Does God Provide?

At any given time, I have a few friends struggling with cash flow who can’t pay all the bills. Some in the business realm and others in ministry (same thing). They are not lazy or unmotivated, they have powerful attributes of success. They are in the theological...

10,000 Instructors

We are in a season where God’s people understand that His will can be found in the desires of our hearts. That’s how we define a King (connected to his/her heart’s desires). Traditionally, doing God’s business was always presumed to be sacrificing my will and picking...

Something For Nothing

Want to know why lottery winners are statistically more likely to face bankruptcy than the rest of us? It’s easy, they didn’t learn to create value. The mental model of getting something for nothing isn’t scriptural, but it does have a root in Christianity (and in...

What You See Is What You Get

The video is here. Now that Seers and Doers is out, I’m asking the Lord “What’s our strategy for helping your people see?” The answer was simple and motivational, “What you see is what you get!” The courts, trading floors and the council all function through a seer...

Creating Wealth

The video is here. I recently had a divine appointment with a video on the difference between function and purpose. We are not just created for functions like intimacy, fellowship, worship, etc. We do those things because that’s how we’re wired as sons, but we are...

My Life Is a Business

The video is here. Understanding “normal” – The “average” career track is to get a good education, find the best paying job and retire early. Kingdom changes all that. Now we have a book (calling) that is, in general, to bless nations and specifically to find our...

Overcomers Buy Gold

The video is here. Have you ever noticed there are two tracks in the Kingdom, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering? The life and life more abundantly track sounds like a recent podcast I listened to. The interview was conducted around a...

Contagious Reformation

As believers we do trade our time, talents, treasure and our very lives for something much better… It’s not a sacrifice, it’s a bargain that we trade for in wisdom to “increase” our spiritual and natural portfolio.

Creating Value

In the course of “Releasing Kings,” one of the challenges is getting Christians to get their hands dirty with filthy lucre. Money is really just a medium of exchange, and it is neither good nor evil. In fact, all ministry costs money, so the folks who are too...

It’s Easy to Make Money

The video is here. Fifty years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the War on Poverty. Since then, US taxpayers have spent more than $22 trillion fighting Johnson’s war, three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history. Currently in the US, about 35% of...

Signs, Wonders and Cash Flow

The video is here. One of the needs of our hearts is to know that God’s favor is going with us. We can put our hand to the plow of our life’s work for a season, but our heart is always asking the question, “Is God really in this?” Instead of quieting that question, we...

Wealth Creation

The Video is here. Helping people to make a connection with their heart and purpose in the Kingdom isn’t theoretical or just theological. Dreams come true when we connect our heart’s desires with our vocation and cash flow. One of the failure points of counseling,...

Ideas That Have Legs

The video version of this newsletter is here. With the advent of social media, viral ideas have the ability to travel the world at a much faster pace. The Utopian theory is that this global exchange of ideas would foster enlightenment and unity around the world… I...

Commerce and the Kingdom

The video version is here. Helping people to make a connection with their heart and purpose in the Kingdom isn’t theoretical or just theological. Dreams come true when we connect our heart’s desires with our vocation and cash flow. One of the failure points of...

The Heart of Profit (2)

If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks.  19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything.  20 Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because...

Mystical Poverty

It’s a little surprising, in the political landscape of our day, that wealth and wealthy people are being categorically demonized. Greed and corruption do make headlines, but those errors are more present in poverty than wealth. When we look for the roots of our...

Dreams and the Ability to Produce Wealth

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18  NIV Money is a tool – People can get entangled in the love of money, but the honest...

Struggling or Strategizing

Why are people struggling? – There is an amazing phenomenon in the Kingdom called “seasons.” When God is doing something, we all can feel it and taste it and usually experience it. I’ve experienced loss, and when I look around I see some of my friends are experiencing...

Things I Learned in Debtors Prison

Going through a financial test is like living in the Promised Land and going back to Egypt for vacation. The good news is that I’ve learned a few things, and the Lord nudged me in the sense that He’s redeeming some lessons out of this season. Kings live and rule and...

Sowing for a Resurrection

It’s bad – the news media and the prophetic camp are having a feeding frenzy on the dire US and world economy. In the US, we tax 2.2T and borrow money so that we can spend 3.5T. That’s bad enough, but every year we spend more. Other nations have similar issues, so...

Goals That Overflow

Fish or fisherman – We all have desires and aspirations. Some of us even have goals written down. Why is it that some people seem to have an ability to create wealth and others don’t? There is even a political movement that concludes this scenario is unfair and wealth...

When Kings Get Drunk

Learning to drink – In 1995 Sue and I went back to Toronto to the Airport Vineyard to catch an outpouring… there were meetings six nights a week and people were there from at least 60 different nations. Our congregation was glad to see me go; and to some degree pushed...