by John Garfield | May 14, 2022 | Blog, Courts & Council, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations
There is a shift in how we cooperate with Father to build the Kingdom. Servants are still shifting to sons, but it ripples through how we hear from God and process Father’s guidance. So here are the two primary streams: charismatic servants is our tradition and...
by John Garfield | April 24, 2022 | Blog
It is in all our hearts to be part of what God is doing and contribute and be part of the action. When we thought there was only one mountain, it led to a form of pulpit idolatry where everyone wanted a microphone ministry. Now that we understand 7 mountains, we...
by John Garfield | April 3, 2022 | Blog, Courts & Council, Kingdom Corporations
One of the challenges of Kingdom Business is staying ahead of problems rooted in spiritual warfare. Bill Hybels pastored a 24,000 member church, Willow Creek in Chicago, and Brian Houston pastored Hillsong in Australia. Both were vital leaders and household names who...
by John Garfield | March 19, 2022 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Uncategorized
Rick and Holly started hosting Kingdom Leadership Workshops five years ago in response to the businesspeople from around the world who showed up at the door asking how they did it. Those three-day events occur three times a year, and the next step is called Kingdom...
by John Garfield | March 10, 2022 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
We each have responsibilities (burdens) to carry that belong strictly to me (Gal. 6:5). But, each of us has responsibilities to help discern and carry our brother’s purpose (burden, Gal 6:2). Yes, but how? There is a kingdom shift toward sons with purpose right now....
by John Garfield | February 23, 2022 | Blog, Discipleship, Kingdom Corporations
Staff attrition is always a source of discouragement and profit erosion for a business owner. Not surprisingly, it feels like a relational and strategic betrayal when a senior leader moves on. Why did it happen? Why couldn’t I see this coming? You can; we’ll explain...
by John Garfield | February 17, 2022 | Blog, Courts & Council, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations
A Picture of the Council We’ve all heard that “God has a wonderful plan for your life.” Most believers can’t tell you what it is beyond the pablum of religious generalities (evangelism, missions, Kingdom). The theological paradigm looks like blindfolded believers...
by John Garfield | January 29, 2022 | Blog, Dreams, Kingdom Corporations
Now that you are a partial preterist (free from rapture theology with the devil conquering earth). What are the next prophetic steps/events that inspire you? What is the joy set before you practically, in this life? What is on your plate from Father, before you go...
by John Garfield | January 17, 2022 | Blog, Courts & Council, Discipleship, Greatest Hits
We all got saved via an experience with Jesus. We came from a very rational, intellectual space disconnected from our hearts and God. Then, we experienced Jesus in a way that doesn’t lend itself to explanation or need to. Yet, surprisingly, many believers who start...
by John Garfield | January 2, 2022 | Blog, Courts & Council, Greatest Hits, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
I reread Harold Eberle’s revision of Victorious Eschatology, 2021, and had lunch with him yesterday. We’re on the same page, so our conversation flowed freely. I hadn’t focused on Revelation or Biblical prophecy for some time and this week’s experience left me...
by John Garfield | December 28, 2021 | Blog, Courts & Council, Discipleship, Kingly Mindset
One of the impacts of sons going to the council is getting exposed to the Father’s heart. God’s Kingdom gives us a balance between the desire of my heart and the desires in God’s heart. Father is concerned about the desires of your heart (Ps. 37:4), but there are also...
by John Garfield | December 18, 2021 | Blog, Courts & Council, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations
Several foundations compel me to excitement about the future. I’m not diminishing the fraud behind Covid, the election, and the actions of “Let’s go, Brandon.” But I believe God’s people and the United States, in general, are headed for exciting times. Here’s my...
by John Garfield | December 4, 2021 | Blog, Kingly Mindset, Politics
I watched this 90 min. interview a second time and took notes. As Sons, we carry an anointing and a responsibility to bring these things from heaven to earth in prayer and practice. Plus, I thought it was one of the best prophetic insights I’ve heard this year. We...
by John Garfield | November 24, 2021 | Blog, Discipleship, Greatest Hits
The God we “serve” isn’t really looking for servants. He is not the King of servants; He is the King of kings. Our Father isn’t looking for compliant submission from servants. His heart is longing for collaborative creativity from sons. He treasures two things: 1)...
by John Garfield | November 18, 2021 | Blog, Courts & Council, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
The self-improvement industry offers the premise that you’re sufficient. Believe in yourself, work hard, and your dreams will come true. The sales copy is always, “If I can do this, so can you.” The spiritual reality is that, outside of Christ-in-you, you can get your...