by John Garfield | January 2, 2021 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
Life poses many choices, and purpose always shows up as tall, handsome brothers that don’t really fit. When David does show up, you recognize the King (1 Sam 16:8-13). Clarity comes when you see the real thing. You’ll know it when you see it. Here are ten...
by John Garfield | December 17, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Politics
I was a little surprised at the sprinkling of believers who will not take a stand for the nation, our heritage, or Trump. Their stance is to justify pacifism no matter what kind of propaganda, revisionist history, corruption, or depravity surrounds them. Universalism...
by John Garfield | December 13, 2020 | Blog, Dreams, Greatest Hits
We’re starting two more Heart Plan On-line courses in January. One led by John and the other by Beverly. Why don’t you join us? More on the video and the short answers to your top 10 questions. For you – Getting connected with the purpose God wrote...
by John Garfield | November 24, 2020 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
Getting in touch with the Kingdom purpose God wrote in your heart isn’t a surefire recipe for fame and fortune in this life. It is simply the Father’s purpose for His son or daughter. There is more than one way to accomplish it, which taps our creativity...
by John Garfield | November 13, 2020 | Blog, Discipleship, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
Before we can connect with the Heart of God, we have to connect with what He wrote in our own heart. David was a man after God’s own heart, and we are given the key of David. It’s the key to heaven that sons use to access the council. Sons don’t show...
by John Garfield | November 8, 2020 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
Eight things We Substitute for Purpose Character and career – I’m a good person, with a good job, and make good money. What else is there? Response: Women wake up to purpose after age 35. Men can be a decade or two behind. Money – I’m living the life, I can afford my...
by John Garfield | November 1, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits
This is the first of 3 short videos that introduce the heart plan #1 What will the Heart Plan do For Me? #2 How does the heart plan get results? #3 How to get started with...
by John Garfield | October 20, 2020 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
One of God’s overarching strategies for Reformational is our transition to Kingdom, 7 mountains, and our vision for nations. That “move” touches regular believers, businesses, and CEO’s in the same way. We’re all asking, “How do I do this?” Unlike...
by John Garfield | October 16, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
As believers, we love the miraculous. Miracles make it clear that God did it and not us. If we are intentional and do something noteworthy, there is always a concern that it came out of a sinful part of our presumptuous soul and didn’t originate from God. The...
by John Garfield | October 4, 2020 | Blog, Initiative, Kingly Mindset, Politics
America is divided is more an accusation than a truth. There are cancerous and contentious tentacles intertwined with vital organs that originate from a tumor. Like any invasive tumor, the whole body is fighting it. But, by mass, it’s a tiny fraction of our...
by John Garfield | September 27, 2020 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
We all carry quiet desperation to find and fulfill God’s purpose for our life. God wrote it in our hearts, and we are generally willing to try or trust anything or anyone to get there. We have all bought or bought into things we hoped would lead us to our highest...
by John Garfield | September 13, 2020 | Blog, Creativity, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
Ps. 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. NIV Delight (H6026) – To be soft, pliable It’s not that hard to focus on our dreams and the desires of our hearts. We should, God wrote them there. This blog is about how to move...
by John Garfield | August 16, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset, Uncategorized
Clyde Parker, me, and Ben Roots in Montana For the past 25 years, I’ve gone back to the ranch in Montana to help my brother, Jess, move his cows to summer pasture. It’s an annual retreat to my roots where I grew up on Dad’s ranch just eight miles down the Musselshell...
by John Garfield | August 15, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
Sons go through stuff, It’s normal. If something goes wrong, we assume we’re wrong somehow and experience “shame.” Deaths and resurrections are normal pathways for God to reveal His glory in His sons. Not pleasant, but afflictions will lead you...
by John Garfield | August 9, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset, Politics
Yesterday, we had a prayer time courts of Heaven with our tribe, and we all repented for thinking too small, not believing for the magnitude of what God has for us in individual books. God is raising up sons right now, and they are more courageous, more able to...