A Personal Invitation

We’re starting two more Heart Plan On-line courses in January. One led by John and the other by Beverly. Why don’t you join us? More on the video and the short answers to your top 10 questions. For you – Getting connected with the purpose God wrote...

From Excuses to Decrees

We are all adept at making excuses. Excuses have power because they are rooted in some aspect of truth or reality. They often stem from spiritual accusations. When we verbalize them, they sound prophetic in the same way accusations have a prophetic tone that is spoken...

From Serfs to Surplus

The video is here, Note: I wrote up two courts and council prayer sessions to go with this blog. The first is my own courts of heaven session – Courts of Heaven for Serfdom. The second is a Council session with prayer for others called Recovering Spiritual...

Getting Started in the Council

From Revelations to Manifestations The video is here. One of the keys to getting started is to understand where we’re going. Ascending and seeing in the courts of Heaven, the trading floors and the council is a wonderful and meaningful experience, but we’re not...

Seeing Your Future Self

The video is here. Our new book, Seers and Doers: Sons Bringing Heaven to Earth is on Amazon Our hearts build our identity around pictures and movies that replay whenever we think about who we are and why we’re here. We have role models or heroes that inspire our own...

Leaders Tell Stories

The video is here. People, organizations, corporations and nations that are great are that way for reason. They have connected the dots to the reason for their existence. Organizations or people that exist merely for themselves aren’t worth leading. Idolatry of self...