by John Garfield | November 1, 2019 | Blog, Kingdom Corporations, Wealth
How to Avoid Becoming “Marketing Road Kill” The marketing and motivational world pull us in the direction of our dreams. We want to break through to our abundant life and haven’t been getting there. So, we are candidates for help. They promise: You can have it all –...
by John Garfield | October 27, 2019 | Blog, Discipleship, Greatest Hits
People who tell stories engage us. Leaders who tell us our story move us. We lead people into their greatness when we connect them with their own story – it’s a prophetic process – that you can do. People, organizations, corporations, and nations that are great are...
by John Garfield | October 23, 2019 | Courts & Council, Greatest Hits
There is a healthy transition from intellectualism to an experience-based faith right now. Sound doctrine is essential, but we all got saved based on experiences with Jesus. We can approach courts and decrees from a methodic, cerebral perspective and have a shopping...
by John Garfield | October 13, 2019 | Blog, Initiative, Kingly Mindset
Connecting with the purpose God wrote in our hearts starts with the belief that there is a cause and giving myself permission to go there and look. This dreams-really-do-come-true stuff feels like the last time I was out on a limb and got it sawed off. I hear these...
by John Garfield | September 28, 2019 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
My personal purpose in life flows from the desires God wrote in my heart and the activities that naturally result. Fruit always flows from our hearts – good and bad. The following is a list of symptoms of not having a purpose, then a list of fruit when we do have...
by John Garfield | September 22, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Dreams
We usually translate communion as remembering the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood in the context of our personal forgiveness. We think of the drinking unworthily as coming to communion carrying unforgiveness against other people. We check this box by extending forgiveness...
by John Garfield | September 15, 2019 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
Before any of us volunteer to get on a train, we would like to know where it’s going. We would also like that destination to be somewhere we really want to go. I’ve had the experience of riding a train in Poland. I can’t read any of the signs, and very few people...
by John Garfield | September 8, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Kingly Mindset
Plastic smiles – We all know the rules, and we all know how to put on a happy face when the rules get broken. We also know what our hopes and dreams look like and we know how to hide the pain of their demise under the same happy face. The happy face looks about...
by John Garfield | September 2, 2019 | Blog, Discipleship, Greatest Hits
People have problems – Some are a bit self-inflicted, but resistant to change because they are there for a reason. And, people occasionally like those reasons more than they like your help. For example, wounded hearts try to lighten the pain with...
by John Garfield | August 25, 2019 | Blog, Discipleship, Greatest Hits, Kingly Mindset
The language of our hearts is pictures, scenes, movies, and images. That’s why dreams are never just words. When we want to change our hearts, a new movie script is required to exchange for the old. That translates to an experience. We don’t learn from more...
by John Garfield | August 18, 2019 | Blog, Greatest Hits, Kingdom Corporations, Kingly Mindset, Wealth
The business side of our life on earth is part of our spiritual resume. God is transitioning us to the sons all creation has been anticipating. We have seats in heaven and see what Father is doing so we can bring heaven to earth and solve real problems in the here and...
by John Garfield | July 28, 2019 | Blog, Dreams, Kingly Mindset
Have you ever spent a lot of time and energy in a big initiative only to find out it was a blind alley, a bad investment, or a waste of time? Or, have you missed the big picture and your time and energy produced something unprofitable; then felt like an “unprofitable...
by John Garfield | July 7, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Initiative
We’ve heard a lot over the last few years that our identity is in Christ i.e., that we know who we are by understanding what Jesus did for us and can do through us. It’s all good, but few have a practical grasp on what that means. Most people interpret Christ in me as...
by John Garfield | July 2, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Kingly Mindset, Wealth
We are in a season where God’s people understand that His will can be found in the desires of our hearts. That’s how we define a King (connected to his/her heart’s desires). Traditionally, doing God’s business was always presumed to be sacrificing my will and picking...
by John Garfield | June 18, 2019 | Blog, Courts & Council, Dreams, Kingly Mindset
We’ve developed two online courses to bring prophetic and practical clarity to your purpose, vocation or business and a success path to seeking the Father in the courts of heaven and the council: The Heart Plan will help you fish your purpose out of the deep waters of...