by John Garfield | August 26, 2023 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
The story behind this blog, the introduction, is in the video. Where Movement Begins – Movements, either personal or with 1000’s, have a starting place, Heaven. Movements, businesses, and even people are causes anchored in a purpose that begins in the heart of God....
by John Garfield | August 19, 2023 | Blog, Creativity, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations, Uncategorized
Seasons – The transition into a kingdom age right now is very exciting. Everyone can feel it! If I described it as a shift from Pisces (fish) to Aquarius (water bearer), you might conclude I study horoscopes! Rest easy; I don’t. But I recognize Father’s times and...
by John Garfield | August 6, 2023 | Blog, Courts & Council, Kingly Mindset
We all want to ask the Lord for revelation, understanding, provisions, and physical manifestations. But most of us have had an experience with suffering that made God feel distant or moral failures that made us feel distant. Those experiences left our hearts with a...
by John Garfield | April 24, 2022 | Blog
It is in all our hearts to be part of what God is doing and contribute and be part of the action. When we thought there was only one mountain, it led to a form of pulpit idolatry where everyone wanted a microphone ministry. Now that we understand 7 mountains, we...
by John Garfield | January 2, 2022 | Blog, Courts & Council, Greatest Hits, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
I reread Harold Eberle’s revision of Victorious Eschatology, 2021, and had lunch with him yesterday. We’re on the same page, so our conversation flowed freely. I hadn’t focused on Revelation or Biblical prophecy for some time and this week’s experience left me...
by John Garfield | December 4, 2021 | Blog, Kingly Mindset, Politics
I watched this 90 min. interview a second time and took notes. As Sons, we carry an anointing and a responsibility to bring these things from heaven to earth in prayer and practice. Plus, I thought it was one of the best prophetic insights I’ve heard this year. We...
by John Garfield | November 18, 2021 | Blog, Courts & Council, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
The self-improvement industry offers the premise that you’re sufficient. Believe in yourself, work hard, and your dreams will come true. The sales copy is always, “If I can do this, so can you.” The spiritual reality is that, outside of Christ-in-you, you can get your...
by John Garfield | November 5, 2021 | Blog, Discipleship, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations
The Gospel of the Kingdom includes salvation, but it’s primarily about becoming a son. More here. The good news is that sons operate in their Father’s purpose and power, they have access to the courts and council of Heaven, and they inherit their Father’s...
by John Garfield | October 31, 2021 | Blog, Discipleship, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
The story of Humanity is the 2000-year redemption from Serfs to Sons… Captives are being set free. This is particularly true in Slavic history. It’s not about what the devil is doing: covid, vax, the economy, the media, Marxism, or the tyranny in...
by John Garfield | October 9, 2021 | Blog, Dreams, Greatest Hits
True worship that blesses the heart of God is much more than words. What thrills His heart is when sons connect with the desires in their heart, so from the heart, they co-labor with Him to build the Kingdom. 2 Sam 24:24 – I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord...
by John Garfield | September 17, 2021 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset
Businesses are a collection of people that should have a purpose bigger than their widget or service. Businesses that flow with God’s purpose have an entirely different feel. They are relevant, bigger than themselves, and there is an intangible ‘Pull’ to work with...
by John Garfield | August 28, 2021 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset, Politics
Between Afghanistan, fake news, covid, election fraud, and employment threats, everyone’s heads are spinning. If cable news is accurate, it’s probably accidental. The internet is a mix of truth, half-truth, and junk. Father, show how to reign over all this...
by John Garfield | May 30, 2021 | Blog, Discipleship, Kingly Mindset
Jesus asked 307 recorded questions in the Bible, but people only asked Him 183 questions. Why? When a servant encounters God, he expects the ten commandments. Servants expect to be told what to do, how to do it, and when. They deal in statements of fact. Obedience is...
by John Garfield | March 31, 2021 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations
Mid-life with job or business resume of achievement. Christian with a family, nothing is broken – they don’t need or want to be “fixed.” He/she is not bored but wearied by the rut; by the mundane routine that doesn’t tap their full potential or release their own...
by John Garfield | January 2, 2021 | Blog, Kingly Mindset
Life poses many choices, and purpose always shows up as tall, handsome brothers that don’t really fit. When David does show up, you recognize the King (1 Sam 16:8-13). Clarity comes when you see the real thing. You’ll know it when you see it. Here are ten...