Turn Hirelings into Heroes

Staff attrition is always a source of discouragement and profit erosion for a business owner. Not surprisingly, it feels like a relational and strategic betrayal when a senior leader moves on. Why did it happen? Why couldn’t I see this coming? You can; we’ll explain...

Red Light Green Light

I recently got this comment from a good friend and thought it was very instructive: John, clearly, your perspective is that the Council is located in a spiritual realm, apart from us – “heaven.” What if the real location of the council is “in God” who is in you? See...

From Servant to Son

The God we “serve” isn’t really looking for servants. He is not the King of servants; He is the King of kings. Our Father isn’t looking for compliant submission from servants. His heart is longing for collaborative creativity from sons. He treasures two things: 1)...

The Gospel – Saved Into Significance

When people first encounter Jesus they ask the two questions below. First, I want the relationship and the promise of heaven. Salvation is an amazing experience of sensing God for the first time. It’s never just an intellectual decision, although we do decide for...

Jesus Has a Question for You

Jesus asked 307 recorded questions in the Bible, but people only asked Him 183 questions. Why? When a servant encounters God, he expects the ten commandments. Servants expect to be told what to do, how to do it, and when. They deal in statements of fact. Obedience is...

The Fallacy of Guru Greatness

The concept of discipleship implies followers and leaders. It’s entirely appropriate when we are young in the Lord. However, the ultimate goal is that God wants to be the Father of His own sons, the ones for which all creation has been waiting. He wants to share...

Fathering Brilliance

The video is here. Example I had a natural father who encouraged me to pursue my dream. That story is here. I never realized what a gift my dad was until hearing the stories of broken families and the shipwreck it leaves in personal identity. God can reverse all that,...

What Masculinity Looks Like

The video is here. There is a different, masculine sound in our nation right now. I believe its very positive and timely. The imbalance of “maleness” can be too domineering, but not enough masculinity opens a door in the spirit for Jezebel to thrive with control,...

Overcomers Wear Nike’s

The video is here. We all want to be overcomer’s. The question is how. The Kingdom is exciting and is progressing from individuals all the way to nations. It’s easy to see the advance even in the news. Kingdom warfare and casualties are also a reality. Even...

The Father’s Heart for Nations

The video is here. It’s helps all of us to know where we’re going and how we and God plan to get there. Kingdom is all about co-laboring with Christ to do what the Father is doing. There is plenty of room for initiative and creativity that is fueled by understanding...

Growing in Wisdom and Stature

My Grandfather (Jess ~ 1915) and Father (Ford – 1975) My grandfather raised horses in Montana and my dad had a cattle ranch and used good horses all the time. Growing up, I wanted to be just like dad, so starting at six years old, he gave me a series of horses...

From Church to Kingdom and Back

The Video is here. The biggest “motivator” for every Christian is experiencing God’s presence and power (in the church) and then getting the invitation to walk with the Father to do even greater works (in the Kingdom). The church is an incubator for new believers and...

Leaders Tell Stories

The video is here. People, organizations, corporations and nations that are great are that way for reason. They have connected the dots to the reason for their existence. Organizations or people that exist merely for themselves aren’t worth leading. Idolatry of self...

How to Delegate to Empower

The video is here. The practical side of working with people in any mountain starts with knowing what makes us tick. We all do exactly what’s in our hearts. We don’t do what we say and we don’t even do what we intellectually believe. Our hearts are driving the bus....

Micro Church

The video is here. Micro church is the concept of extending the ministry of traditional church into the 7 mountains. What makes a great life? First we find our purpose (in the desires of our heart), then we find our people (micro-church). The distinctions are simple:...

Identity – Who am I?

The video is here. Jesus is not just the master of servants, or the Father of sons, or the first born of many brothers. He is also the Lord of lords and King of kings. We all go through a transition from being comfortable as a faithful son who obeys the Holy Spirit....

Sharing Your Why

The video is here. There is a sound in the Kingdom built around sharing your “why” – the real reasons for the motivations of our hearts. If we try to convince others to adopt our why, it feels disingenuous and raises the resistance we all have for a sales pitch. If...

In Christ

The video is here. One of the great keys of the Kingdom is learning to dwell “in Christ.” It is simply surrendering our agenda to be with Jesus and see what’s on His heart. That place and time is the wellspring of everything we have to give others. He who dwells in...

Getting Connected With Our Hearts

One of the distinctive features of followers of Jesus entering His Kingdom is that they become themselves. Religion is trying to be better than you really are. Christianity is becoming who you really are and creating an abundant lifestyle that blesses people and...

Resetting Your Heart

The video is here. Making decisions – We usually think of making decisions in our mind. The western bias premised on “enlightened reasoning” is that change happens when we change our minds. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everything we say and do comes right...

Obedience Kills

The video is here. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant — not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 Cor 3:6 NIV The media has been full of stories about muslim terrorism. They believe that they are...

Experiencing Surrender

The video is here. The Old – Surrender means that, in the face of insurmountable odds, we raise our hands and give up. It means letting go and letting God. It means letting go of our own will, taking up our cross and letting God have His way. Instead of doing our own...

Embracing Vulnerability

When we were in Dallas last weekend sharing about Releasing Kings and hearts, I shared my own stories of tragedy and triumph. There is some fragrance that comes into our lives when we experience a death and resurrection on a personal level. Everyone there was either...

The Education Mountain

The video is here. We usually put releasing Kings in the context of business and wealth creation because of my own personal bias. However, releasing hearts is a Kingdom principle that works in every mountain. Education is a great example. Since we were all full time...

Relational Leaders

The video is here Business schools and MBA programs are typically staffed with instructors who have never owned a business and never will. It’s a symptom of our culture. One of the primary areas of failure in leadership, mentoring, management, and education is trying...

Raising Kingdom Kids

Teaching our children to follow us as we follow Jesus is not a small challenge. Believing parents do take it seriously, but for most, when the kids are all grown, we can look back on some serious mistakes and mixed results. The current generation of young adults in...

Connecting With Our Heart

The video is here. One of the most profound ingredients of “Kingdom” is making the transition from servant to friend in our relationship with Jesus. God is walking us all through this transition to Kingdom by teaching us how to connect with what He’s already written...

He Is Still Alive

The video version of this blog is here The concepts of market place ministry and finding your 7-mountain role is embedded in the gospel of the Kingdom. We are saved through Jesus’ death and resurrection, but the invitation into the Kingdom goes beyond an invitation to...

7 Kingdom Strategies

The video for this blog is here. God is pointing us toward revival, intentional reformation, and Kingdom, and He’s inviting us to be more practical and strategic. Waiting on God and prayer are good and essential, but the Lord is inviting us to implement our prayer in...

Fathers and Managers

The video version of this newsletter is here. The emphasis on Kingdom influence in our culture is something the Lord is speaking in all of our hearts. One response is to focus on the shortcomings of the church. It’s a negative point and I don’t find diminishing the...

Corporate Heart Plans

The video introduction to this newsletter is here. The concept of getting in touch with our heart’s desires and finding our Kingdom purpose has an amazing impact in individual lives. It puts us on the team of making disciples of nations and the kind of reformation...

Send Me!

The video version of this blog is here. When we are saved and filled with God’s Spirit there is a very natural desire in our hearts to please the Father. When we are new in the Lord we want to serve Him and obey him. As we mature our initiatives our more Kingly and...

Change of Heart

The video version of this newsletter is here. Much of the secular coaching profession as well as pulpit preaching is centered on managing what we think, say and do. Linking attitudes with behaviors and emotions is a popular theme in both camps. The concept is that if...

You Get What You Preach

The video is here. There is a shift happening among many believers in terms of the message that they are hearing. Said from the other perspective, the gospel of sin management or the gospel of salvation is being expanded to the gospel of the Kingdom. We are not...

Metrics For Coaching

I love the concept of coaching at a heart level. It releases Kings and sets captives free in amazing ways. At the same time, coaching, books, and conferences that don’t produce real fruit are a reality, even in the Christian community. So why don’t we measure the...

The Great Omission

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Ps 2:8 NIV Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… Matt 28:19 NIV As we have cultivated the concept of Releasing Kings for Marketplace Ministry through books,...

Stewards and Superstars

In the course of pursuing dreams and experiencing the desires of our hearts, we all weigh the concepts of being a faithful steward of what God has for us and experiencing the fruit of God’s intervention in our lives. Stewards emphasize discipline, wisdom and...

Trajectories of the Heart

In the world of coaching, psychology and self-help there is a truth that goes something like this: “People who believe they are ‘worthy’ have a strong sense of relational connection, love, and feel they belong.” These people can embrace their vulnerability and become...

Out of Control

The concept of being “out of control” isn’t a particularly comforting thought. It translates to something about our health or finances or a relationship that has gone wrong and we are stuck in an unpleasant circumstance. It happens to all of us. I also want to suggest...

When the Heavens are Brass

The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron. Deut 28:23 NIV There are times in our walk when prayers feel like they are going unanswered or we are just too discouraged to spend time in prayer. We’ve also experienced the mountain tops when...

Experiencing Resurrection

The first step – We have all heard stories of millionaires having a history of bankruptcies and failures before they reach their dream. I want to suggest that there is a principle in the spirit by which God prunes, kills, shakes or breaks off things in our lives so...

The Father’s Coaching Heart

We are all discipled through personal relationships. I’ve invested 40+ years in traditional services, conferences and classes, have written two books, preached in my own church for 13 years, and this newsletter is approaching number 400 over the last eight years. All...

Showing Ourselves To Be His Disciples

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8 NIV Adding a Kingdom perspective to our traditional church discipleship process has some profound implications, not just for others, but for you and me. We want to...

Going Viral

We touched His glory this weekend at a Releasing Kings conference. Like breaking the alabaster box and releasing the fragrance, we released some of His glory from within the saints. We’ll never know the full ramifications until heaven. My heart is full and satisfied...

The Purpose of the Church

I actually think the church is healthy and growing worldwide. It is popular, and somewhat appropriate, to “bash” religion right now. Old wineskins are continually being exchanged for new and that process has historically been painful and contentious. What is...

Choosing a Path Of Life

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Fathers Who Connect

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...


Results oriented – I was raised on a ranch in Montana where we learned how to get things done. From there I spent a career in engineering where the focus was on cost, scope and schedule. I measured my own self worth and that of others by the ability to get results....

About Sacrifice

The world economy is in some disarray, so we hear a lot about paying the national debt through “shared sacrifice” which means the government would like more of your money. We’ve been spending trillions to bail out everything from banks to nations, so now we’re running...

Adding Substance to Your Dream

It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It is the one who won’t be taken who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live. From The Rose Secular writers...

Connecting Disciples with Their Hearts

Guilt vs. dream motivation – I want to offer a simple premise about motivation. Guilt can be a good short-term motivation to stop doing the wrong thing. However, guilt can’t be used as a motivator to do the right thing.  It just doesn’t last. People who do reach their...

Whats Next for Kings

I saw something at our conference in Warsaw that amazed me. Of the 30-40 people that were saved (at a business conference!), many represented very successful businesses that are already influential in the city. Our church tradition is to rescue dysfunctional people...

From Pew to Palace

First Love – When I first got saved the feeling of being known and loved and accepted by God was amazing. When I first found a church home I loved the feeling of God’s presence sweeping over the congregation. We soared like eagles in worship and the prophetic. Finding...

Viral Leadership

This week we’re expanding on a theme that started with last week’s newsletter (Independence Day) and a book entitled The Starfish and the Spider. Both are worth a minute to follow the links. Blessing the Nations – marketplace ministry adds a new dimension to the great...

Viral Discipleship

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matt 28:19-20 NIV Discipling Nations – We’ve recently come to the realization...