The Gospel in Business

The challenges of leadership in any mountain of culture are like giants in our land. Before we talk about milk and honey, let’s address some of the hurdles business owners, and managers face. Most leaders are already familiar with and challenged by these same...

The 3rd Great Awakening

There is another Reformation in the wings. Awakening is part of the process of coming alive to what God is doing. It helps to put this move in the context of the first two: #1. Jesus came to earth – History records Jesus as an influential figure, a teacher, or a...

Does God Provide?

At any given time, I have a few friends struggling with cash flow who can’t pay all the bills. Some in the business realm and others in ministry (same thing). They are not lazy or unmotivated, they have powerful attributes of success. They are in the theological...

From Servants to Sons

John 15:14-17 – You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you....

See it First

See It First, Believe It Second A few days ago, I was asked to pray for a women nine time zones away who had a chronic back problem. She had suffered from pain for ten years and was bedridden for the last 4. She was cheerful, receptive, and thankful. I was convinced...

The Fallacy of Guru Greatness

The concept of discipleship implies followers and leaders. It’s entirely appropriate when we are young in the Lord. However, the ultimate goal is that God wants to be the Father of His own sons, the ones for which all creation has been waiting. He wants to share...

Sons Co-labor

One of the interesting things about sons who frequent and become fluent in the courts and council of heaven is that they become co-labors in Father’s purposes. We are not just Seers, we are Seers and Doers who bring Heaven to earth. Jesus paved the way for sons and...

Releasing Judgment

Judgment is taboo in western cultures. Jesus, Gandhi, and King are held up as examples of non-violent pacifists who always turned the other cheek, never spoke an unkind word, and happily surrendered to martyrdom. The implication is you should too. Really? The sister...

A Personal Invitation

We’re starting two more Heart Plan On-line courses in January. One led by John and the other by Beverly. Why don’t you join us? More on the video and the short answers to your top 10 questions. For you – Getting connected with the purpose God wrote...