Business Starts With Love

The KPI isn’t money – Businesses and the people that make them work are not machines we grease and adjust to keep them running smoothly. People, Businesses, and even Nations have a Kingdom purpose that makes them come alive. You may have heard of dead works; there are...

What Do I Really Want?

There is much to discern about what is true, a conspiracy theory, or narrative propaganda from an intentionally deceptive source. We naturally assume personal objectivity in reviewing the news and wonder why we reach different conclusions. Self-deception is the one...

Cash Flow and Kingdom Purpose

One of the prominent failure scenarios in Kingdom business is that we correctly understand Father’s purpose and run out of money trying to do it. It doesn’t help to come from a religious background where another offering solves every cash flow problem under the God is...

Mechanics vs. Miracles

We are helping businesses build a Kingdom Culture around their book or Kingdom purpose. The goal is to provide value that clarifies their spiritual direction and adds the practical side of increasing their cash flow. That led to a couple of courses on Business...

Marketing Kingdom Culture

How does marketing get off the ground, so we get results? We’ve all seen the mystery of marketing dollars disappear without sales. Now we’re skeptics! The cure starts at home with three questions, Am I enthusiastic about my Business Purpose? Is it in writing, in a...

What People Want

A good friend found this quote, “People buy 4 things and 4 things only. Ever. Those 4 things are time, money, sex, and approval/peace of mind. If you try selling something other than those 4 things, you will fail.” This secular summary is what makes copy and products...

Kingdom Business Workshop in FL

EMI Family Gathering and Tamarisk Group Kingdom Business Workshop with John Garfield Links for Attendees Link to Videos from Friday AM & PM Workshop Slides Heart Connection Quiz Purpose Mind Map Court and Council...

Hearts Known and Read

Decree – What is in hearts shall be known and read of all men; it’s a jailbreak! Our religious tradition is that what is in my heart is so corrupt that it should be hidden. This decree releases two things: Secrets in men’s hearts are being revealed (accusations in the...

Preemptive Strikes

One of the challenges of Kingdom Business is staying ahead of problems rooted in spiritual warfare. Bill Hybels pastored a 24,000 member church, Willow Creek in Chicago, and Brian Houston pastored Hillsong in Australia. Both were vital leaders and household names who...

My Brother’s Purpose

We each have responsibilities (burdens) to carry that belong strictly to me (Gal. 6:5). But, each of us has responsibilities to help discern and carry our brother’s purpose (burden, Gal 6:2). Yes, but how? There is a kingdom shift toward sons with purpose right now....

Turn Hirelings into Heroes

Staff attrition is always a source of discouragement and profit erosion for a business owner. Not surprisingly, it feels like a relational and strategic betrayal when a senior leader moves on. Why did it happen? Why couldn’t I see this coming? You can; we’ll explain...

To Russia with Love

You are invited to a Zoom with Christopher and Jonas Leveraging the Media Mountain to Reach Eastern Europe Saturday 10/2 @ 9:30 PDT Zoom Recording is here. When I was in Poland we tried to meet the influential evangelical pastors throughout the nation. Pastor...

The Gospel in Business

The challenges of leadership in any mountain of culture are like giants in our land. Before we talk about milk and honey, let’s address some of the hurdles business owners, and managers face. Most leaders are already familiar with and challenged by these same...

Business With Purpose

Businesses are a collection of people that should have a purpose bigger than their widget or service. Businesses that flow with God’s purpose have an entirely different feel. They are relevant, bigger than themselves, and there is an intangible ‘Pull’ to work with...

From Servants to Sons

John 15:14-17 – You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you....

Avatars – Is This You?

Mid-life with job or business resume of achievement. Christian with a family, nothing is broken – they don’t need or want to be “fixed.” He/she is not bored but wearied by the rut; by the mundane routine that doesn’t tap their full potential or release their own...

Clouds With Rain

The video is here: https:// The Shift – Many are navigating the reality that ministry is never sustainable without money (lots of it, I might add). We are accustomed to offerings and foundations, but the...

Learn to Pivot

Bad news – “Twenty percent of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small business fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business.” 89% of the Fortune 500 companies that existed in 1955 are gone today. Fifty...

From Integral to Integrity

Integral (connected with my heart) naturally leads to integrity. I have nothing to hide and lots to give. Integral means I’m whole. I’m an expression of one part of God’s Kingdom strategy. I’m part of the “whole” purpose which is much bigger than myself. A business is...

Higher Purpose

Putting my calling in the context of my vocation and business along with what the Father is doing in nations has helped clarify my own story. Imagine coaching Paul; he wants to take the gospel to Rome knowing he will face confinement and loss of his head (before he...

My Life Is a Business

The video is here. Understanding “normal” – The “average” career track is to get a good education, find the best paying job and retire early. Kingdom changes all that. Now we have a book (calling) that is, in general, to bless nations and specifically to find our...

What is New in 2018

The video is here. Here’s the 2018 drill… Be an early adopter of those who are both priest and king; Operate in wisdom and revelation; Be part of both a praying ecclesia and a vocational mountain; Set things in order in both heaven and earth (Prophetic...

Putting Kingdom in Corporate Culture

The concept of a reformation among nations is prophetically alive and well in heaven, but bringing it to earth and connecting the dots between my own life and company and Kingdom is the challenge of the hour. It’s one thing to experience the presence of God at church...

Intentional Reformation

The video is here. We usually think of reformation as Luther nailing a sermon with 95 points to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Today, it is often thought of a modern apostolic influence on various church or church growth movements. Reformation is really just...

Prophetic Creativity

The video is here. There is something brand new in the air. New ideas, new agendas and new initiatives are being released that are blessing people and cultures around the world. I really believe it’s in the context of a Kingdom reformation that will bless people and...

Goals for Your Heart

The video is here. I’m participating in a goal setting exercise for 2017 and have also been dabbling in business coaching. Although I’m very high on both, I noticed something missing in my heart. Goal setting is usually built around how to get something… “What I...

Leaders Tell Stories

The video is here. People, organizations, corporations and nations that are great are that way for reason. They have connected the dots to the reason for their existence. Organizations or people that exist merely for themselves aren’t worth leading. Idolatry of self...

How to Delegate to Empower

The video is here. The practical side of working with people in any mountain starts with knowing what makes us tick. We all do exactly what’s in our hearts. We don’t do what we say and we don’t even do what we intellectually believe. Our hearts are driving the bus....

Identity – Who am I?

The video is here. Jesus is not just the master of servants, or the Father of sons, or the first born of many brothers. He is also the Lord of lords and King of kings. We all go through a transition from being comfortable as a faithful son who obeys the Holy Spirit....

Leading from the Heart

There are two prior newsletters that go with this theme, Listening Skills and Putting Life in Corporate Culture. Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Prov 4:23 Message For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings...

Putting Life in Corporate Culture

The video is here. I have been dreaming about using the concepts of heart in the engineering company where I consult. There is an open door of invitation. Now, we have to deliver a practical approach that works in a secular, corporate setting. First step: define the...

Real Wisdom

The video is here. We all want to make wise choices that bear fruit. Revelation and wisdom are often confused in the spiritual dimension, and God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are often confused in the business dimension. So, how do we know what path is wisdom? Do not...

Try Smarter not Harder

The video is here. One of the remarkable differences between people under the influence of a poverty mentality and those living in God’s abundance is knowing when to get help. Those in poverty usually believe they must make in on their own. When they encounter a...

Intentional Creativity

The video is here. Creativity is important because great ideas give meaning to our lives and profit to our businesses. We often think of their arrival as magic and mysterious, or mundane in the sense that new ideas are just part of the planning process… or we can just...

Trading Up For Your Future

The greatest freedom in life comes from knowing our direction and making progress toward our destiny. The leverage to make an adjustment and redirect our course depends on knowing where we’re going. The sweet spot comes when we add the dimension of knowing where God...

Hide-and-Seek in Corporate Culture

The video is here I work in a typical corporation. There are large numbers of good people in a beehive of activity and communication. Engineering, operations, and project types are well-educated and trained in the corporate culture. Most come from sixteen years of...

The Corporate Gospel of Chairs

The video is here. You tube has several versions of the gospel in chairs. It contrasts the gospel of the early church with some of the emphasis that has crept into evangelical circles over the centuries. Harold Eberly did a version of it at his summer conference that...

Finding Your Why

The video is here I watched a new department manager of projects introduce himself to a staff of 100 engineers. The one phrase that stuck in my mind was, “I am very results oriented.” Now project engineers, including me, tend to be results oriented anyway, so the...

Relational Leaders

The video is here Business schools and MBA programs are typically staffed with instructors who have never owned a business and never will. It’s a symptom of our culture. One of the primary areas of failure in leadership, mentoring, management, and education is trying...

Is My Dream Too Big?

The video is here. Over the last two weeks we had the privilege of helping several dozen people in Poland and Denmark to get in touch with themselves and the dream that God wrote in their hearts (Heart Plan Workshops). It’s really a process of hearing God and...

Leveraging the Kingdom Part 1

The video for this blog is here. One of our Releasing Kings coaches sent me a 10 minute video by Daniel Pink on his book, Drive. It’s really good! His thesis has to do with what motivates people to be creative or productive… at work, in life, everywhere. He found that...

Fathers and Managers

The video version of this newsletter is here. The emphasis on Kingdom influence in our culture is something the Lord is speaking in all of our hearts. One response is to focus on the shortcomings of the church. It’s a negative point and I don’t find diminishing the...

Corporate Heart Plans

The video introduction to this newsletter is here. The concept of getting in touch with our heart’s desires and finding our Kingdom purpose has an amazing impact in individual lives. It puts us on the team of making disciples of nations and the kind of reformation...