Unwrap Your Seer Gift

The little-known secrets of the seer gift that anyone can develop. Give yourself permission to use your imagination to start seeing, then discern what you get. Rinse and repeat until you “experience knowing” the scenes are real and interactive....

Start With Purpose

Transformation from the Heart – No matter how hard we try; we can’t make ourselves be someone else. Incentives, discipline, and accountability won’t cure your personality and calling. There’s nothing wrong with your design! God likes you the way He created you....

Hearts Are Not Herds

Businesses, organizations, and marketing all have hierarchies that are not necessarily people friendly or value-oriented. The mindset is to make the sale in a belief that there isn’t time in the business model to build a relationship. They leave us behind because they...

Making Friends With Failure

The image of success is often painted with a thin veneer of never failing. When we fail, shame sets in and the accusation is, “Successful people don’t fail, but success is not for you; you are a failure.” I lost the family nest egg in a bad investment seven years ago....

Communion – Shared Purpose

We usually translate communion as remembering the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood in the context of our personal forgiveness. We think of the drinking unworthily as coming to communion carrying unforgiveness against other people. We check this box by extending forgiveness...

A Spirit of Enthusiasm

Plastic smiles – We all know the rules, and we all know how to put on a happy face when the rules get broken. We also know what our hopes and dreams look like and we know how to hide the pain of their demise under the same happy face. The happy face looks about...

Seeing the Big Picture

Have you ever spent a lot of time and energy in a big initiative only to find out it was a blind alley, a bad investment, or a waste of time? Or, have you missed the big picture and your time and energy produced something unprofitable; then felt like an “unprofitable...

How To Be Known in Heaven

We’ve heard a lot over the last few years that our identity is in Christ i.e., that we know who we are by understanding what Jesus did for us and can do through us. It’s all good, but few have a practical grasp on what that means. Most people interpret Christ in me as...