You Can Be a Seer

We used to think gifts of the Spirit weren’t for anybody. Then we decided they were for a few. Now we know they are for anyone who has faith and maturity to operate in them. Becoming a seer is the same. It’s for everyone. First the why, then the how. Why see? – Seeing...

Where is Your Open Door to Kingdom?

We would all like to be the hero of our story. We all want to hear, “Well done.” We all like the sense of his favor to fill our sails and to touch the miraculous on occasion, i.e., to confirm He is with us. The problem is the resistance is real. It’s not easy....

Substituting Process for Purpose

Connecting with the purpose God wrote in our hearts starts with the belief that there is a cause and giving myself permission to go there and look. This dreams-really-do-come-true stuff feels like the last time I was out on a limb and got it sawed off. I hear these...

Communion – Shared Purpose

We usually translate communion as remembering the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood in the context of our personal forgiveness. We think of the drinking unworthily as coming to communion carrying unforgiveness against other people. We check this box by extending forgiveness...

A Spirit of Enthusiasm

Plastic smiles – We all know the rules, and we all know how to put on a happy face when the rules get broken. We also know what our hopes and dreams look like and we know how to hide the pain of their demise under the same happy face. The happy face looks about...

How To Be Known in Heaven

We’ve heard a lot over the last few years that our identity is in Christ i.e., that we know who we are by understanding what Jesus did for us and can do through us. It’s all good, but few have a practical grasp on what that means. Most people interpret Christ in me as...

10,000 Instructors

We are in a season where God’s people understand that His will can be found in the desires of our hearts. That’s how we define a King (connected to his/her heart’s desires). Traditionally, doing God’s business was always presumed to be sacrificing my will and picking...

From Excuses to Decrees

We are all adept at making excuses. Excuses have power because they are rooted in some aspect of truth or reality. They often stem from spiritual accusations. When we verbalize them, they sound prophetic in the same way accusations have a prophetic tone that is spoken...