What Masculinity Looks Like

The video is here. There is a different, masculine sound in our nation right now. I believe its very positive and timely. The imbalance of “maleness” can be too domineering, but not enough masculinity opens a door in the spirit for Jezebel to thrive with control,...

Connecting My Heart

You will enjoy reading Seers and Doers.   “We are in an era where the forces of feudalism know this is their last shot at maintaining power.”  David Brin The “manor lords and serfs” narrative has long been a cultural fact of life from the middle ages to modern...

From Serfs to Surplus

The video is here, Note: I wrote up two courts and council prayer sessions to go with this blog. The first is my own courts of heaven session – Courts of Heaven for Serfdom. The second is a Council session with prayer for others called Recovering Spiritual...

What You See Is What You Get

The video is here. Now that Seers and Doers is out, I’m asking the Lord “What’s our strategy for helping your people see?” The answer was simple and motivational, “What you see is what you get!” The courts, trading floors and the council all function through a seer...

Videos for Seers and Doers

Link to this page – http://releasingkings.com/2018-08-03-videos-for-seers-and-doers/ We made a dozen videos to go with each chapter and appendix of Seers and Doers. The links are live in the Kindle version of the book. This list of links is for the hard copy...

Getting Started in the Council

From Revelations to Manifestations The video is here. One of the keys to getting started is to understand where we’re going. Ascending and seeing in the courts of Heaven, the trading floors and the council is a wonderful and meaningful experience, but we’re not...

Q&A for Courts and Councils

The video is here and Part 2. I attended Harold Eberle’s Worldcast conference that included a round-table discussion which was interactive, respectful and healthy. We touched on some fair questions that deserve answers. I asked most of them myself in the past and now...

Seeing Your Future Self

The video is here. Our new book, Seers and Doers: Sons Bringing Heaven to Earth is on Amazon Our hearts build our identity around pictures and movies that replay whenever we think about who we are and why we’re here. We have role models or heroes that inspire our own...

Going Up to a Mountain

The video is here. Our premise (and experience) is that the Keys of the Kingdom (Mt 16:18-19) is ascending to Heaven’s courts and councils to “see” what is already bound and loosed so we can play our Kingdom role on earth (very practical). Let’s look at the context of...

From Sinai to Jesus

The video is here, There is a huge Kingdom invitation in this season for God’s people to appear before the Lord in heaven. We’ve been discussing it in Gateway to Kingdom and Seers and Doers. At the same time there is resistance, fear and hesitancy in our hearts. Some...

Seers and Doers

The video is here. Please read the introduction to this blog at Gateway to Kingdom. It gives the background. Why See? – God is teaching His sons to: 1) ascend, 2) see, and 3) loose what they see. It’s part of our Kingdom mandate to make a practical difference on...

Creating Wealth

The video is here. I recently had a divine appointment with a video on the difference between function and purpose. We are not just created for functions like intimacy, fellowship, worship, etc. We do those things because that’s how we’re wired as sons, but we are...

My Life Is a Business

The video is here. Understanding “normal” – The “average” career track is to get a good education, find the best paying job and retire early. Kingdom changes all that. Now we have a book (calling) that is, in general, to bless nations and specifically to find our...