Business Starts With Purpose

Money/Wealth is the earthy currency for Value (Kingdom and Commerce) Money is not the metric for Wealth (Its purpose) Wealth Creation (Deut 8:18) – I create value others want to buy because they benefit from it. (The value I create helps them fulfill their purpose!)...

Business Starts With Love

The KPI isn’t money – Businesses and the people that make them work are not machines we grease and adjust to keep them running smoothly. People, Businesses, and even Nations have a Kingdom purpose that makes them come alive. You may have heard of dead works; there are...

See It, Decree It, Do It

Believers know they should have authority but often don’t know how to use it. The common failure scenario is having a path in mind and then ratcheting up our faith to get it. Using imagination, mindset, Bible verses, or theological preconceptions to leverage God’s...

What Do I Really Want?

There is much to discern about what is true, a conspiracy theory, or narrative propaganda from an intentionally deceptive source. We naturally assume personal objectivity in reviewing the news and wonder why we reach different conclusions. Self-deception is the one...