This blog is a series of four, on Kingdom Business Coaching:

#1. What Can Kingdom Business Coaching Do For Me?
#2. Why Coaching Can Help Nail Your Purpose
#3. What Happens After Coaching?
#4. #4. Awakening: Why Sonship is Key to Reformation

Tobe Finch leads Happy Day Restaurants in Lewiston Idaho (14 stores, 550 employees). John helped him with his Purpose Profile several years ago and decentralization was a significant theme. Tobe has translated that Kingdom initiative to a  warehouse for storage, meat processing, a bakery, hydroponics, and collaboration with other businesses. God has shown Tobe the practical future benefits of decentralization.  He gives regular tours through his vision as it matures on earth in his warehouse. The prophetic correctness of his purpose for clean food resonates with growers, the community, politicians, the school district, and it’s a template with prophetic legs that could work in communities around the world. His community invited him to be the president of their Chamber of Commerce.

Tobe is a great example of a business leader with the agility to build a bridge between putting the Kingdom first and the implementation of Father’s purpose in a business and a city.

Purpose Profiles – How does this collaboration work? We start with a one-page graphic, a Purpose Profile to capture a snapshot of your overarching purpose and where it leads. We follow where that purpose leads in four practical categories that resonate with life in general and business in specific.

  • How Purpose lands in your Value Creation and income streams?
  • Who do you want to help, or minister too?
  • Your Relationships (God, Family, Business Culture, Team)?
  • Your connection with Reformation (What is Father doing on a grand scale)?

The real genius of our coaching process is that it does two things:

  • We mentor people into clarity for their Kingdom Business Purpose; the one they are excited about and own. It can stop there but usually doesn’t.
  • Most of us want the well of sonship, not just an occasional drink of water. Purpose is dynamic and unfolds over time and conversations with Father in the Council. So, we help people experience those conversations and have that relational access with Father.

1 and 2 are experiences. But the transformation we seek is ongoing:

From – 1-on-1 experiences with hearing God (training wheels with a mentor),

#1).  To – Being comfortable in God’s Courts and Council on your own so you can go back as often as you want. For me it’s not every day, but it is multiple times a week.

#2).  To – There is another “To” and that’s when you start mentoring other sons and daughters in your staff or clients to inherit their Kingdom Purpose and occupy their seat in Heaven.

#3).  To – An awareness that your business has a Kingdom purpose, and it can house a Kingdom culture tofather sons and daughters into their professional & personal Identity, Story, and Purpose. Your business will prosper financially and spiritually for loving people that much!

Click to get a PDF with live Links

Would you like to nail your purpose?

You can start in increments shown in the graphic above.

  • If you’re drawn to the 1-on-1, schedule a Zoom on John’s Calander.
    – Our specialty is Kingdom Business leaders and their staff cultures
    – We have a network of coaches who can help with management, culture, & cash flow

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