Exceeding Expectations
The video is here. Obedient servants try to meet the Lord’s expectations by following directions and doing so rather poorly. The reason is that we’re not designed to be servants. God is very relational and it’s His desire to show us the purpose behind what He’s doing...Leveraging the Matthew Effect
The video is here. The Matthew effect – People who have talent or money or ministries or personality or good looks rise to the top. It’s called the Matthew Effect and this dominance hierarchy has been with us from grade school to the corporate board room. “The...Overcomers Invitation to God’s Council
The video is here. Most of us were raised with a concept that God is High, Holy and He resides in heaven to sovereignly reign over ant-like people who continually struggle with problems. Since I viewed God as distant, I never fully grasped the impact of these concepts...Overcomers Buy Gold
The video is here. Have you ever noticed there are two tracks in the Kingdom, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering? The life and life more abundantly track sounds like a recent podcast I listened to. The interview was conducted around a...Purpose Instead of Perfection
The video is here. One of the great secrets of Christianity is that people aren’t perfect … not leaders, not followers, not anybody! At some level we are all putting the “fun” back in dysfunctional. There are no perfect marriages, families, linage, in-laws or...Growing in Wisdom and Stature
My Grandfather (Jess ~ 1915) and Father (Ford – 1975) My grandfather raised horses in Montana and my dad had a cattle ranch and used good horses all the time. Growing up, I wanted to be just like dad, so starting at six years old, he gave me a series of horses...From Gifts to Goals
The video is here. In the 1980’s I was an elder in a great church that had some growing pains. We had another pastor come in to advise the leadership team on a path forward. He said something that stuck with me regarding the mission of our church, “If you don’t want...What is New in 2018
The video is here. Here’s the 2018 drill… Be an early adopter of those who are both priest and king; Operate in wisdom and revelation; Be part of both a praying ecclesia and a vocational mountain; Set things in order in both heaven and earth (Prophetic...Putting Kingdom in Corporate Culture
The concept of a reformation among nations is prophetically alive and well in heaven, but bringing it to earth and connecting the dots between my own life and company and Kingdom is the challenge of the hour. It’s one thing to experience the presence of God at church...Finding My Ministry Model
We are in a huge transition: from 5-fold ministry to a thousand-fold. Those called into “ministry” exceed the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky. Why? Because we are in a reformation to bless nations.
Contagious Reformation
As believers we do trade our time, talents, treasure and our very lives for something much better… It’s not a sacrifice, it’s a bargain that we trade for in wisdom to “increase” our spiritual and natural portfolio.
Whats Next in the Netherlands
The video is here. The Netherlands was an amazing time of opening the book of a nation, sounding a trumpet and gathering young lions who are hungry for their own book, the call on their nation and reformation. The wisdom and stature on the Dutch who heard that sound...How to Open Your Book and Find Your Why
The video is here. The free slides (Self-Help Template) are Here in Power Point and as a PDF. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days...The Gospel of Why – Purpose Leads to Initiative
We can have fun, be ourselves, make money, love people and build the Kingdom at the same time.