Thank you Michelle and Chris and Beverly. This accidentally captured something precious better than I could alone!!!
More about three people you’ll want to meet because they add value to businesses:

  • Beverly Lewis – Teaches live workshops and online courses while facilitating leadership development and supporting healthy organizational culture (She also helps John).
  • Michelle BizekMichelle brings 30 years of experience in coaching, learning and development (Intelligent Design), and practical adaptability combined to help her clients identify and operationalize solutions for their challenges.
  • Christopher Orecchio – Is the Director of Business Development at Action Coach and has a vision to start a consulting business to rescue underperforming employees. will be the place to find him in the future.

The level of political and cultural corruption around the world is somewhere between intimidating and depressing. It seems obvious the visible bad guys are puppets on the strings of another invisible layer that is a mix of people, principalities, and powers. We really do feel like grasshoppers facing giants.

I personally believe the warfare is real and have great respect for the new internet media working to expose corruption and awaken the masses. I also believe there is cry in Father’s heart for workers (sons) who will rebuild the waste places and discouraged populations into a Reformation of Nations (see Isa 60-61).

Isa 61:4 – Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, They will raise up the former devastations; And they will repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.

So exactly how do we hit this home run? We’re all steeped in a religious tradition of irresponsibility, we are raptured off the scene or God comes and sovereignly does it all for us! The truth is that God is committed to build a Kingdom (His City) on earth through sons (you and me). How is that possible?

Putting your hand to the plow – Reformation starts with people and the movement extends through businesses and Cultural Mountains to revolutionize entire cities and nations. Movements start when sons move into their Kingdom purpose and do the same and greater works that Jesus did. The key ingredients for sonship are:

  • I believe I have a Kingdom purpose, not just an identity, not just gifts, not just a ministry or office. I can know my purpose and the strategic role it has in a bigger Reformation!
  • As a son I know Father has given me Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven that make this whole world changing movement possible. It’s Keys to Heaven, not earth.

Mt 16:19 – “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

Sons are already ascending their seat in heaven and receiving two big keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. The keys are in Heaven; Kings and Priests engaging in Heaven’s Courts and Council (Rev 5:10).

Priests – who access heaven’s Courts to break accusations and set captives free; who access Heaven’s Council to grasp father’s heart and their own purpose.

Kings – who bring Father’s purpose to earth, establish Heaven’s culture (the city), and birth reformation in People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations. They don’t do it solely from a position of wealth, they do it from a position of righteousness – being on the same page with Father. They carry amazing wisdom, authority, and anointing.

The 7 “I AM’s” that Jesus manifested on earth as King originated with the 7 Spirits of God in the Council (see graphic). Sons manifest exactly the same things in exactly the same way. Jesus was the first-born son among many brothers and sisters (Rom 8:29) who is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters (Heb 2:11). We are part of God’s family, His ambassadors, His army, His Ecclesia on earth, and His Council in Heaven.

But Practically? – When you are in the Council getting your purpose, you come back with all seven I AM’s. You are the bread, the light, the door, the good shepherd, the resurrection, the life, and the vine. Sons can’t do it all, but together, with each son doing his or her Purpose, we really can tip this whole thing over and redeem the mess. It’s exactly what Jesus would do! We are:

  • The way – I’m on the same page with Father, His purpose, His strategy.
  • The Truth – I’m me, connected with my authentic self, who I really am, I’m transparent.
  • The Life – I’m alive, zealous, full of purpose.

The Simple Secret – Sons don’t defeat powers and principalities, we replace them. We are Jesus on earth. We know our Father wins. We know He’s going to do it through us. We’re volunteering to be a part, play our role. Sons are Priests and Kings who have been given two important keys to Heaven’s Courts and Council. We use them because they work! We’re using them to bind and loose whatever we have seen in heaven. The Council is how we know what to do, what Father is doing.

Start with a Purpose Profile – We help businesses transition to the joy and prosperity of a Kingdom business culture by leveraging your unique purpose to ignite your staff and customers. The fun begins when you discover “the why” God wrote in your heart. We marry the cultural and practical side of sound business practices. Cash flow comes from a well-motivated, engaged staff and a wisely managed, value-based business built on a Kingdom purpose already written in hearts. We have the coaching resources to help you shift the culture and respond to the challenges. The starting place for the adventure Father wrote in your heart is a Purpose Profile.

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