Meeting God@Work

Where is God? – in the Kingdom, we find the presence and power and person of God when we get in our mountain and get to work. It’s really simple! That’s where we find ourselves too… our passion, our anointing, our purpose, our fruit, our authority and our personality.

Reformation and Patriotism

The video is here. The genius of entering the Kingdom is that we are simply allowing Jesus to focus our calling, cooperating with it and following it to a place of fruitfulness. With people, we use the heart plan and our prophetic sense to tap into the desires that...


The video is here. The pattern of communication in Christianity is preaching. We share information hoping to convert others to our beliefs. Kingdom has a different twist. We are builders inviting others to share an initiative. Our Father is a builder and so are His...

Adding Nations to Your Purpose

The video is here. Why Purpose? – It doesn’t matter if I’m a millennial living paycheck to paycheck or a retiree traveling the world, life without a purpose beyond “self” is empty. For believers, the irony of life in the Kingdom is that when we seek “things” they (and...

God – Why Me?

The video is here. Whether God allowed my trial or caused it makes no difference to my heart. I’m trusting Him to protect me from calamity… and he doesn’t. What if God really doesn’t control “all” of time and circumstances and He is not the one who authors or...

A Prophetic Centrist

The video is here. The prophetic is discerned when it’s applied. Revelation from God is truly understood when we respond to it and do something with it. Respecting or fearing God enough to put our revelation to work is simply wisdom. Revelation is the idea, wisdom is...

Partnering with the King of kings

The video is here. We never outgrow the need for encouragement and we all long for fathers. Our hearts are designed to cherish a father and to be one. It is pastoral, but once we feel the call to our own destiny, that relationship is better described as apostolic. Our...

Healing Emotional Detachment

The video is here. When we coach people with the Heart Plan, the whole goal is to help them get in touch with their hearts. “Heart” is our emotions, but it’s also something more. God writes His desires on our hearts in a way that they show up in our desires. As we...

Intentional Reformation

The video is here. We usually think of reformation as Luther nailing a sermon with 95 points to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Today, it is often thought of a modern apostolic influence on various church or church growth movements. Reformation is really just...

Wisdom Multiplies

The video is here. Coming up with new thoughts and ideas can be intimidating. It starts with our identity, when we Feel permission from God to collaborate with Him to birth something brand new. It’s a discipline that leads to words, works, destiny… and eventually...

Collaborate Co-labor and Co-create

The video is here. The precept of “faith” is that when we are spiritually mature, doubt and uncertainty will now longer be with us and we’ll know exactly what to do… and it will work. This is a partial truth (lie) that’s embedded deeply in our hearts as new believers,...


This video is here. Politics in any nation cannot be understood or debated without an awareness of the plan that God has for that particular people and nation. Patriotism is an appreciation for that national destiny. It’s true that patriotism without God becomes...


This video is here. Politics in any nation cannot be understood or debated without an awareness of the plan that God has for that particular people and nation. Patriotism is an appreciation for that national destiny. It’s true that patriotism without God becomes...