🔥 Wholeness in Kingdom Business
We’ve all had a great idea or dream that ignited the desires of our heart. We pursued it with our time, talent, and treasure. But in the end it didn’t work, and in hindsight, it was obvious God wasn’t in it. It wasn’t just a personal failure, it revealed...🔥 The Jesus Mindset in Business
Imagine moving from a Christian business to a Kingdom business. The former emphasizes the good character and the do-this list to maintain the standing and standards (The conformity is not particularly inspiring). A Kingdom business isn’t focused as much on what you...🔥 Learning to Ask the Right Questions
Great conversationalists know how to engage the right people, in the right place, with the right questions. Sonship is built around that skill; to ascend to God’s Council and have the relational conversations. Those living words from timely dialogue with Father,...🔥 Sonship and Your Seat in the Council
I was introduced to ascension at a financial and spiritual low point. We had barely dodged a bankruptcy and we’re needing a decade or two to dig our way out. Courts of Heaven sounded a bit mystical in 2017, but a friend of a friend took me on despite my reservations....🔥 From Poverty to Purpose
We created a study version of this blog as PDF. There is a theme is both Christian and secular business that badly misses the mark of connection. Kingdom businesses are enthusiastic about co-laboring with living words and the dynamic purpose of doing what Father is...🔥 Servants are Stewards – Sons are Owners
Stewardship is taken for granted as an intellectual Christian virtue. The problem is that it chains people to the concept of being a servant and treating others like servants. We all go through a maturing process where we steward another man’s vision and serve their...🔥 Making Room in Your Heart for Marketing
All business works on two principles: we create value in practical products that are useful to others and then we influence someone to buy. In the Kingdom we have a similar injunction to go into all the earth and to be the salt and light (also rather salesy!). Most of...🔥 When Rebellion Shows Up In Your Camp
We’re all in the people business no matter what the business is. The Holy Spirit is compelling people to new levels in this Kingdom age. Most managers can recognize everything from disengagement, to divisiveness, to subversion. They can all document bad performance...🔥 Authenticity and Purpose
In the Kingdom, work and business are forms of worship. So how do we worship in Spirit and in Truth in the business Mountain? How do we connect the wind of God’s Spirit in our lives with the practical necessity of meeting payroll? How do we participate in the movement...🔥 Turn Accusations into Invitations
Putting the Kingdom first and unveiling our personal and business purpose has a couple levels of warfare, internal and external. The internal conflict goes through a couple of strongholds; me deciding whether to trust Father and adopt His purpose, the one he wrote in...🔥 Sons are Gatekeepers
The Isa 61 Reformation of Nations Via Sons When we find out who we are as sons, the implications of ascending in the Spirit to Father’s Council are profound. We carry His purpose, presence, fragrance, passion, and personality. Jesus said, “my Father is always working...🔥 Build Your Team on Purpose
Personal and work relationships can be fun when they are built around shared purpose. I don’t like to commit to a business relationship without knowing what’s in the other guy’s heart. I want to know his why, so we don’t get surprised when adversity shows up. If we’re...🔥 It’s Not About Me!
Immediate Results – Sue and I get a newsletter from a stock trading service. They had a recent meeting for their clients and the report is that that one presenter stole the show. He had a new AI generated stock trading technique that got immediate results. The story...🔥 Leading Serfs to Sonship
Leadership is complicated by the distinction between serfs and sons; early adopters and dawdlers. We are in a disruptive shift to a Kingdom age and the turmoil is easily seen in cultures around the world. There is a universally high anxiety level over the negative...🔥 5 Ways to Scale Your Kingdom Business
Hi, I’m John Garfield. In this 10-minute video we want to share how you can turn your business to an exciting Kingdom business that creates wealth, inspires your staff, and makes a difference in your community and nation. Even in a Christian business we deal with four...Beyond Prayer
Religious Prayer – A friend gave me his own description of typical prayer of a Christian in a business culture. The paradigm is throwing up a request and hoping God will sovereignly do it all. I have struggled for years with my prayer life. I’ve struggled with focus,...From Called to Chosen
Remember all those messages about performance-oriented Christians? They had positive and negative ramifications: (+) It did identify dead works, legalism, and self-righteous-do-gooders. (–) But it also shamed believers out of tangible Purpose, something you DO!...How to Get Lit
Sons are in the Council, seeing Father’s purpose and bringing heaven to earth. It’s Father’s strategy for Reformation. Sonship and ascending to the Courts and Council is new to most of us. We ascend to see what Father is doing so that we can do it with Him (Jn 5:19)....Creating Value – Greater Works in Business
Sonship is co-laboring with Father to bring Heaven to Earth. The creative anointing of sons in the business mountain has an entrepreneurial expression. Spirituality is demonstrated in works, greater works that set the product or service apart in Kingdom Business....From Crumbs to Conversations
I am Fragile – The entrepreneurial world of leading a business starts with talent and wisdom. There is excellence and competition that is measured with profit and seen in public acclaim. Business leaders generally have an external veneer of self-sufficiency. In small...Adding Life To Your Business
Seasons – The transition into a kingdom age right now is very exciting. Everyone can feel it! If I described it as a shift from Pisces (fish) to Aquarius (water bearer), you might conclude I study horoscopes! Rest easy; I don’t. But I recognize Father’s times and...Engaging in Reformation Looks Like?
The idea of revival or Reformation has been muffled by all the noise of what the devil is doing through prophetic doom speak, environmentalism, economic collapse, and cabal control of governments with the WEF intent to eliminate seven billion people. We have believed...Do I Want a Business Coach?
Everyone needs a coach – Our lives are the story of a Hero’s Journey with deaths, resurrections, seasons, adventure, and victorious celebrations, aka trauma. The common ingredient in every Luke Skywalker is a Yoda, someone who understands our aspirations and...When Kingdom Purpose is Your Brand
10 keys to your purpose, and the Kingdom Business Coaching Field Guide. Purpose is one thing, but Kingdom purpose implies you want to do what Father is doing. That’s where the real juice is. Is your Purpose prophetically correct (anyone can discern its authenticity)?...Guide to Father’s Council
We developed 7 Spirit Cue Cards as a guide to Father’s Council. The goal is to make it practical and to provide a small taste of the prophetic spirit of prayer that comes from it in ten 5-minute videos. Father, Jesus, and each of the Seven Spirits display a different...Kingdom Business Culture Values
Culture is built around shared values that flow from a common purpose. That’s how we know “These are my People.” These are three that I can get excited about. Building a Kingdom culture that has a clear purpose for both the business and the...Becoming Yourself (Purpose)
Authenticity is one of the keys to the Kingdom. “Is it OK to be myself? Isn’t that way too carnal?” That question has roots in a prideful belief that we can live a good life by cleaning up our own act. So, religion tries to hold us accountable for reshaping, renewing,...Lets Build a Kingdom Business
Rick and Holly started hosting Kingdom Leadership Workshops five years ago in response to the businesspeople from around the world who showed up at the door asking how they did it. Those three-day events occur three times a year, and the next step is called Kingdom...The Wokeocalypse is Here
Luke 12:1-3 – “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. “But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. “Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the...A Gift From Fire
The title of this blog is the name of a conference in Lewiston, Idaho August 7-8. I’ve been asking the Lord to show me the theme and the two biggest things I’ve heard is the Release of Sons in the Third Great Awakening. Sons are the gift from fire! They are familiar...The Elephant in the Room (Is You!)
US and world politics have been overtaken by a fraudulent election in America of all places. Mike Lindell (the my pillow guy) proved Chinese election interference. Watch Absolute Interference on www.Frankspeech.com. It’s not a joke, and the documentary is well...From Washout to Your Dream
From 90% Washout; to 90% Retention https://www.connectingheartstopurpose.com I have an offer – I want to “convert” you (Online Courses, MLM’s) “Teasing” you with something you want (wealth, health, happiness, self-image) “Conversions” is marketing language = I want to...The Story Behind Healing for Warriors
Clyde Parker, me, and Ben Roots in Montana For the past 25 years, I’ve gone back to the ranch in Montana to help my brother, Jess, move his cows to summer pasture. It’s an annual retreat to my roots where I grew up on Dad’s ranch just eight miles down the Musselshell...From Stuck to Finishing
The Lord woke me up Monday and Tuesday morning and the videos are the result of what he gave me. You will find them encouraging. There is some enemy oppression in the air right now. God is inviting sons to stand for their dream. Both are short. Both at sunrise after...Finding My Ministry Model
We are in a huge transition: from 5-fold ministry to a thousand-fold. Those called into “ministry” exceed the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky. Why? Because we are in a reformation to bless nations.