by John Garfield | August 12, 2022 | Blog, Creativity, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset, Uncategorized
Authenticity is one of the keys to the Kingdom. “Is it OK to be myself? Isn’t that way too carnal?” That question has roots in a prideful belief that we can live a good life by cleaning up our own act. So, religion tries to hold us accountable for reshaping, renewing,...
by John Garfield | July 10, 2022 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Politics
I have held a belief that Trump is our real president and that God will not allow this level of corruption via the deep state to last. In a recent council session, I asked the Lord, “What happens when Trump Returns (Devolution).” The video helped open my eyes to the...
by John Garfield | July 8, 2022 | Blog, Dreams, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
The most exciting part of Kingdom business is getting to do what Father is doing (Jn 5:19). A Good business model is repeatable and reproduceable. We consistently provide value in goods or services to others for a profit. It doesn’t take long before the new wears off...
by John Garfield | June 21, 2022 | Blog, Creativity, Kingdom Corporations
A good friend found this quote, “People buy 4 things and 4 things only. Ever. Those 4 things are time, money, sex, and approval/peace of mind. If you try selling something other than those 4 things, you will fail.” This secular summary is what makes copy and products...
by John Garfield | June 11, 2022 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations
EMI Family Gathering and Tamarisk Group Kingdom Business Workshop with John Garfield Links for Attendees Link to Videos from Friday AM & PM Workshop Slides Heart Connection Quiz Purpose Mind Map Court and Council...
by John Garfield | March 19, 2021 | Blog, Creativity, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
When we bring up the topic of knowing the purpose God wrote in your heart, I often hear, “I already know my purpose and I’m doing it.” Quite often that means my business is working, it’s making money, and I’m too busy to have this conversation. I’m busy making bread...
by John Garfield | March 14, 2021 | Blog, Dreams, Kingly Mindset
We all know people who are not open or receptive to God or us. I typically move on to people that are open, to buy time for the Holy Spirit to do His job and ripen the fruit. I think they can feel the abandonment in that attitude of leaving them behind. By contrast,...
by John Garfield | January 10, 2021 | Blog, Discipleship, Dreams, Kingly Mindset
Book is a term for your calling or destiny in God’s Kingdom (from Ps 139:15-16). We all have a book or purpose for being here, and we are all still filling in the blanks of where it leads. We help people clarify what’s in their books, There...
by John Garfield | January 2, 2021 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
Life poses many choices, and purpose always shows up as tall, handsome brothers that don’t really fit. When David does show up, you recognize the King (1 Sam 16:8-13). Clarity comes when you see the real thing. You’ll know it when you see it. Here are ten...
by John Garfield | October 13, 2019 | Blog, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
Connecting with the purpose God wrote in our hearts starts with the belief that there is a cause and giving myself permission to go there and look. This dreams-really-do-come-true stuff feels like the last time I was out on a limb and got it sawed off. I hear these...
by John Garfield | September 28, 2019 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
My personal purpose in life flows from the desires God wrote in my heart and the activities that naturally result. Fruit always flows from our hearts – good and bad. The following is a list of symptoms of not having a purpose, then a list of fruit when we do have...
by John Garfield | September 22, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Dreams
We usually translate communion as remembering the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood in the context of our personal forgiveness. We think of the drinking unworthily as coming to communion carrying unforgiveness against other people. We check this box by extending forgiveness...