by John Garfield | April 28, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
Servants Repent; Sons Redeem – The biggest question God has for sons isn’t what you don’t do trying to be a good Christian; it’s what will you do? We all have a broken past for which the cross is the answer. We also have a religious tradition that if...
by John Garfield | April 18, 2020 | Greatest Hits, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
I watched a documentary Out of the Shadows and an interview with Martin Geddes that dealt with tumultuous issues going on around the world. They are dark and touch on the level of corruption and control in governments and media. It will be darker than any conspiracy...
by John Garfield | April 17, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
What’s Worship – As a believer and then a pastor, I loved congregational worship. We practiced the music and sought God for a prophetic flow in every service. Those services taught me a precious aspect of hearing God’s voice and learning to glorify him. I will always...
by John Garfield | March 31, 2020 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Initiative
Your assignment will inevitably lead to a closed door that can be confusing. Sons open doors and gates, servants assume something is wrong with them and either try harder, repent of their sins, or reopen their inner healing issues one more time. This blog is on how...
by John Garfield | March 22, 2020 | Blog, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
I’m not sucker for goofy conspiracy theories. There has always been an abundance of end-time doom speak. Faulty church eschatology has done as much to supercharge the climate of fear over a flu virus as the infection rate. The most crucial conspiracy is the one...
by John Garfield | March 15, 2020 | Blog, Courts & Council, Greatest Hits
The little-known secrets of the seer gift that anyone can develop. Give yourself permission to use your imagination to start seeing, then discern what you get. Rinse and repeat until you “experience knowing” the scenes are real and interactive....
by John Garfield | March 7, 2020 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
Transformation from the Heart – No matter how hard we try; we can’t make ourselves be someone else. Incentives, discipline, and accountability won’t cure your personality and calling. There’s nothing wrong with your design! God likes you the way He created you....
by John Garfield | February 22, 2020 | Kingly Mindset
Businesses, organizations, and marketing all have hierarchies that are not necessarily people friendly or value-oriented. The mindset is to make the sale in a belief that there isn’t time in the business model to build a relationship. They leave us behind because they...
by John Garfield | February 16, 2020 | Blog, Creativity
Have you ever been to a conference where a nervous speaker so missed his audience that it was painful? Have you ever been that speaker? The fear of public speaking ranks higher than the fear of heights, rattlesnakes, divorce, pulling your wisdom teeth, and death. The...
by John Garfield | January 25, 2020 | Blog, Initiative
Fathers impart blessing on people and favor on the works in their book. The people, their book and their works are strategic ingredients in reformation. Their works flow out of the purpose in their book. God favors those people and work. Father’s connect those dots...
by John Garfield | January 19, 2020 | Blog, Dreams
I watched a new department manager of projects introduce himself to a staff of 100 engineers. The one phrase that stuck in my mind was, “I am very results-oriented.” Now project engineers, including me, tend to be results-oriented anyway, so the remark passed without...
by John Garfield | January 10, 2020 | Blog, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
Anti-favor – The best place to start a discussion on God’s favor is to understand the pain of living out of His favor. It’s worse than not having His positive intervention in our lives. It feels like the world is against us, and nothing works. Our health, finances,...
by John Garfield | December 28, 2019 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
The image of success is often painted with a thin veneer of never failing. When we fail, shame sets in and the accusation is, “Successful people don’t fail, but success is not for you; you are a failure.” I lost the family nest egg in a bad investment seven years ago....
by John Garfield | December 17, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Initiative
I got back from ten exciting days in Europe after 24 hours of airports on a Monday night and went to work Tuesday morning with a combination of euphoria, jet lag, a cold, and a sense of overwhelm on what to do next. While I was nursing a little self-pity, Jesus...
by John Garfield | December 7, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Dreams, Greatest Hits
The blog that walks through the Tribe graphic above is here. I just got back from 10 days in Europe. There is a great awakening happening around the world. It has different looks in different mountains. It’s a shift from servants who need help, healing, and guidance...