The Power of Passion

The video is here. Much is shifting in the Kingdom right now, with many practical ramifications in every mountain of our cultures. It is spring in America, a season for new beginnings. At a personal level, servants who have emphasized discipline and obedience are...

Prophetic Creativity

The video is here. There is something brand new in the air. New ideas, new agendas and new initiatives are being released that are blessing people and cultures around the world. I really believe it’s in the context of a Kingdom reformation that will bless people and...

White Guilt and the Courts of Heaven

The video is here. This is an amazing and wonderful time in God’s Kingdom and in American History. New victories are appearing every week and the curtain has been pulled back on levels of corruption in politics and the press that are liberating for all of us. God...

From Grace to Competence

The video is here. Most believers carry a concept that grace is how we get saved without works. Grace is much more but it has three basic definitions or aspects. Grace is not just fire insurance for heaven, it’s a key ingredient God’s uses to build His Kingdom and...

Apostolic Fathers and Mandates

The video is here. We never outgrow the need for encouragement and we all long for fathers. Our hearts are designed to cherish a father and to be one. It is pastoral, but once we feel the call to our own destiny, that relationship is better described as apostolic....

Goals for Your Heart

The video is here. I’m participating in a goal setting exercise for 2017 and have also been dabbling in business coaching. Although I’m very high on both, I noticed something missing in my heart. Goal setting is usually built around how to get something… “What I...

The Lord Our Provider

Many individuals and our nation as a whole are walking through a season when the Lord has removed the things in which we had trusted for the future. No matter what the circumstances are, the Lord is our provider. I’m hearing this phrase, “the just shall live by...

When to Press

The video is here. One issue we all face is knowing when to press into initiatives without getting ahead of God. It is wounding to invest our energy and faith to contend for something that never happens… or find out later that it was never supposed to happen. In our...

Personal and National Destiny

One of our highest Kingdom goals is to make disciples of nations (Mt 28:19) and to bless nations (Gen 12:2). Like personal discipleship, the most exciting part of this discovery process is learning that we were created to fulfill a Kingdom purpose… that destiny is...

Hearing God

The Video is here. One of the things that always impressed me during my pastoral years is how well people could hear God. I was never ahead of them. If something went right, they all knew. If something went wrong, I didn’t have to explain it or fix it… they all knew...

Massive Transformational Purpose (MTP)

The video is here. A friend, Larry Nault, put me onto a secular book that is worth reading… Exponential Organizations. The premise of the book is that we live in an information age now. Change is no longer linear; it’s logarithmic. Predicting what the future will be...

Growing Through Your Near-Death Experience

The video is here. Two weeks ago I had an accident while leading some horses out of a corral. My memory was thankfully erased by the concussion, but somehow I got my head stepped on by one of my friends… 30 stitches, 10 staples, fractured skull and broken collar bone....

From Church to Kingdom and Back

The Video is here. The biggest “motivator” for every Christian is experiencing God’s presence and power (in the church) and then getting the invitation to walk with the Father to do even greater works (in the Kingdom). The church is an incubator for new believers and...