in governments and media. It will be darker than any conspiracy...

Stewards of Glory (1)

What’s Worship – As a believer and then a pastor, I loved congregational worship. We practiced the music and sought God for a prophetic flow in every service. Those services taught me a precious aspect of hearing God’s voice and learning to glorify him. I will always...

Even the Winds Obey Him

When pandemics come along, every possible theory pops up. It’s a test! No, it’s judgment! It’s a Sabbath rest! It’s the devil! It’s China. Like the Covid-19, people have different theories about Jesus. His disciples understood Him over...

Opening the Gates of Nations

Your assignment will inevitably lead to a closed door that can be confusing. Sons open doors and gates, servants assume something is wrong with them and either try harder, repent of their sins, or reopen their inner healing issues one more time. This blog is on how...

Unwrap Your Seer Gift

The little-known secrets of the seer gift that anyone can develop. Give yourself permission to use your imagination to start seeing, then discern what you get. Rinse and repeat until you “experience knowing” the scenes are real and interactive....

The Roadmap to Your Heart

Before any of us volunteer to get on a train, we would like to know where it’s going. We would also like that destination to be somewhere we really want to go. I’ve had the experience of riding a train in Poland. I can’t read any of the signs, and very few people...

Learn to Pivot

Bad news – “Twenty percent of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small business fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business.” 89% of the Fortune 500 companies that existed in 1955 are gone today. Fifty...

Q&A for Courts and Councils

The video is here and Part 2. I attended Harold Eberle’s Worldcast conference that included a round-table discussion which was interactive, respectful and healthy. We touched on some fair questions that deserve answers. I asked most of them myself in the past and now...

Going Up to a Mountain

The video is here. Our premise (and experience) is that the Keys of the Kingdom (Mt 16:18-19) is ascending to Heaven’s courts and councils to “see” what is already bound and loosed so we can play our Kingdom role on earth (very practical). Let’s look at the context of...

What is New in 2018

The video is here. Here’s the 2018 drill… Be an early adopter of those who are both priest and king; Operate in wisdom and revelation; Be part of both a praying ecclesia and a vocational mountain; Set things in order in both heaven and earth (Prophetic...

Meeting God@Work

Where is God? – in the Kingdom, we find the presence and power and person of God when we get in our mountain and get to work. It’s really simple! That’s where we find ourselves too… our passion, our anointing, our purpose, our fruit, our authority and our personality.

Partnering with the King of kings

The video is here. We never outgrow the need for encouragement and we all long for fathers. Our hearts are designed to cherish a father and to be one. It is pastoral, but once we feel the call to our own destiny, that relationship is better described as apostolic. Our...

The Power of Passion

The video is here. Much is shifting in the Kingdom right now, with many practical ramifications in every mountain of our cultures. It is spring in America, a season for new beginnings. At a personal level, servants who have emphasized discipline and obedience are...

From Grace to Competence

The video is here. Most believers carry a concept that grace is how we get saved without works. Grace is much more but it has three basic definitions or aspects. Grace is not just fire insurance for heaven, it’s a key ingredient God’s uses to build His Kingdom and...

From Church to Kingdom and Back

The Video is here. The biggest “motivator” for every Christian is experiencing God’s presence and power (in the church) and then getting the invitation to walk with the Father to do even greater works (in the Kingdom). The church is an incubator for new believers and...

The Spirit Behind Intimidation

The video is here. One of my experiences in doing great exploits in confidence, feeling the sense of God’s presence, and being so excited, grateful, zealous… is that if something goes wrong, the air suddenly goes out of the balloon and intimidation of the atmosphere...

Signs Follow

The video is here. “Signs are best meant to follow – not lead. If we are led by the Spirit our “next step” direction will most likely come in the form of a repeated desire, idea or concern that calls us to some form of action. I am alarmed by the number of people who...

Micro Church

The video is here. Micro church is the concept of extending the ministry of traditional church into the 7 mountains. What makes a great life? First we find our purpose (in the desires of our heart), then we find our people (micro-church). The distinctions are simple:...

Free to be Wise

The video is here. See prior blog, Your Father Believes in You. The beginning of wisdom – The fear (reverence) of God is the beginning of wisdom. We’ve all had the experience of doing things our own way, without seeking God, and ending up in some kind of painful dead...

Experiencing Jesus

The video is here. We heard something new in Paris as well as the Netherlands. France spawned the age of reason and the enlightenment after the reformation. Christians have always balanced spiritual experience with sound doctrine. Intellectualism presumes our heads...

The Gateway to 7 Mountains

We usually hear something new from the Lord at each of these conferences. It gets clearer each time we try and articulate it. This time we found precious, hungry people positioned by God with a special calling to lead reformation. There is big-picture move by God to...

Leading from the Heart

There are two prior newsletters that go with this theme, Listening Skills and Putting Life in Corporate Culture. Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Prov 4:23 Message For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings...

Experiencing Surrender

The video is here. The Old – Surrender means that, in the face of insurmountable odds, we raise our hands and give up. It means letting go and letting God. It means letting go of our own will, taking up our cross and letting God have His way. Instead of doing our own...

We Can Change the World

The video is here. Some would say, “No, you can’t change the world.” Others would say, “One person at a time, starting with me.” For those who are staying to build the Kingdom, and not leaving in the rapture, we can get started on our assignment right now. Here’s how....

The Gospel of being Chosen

The Video is here. This video departs from the newsletter so I recommend you watch it (10 min). This trip to Poland and Denmark consisted of a 7 Mountains conference, two Heart Plan workshops, a church service and a dozen meetings with Kings operating in different...

7 Kingdom Strategies

The video for this blog is here. God is pointing us toward revival, intentional reformation, and Kingdom, and He’s inviting us to be more practical and strategic. Waiting on God and prayer are good and essential, but the Lord is inviting us to implement our prayer in...

7 Keys to Tapping the Wealth Within

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18  NIV For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for...

Have Fun, Make Money, and Love People

My personal journey toward marketplace ministry and this Kingly mindset started with four aspects of theology, and it changed my perspective on being entrepreneurial and contending for the Kingdom. We carefully wrote about these four topics in Releasing Kings, part 2....