This blog is a series of four, on Kingdom Business Coaching:

#1. What Can Kingdom Business Coaching Do For Me?
#2. Why Coaching Can Help Nail Your Purpose
#3. What Happens After Coaching?
#4. Awakening: Why Sonship is Key to Reformation

John’s Story – I thought work ethic was everything, until working smarter worked better than working harder. I grew up on a working cattle ranch in Montana, met the Lord in High School, got a Chemical Engineering degree at Montana State, and went to work in the Nuclear Industry. I disciplined myself to get’er done, get through school, and get a job out of a competitive, entrepreneurial personality. The prophetic/charismatic church Sue and I attended was planting churches and I jumped through all the hoops to get a theology degree and plant a church at the age of 38 with four young children. After 13 dream-come-true years and the second church plant, between family, engineering, and church I ran out of gas on being a good soldier and the Lord threw me a lifeline into Kingdom Business and connected me with my own heart’s desires and His.

Movements – Seeing God move has always been a thrill for me! I was fascinated with historic revivals because I had gotten saved in a free-flowing charismatic revival when God was moving in 1970. In 1995 Sue and I packed up and went to the Toronto Airport Revival for a week of experiences. People were there from 60 nations that week. In 2000, I recognized another movement of God’s Spirit called marketplace ministry (Later 7 Mountains). I re-gave my heart to the Lord and to this compelling movement, now sonship, God’s Divine Council, and Reformation of Nations. Just like it ignited my heart, it is spreading through the business mountain in sons and daughters who are tired of religion yet want to co-labor with Father’s Reformation of People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations.

Now we help businesspeople connect with the purpose Father wrote on their hearts, so they find the joy of their salvation too (in their Kingdom Business). They are an army of sons who see their work as worship (Discipline and accountability are replaced by intrinsic motivation, enthusiasm, and vision). They have fun because following the Lamb leads to Reformation on Earth, especially in business.
You see working smarter in Business is opening the door for Father to work with you.

Sonship – Here’s the Kingdom Business experience we share (Pictured below) + John’s Roadmap.

  • I’m a son on the same purpose page with my Father ..………… Righteousness
  • I’m integral with desires/purpose God wrote in my Heart ……………..…. Peace
  • I’m doing what my Father is doing, and work becomes worship ………….. Joy

Rom 14:17For the kingdom of God is not a matter of rules about food and drink,
but is in the realm of the Holy Spirit,
filled with righteousness, peace and joy


Why Purpose in Important in Business

Purpose is the juice that fuels people, passion and profit. It’s care-less to expect your staff or clients to survive emotionally on being accountable to run the machinery of a business just to make money.

The leadership charisma that inspires staff and customers has always been our ability to articulate compelling purpose. Here are 3 reasons why:

1.  Higher purpose touches something in individual hearts about their purpose, their identity. People buy your why because it resonates in their heart too. Purpose is the cause that belongs to them and motivates their engagement:

      • In the business culture for staff
      • In the sale, the ongoing customer relationship with clients

2.  There is a direct link between purpose, creativity, and results. God wired all of us with unique direction and talents that are ignited by purpose, NOT MONEY! People will always do more for a cause than they will for money.

3.  Purpose is spiritual, even if your company culture is not. Democrats and republicans, agnostics and believers will all unite in business culture with a clear, Living Purpose.

      • Not one that we pull out of our ass in a brainstorming session.
      • Not surveys to see which way customer sentiment is blowing so we can chase it.
      • Not copying the latest guru gimmick that works for someone else (or doesn’t).

We want tangible, dynamic purpose that originates in the Heart of God, inspires people, and makes a difference on Earth; A Living Purpose that resonates in people’s hearts, a real one! We want to learn to move with it so it’s never someone else’s purpose inherited from the past.


  • Can you articulate your purpose? Your Kingdom Business Purpose?
  • Would you like help? Hear the stories? See the Examples and Templates?
  • Would you like business-practical input without the religious baggage? That helps cash flow?

We can help you pull the curtain back on your meaning-full purpose and get it writing.

Results – What are some of the compelling results?

#1).  Your work and business take on meaning. Doing something that’s not all about me is very liberating. We can feel God’s wind at our back. We hear “well done” in our hearts when heaven celebrates our victories with us.

#2).  We’re not surrendering our lives and fortunes to dig water wells in Africa. We can share our Father’s purpose because He’s way ahead of us. He already wrote that purpose in our hearts. Working on it feels like a dream come true!

#3).  God gets excited too! Sons and daughters share His and their purpose because we’re on the same page. Now we have a business that feels like Heaven is working with us. There are divine appointments with the missing “who’s.” Father adds creativity for the “how’s.” Even our cash flow feels like we owe Him thanks because He’s adding all these “whats” (Mt 6:33).

Here’s How – Would you like help nailing your purpose?

There are two ways to get started.


  • If you’re drawn to the 1-on-1, schedule a Zoom on John’s Calander.
    – Our specialty is Kingdom Business leaders and their staff cultures
    – We have a network of coaches who can help with management, culture, & cash flow

Much more in our Kingdom Business Playbook.

Watch for tomorrow’s email, Why Coaching Can Help You Nail Your Purpose.

Face Book Live discussion on this topic

Cutting room Floor

This is John’s story on where the Purpose Profile came from:

2025-01-23 Story – Where the Purpose Profile Came From

Purpose Profile is the name of one of our offers. This ingenious tool has a history you will identify with.

Early in my Christian life, I believed getting saved was a little like joining the army. God gave the orders, and we cheerfully carried them out. Any desires in my own heart were suspect (Jer 17:9). So, I didn’t give myself permission to dream much about what I wanted to do. Now I did marry a beautiful woman and have 4 grown children, but even that started by asking permission and jumping through a few hoops.

Through marriage and children, I worked my way up the spiritual ladder, got a degree in theology, wrote a paper for a masters, and at 38, planted our first church while working as an engineer and raising our four kids. It was hectic but fun. After 13 years and the second church plant I had turned 50, our oldest was in high school and I was running out of gas to keep pushing the noodle on what I thought my orders were.

We pulled the plug on the church, which was dwindling anyway, and I felt like a failure. The Lord finally spoke to me and said, John, what would you like to do?  I had never heard that question because it didn’t fit in my obedience theology.

In that same era, we lost our contract at work and my engineering job vanished. I had six months of severance pay and spent it writing Releasing Kings . The theme of the book was how God wrote the desires of our heart and that it was OK to be yourself. I decided marketplace ministry in the business mountain was the movement I wanted to join. We often did business conferences in church settings. One of our trips was to Warsaw Poland with three other friends. The Conference translated to Polish, and I was given the first session on Friday night to share the Releasing Kings theme. People loved it and has invited many of their business friends and about 30 of them got saved that night. My translator Maria Lalik Sabat translated the book and helped us coach some of the businesspeople. The desire in Maria’s heart was to be a coach.

So, we started helping people get connected with the desires of their heart in the context of their business aspirations. That gospel is good news, so good they could hardly believe. The emotion they felt when someone elevated the desires of their heart as important (in the context of their stint with communism) was a jailbreak. They loved. I remember being disarmed by how much they appreciated us and the message. Lifelong friendships were formed, and we stayed in touch with that circle to this day.

Maria and I collaborated on a Heart Plan in 2010 to help people connect with their hearts. Maria had some homeruns coaching businesspeople in that realm. As an engineer I made a roadmap out of the process in a graphic we now call the Purpose Profile (Template and my own profile follow).

In 2017 I experienced the Courts of Heaven and then God’s Council. We integrated Sonship and Ascension into hearing God for insight on Purpose Profiles. Since then, we’ve added aspirations, the New Me, and a written Roadmap to capture the nine personality aspects God gives each of our clients. John’s Roadmap now includes his Purpose profile and is the centerpiece of our offer to help businesspeople.

The Kingdom Business Playbook has much more detail about our coaching approach.


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