
We’re just wrapping up the beta edition of www.OnlineHeartPlan.com. The biggest and most pleasant surprise was getting to meet new people and helping them articulate their book or the desires of their heart (their dream). It morphed into a tribe of people with...

Rethinking Spiritual Warfare

Several nights back I woke up with a vision for a couple who are good friends. I got up to capture it about 1 AM before it evaporated and pushed save to see if I still believed it in the morning. I passed it on, and it did encourage them. Since then it felt like there...

President Trump – A Modern Cyrus

In my travels to, and prayer for, Europe over the last several years I’ve seen the spiritual influence of serfdom and wrote about it, From Serfs to Surplus. That generational pull is also present in America and causes us to surrender our freedom for ideologies like...

Inheriting Your Purpose

I was a skinny six-year-old when mom got tired of me asking “What is there to do.” She told my dad to take me with him to do the ranch work. From then on, Ford took me everywhere in that pickup; him driving, the cow dog in the middle and me riding shotgun to open all...

From Integral to Integrity

Integral (connected with my heart) naturally leads to integrity. I have nothing to hide and lots to give. Integral means I’m whole. I’m an expression of one part of God’s Kingdom strategy. I’m part of the “whole” purpose which is much bigger than myself. A business is...

His Council is Home

Yesterday, in the course of a conversation with a friend about business and life and reformation, I mentioned courts and council as great kingdom tools. This morning the Lord tweaked me and said, “The council is not just a tool, it’s your home.” The highlight of 2018...

Higher Purpose

Putting my calling in the context of my vocation and business along with what the Father is doing in nations has helped clarify my own story. Imagine coaching Paul; he wants to take the gospel to Rome knowing he will face confinement and loss of his head (before he...

Fathering Brilliance

The video is here. Example I had a natural father who encouraged me to pursue my dream. That story is here. I never realized what a gift my dad was until hearing the stories of broken families and the shipwreck it leaves in personal identity. God can reverse all that,...

Happenings in Europe

The video is here. The Lord did some amazing things on this trip to Europe. It started in Denver at Terry Tyson’s house with a group of businessmen and women. In Berlin, we met Beverley Watkins and prayed for Europe with 20 people from seven nations (Ireland, UK,...