The Ten Virgins

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Discovering the Kingdom Within

The video version of this newsletter is also available. Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as...

Ideas Create Wealth

Wealth Creation – A door is open for Kings to create wealth. We don’t preach so much as we do it. I’ve come to the place where I believe (for Kings) that creating wealth is a spiritual discipline that ranks right up there with prayer. We can use money in this life as...


Results oriented – I was raised on a ranch in Montana where we learned how to get things done. From there I spent a career in engineering where the focus was on cost, scope and schedule. I measured my own self worth and that of others by the ability to get results....

Playing Above Your Head

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I will be discussing Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. One of my favorite places in worship is when the songs, musicians, and God’s people are swept up in the...


I don’t think it’s possible to understand freedom apart from the freedom we have in Christ. Once a man has tasted the freedom of heart that Jesus gives, he can never again by enslaved by tyranny. Our founders understood the connection between the heart of God and the...

Just Do You

People that are really fulfilled in their work and ministry have two ingredients that propel them into excellence, promotion, and effectiveness: they are self-aware and authentic. They understand what their own gifts and talents are as well as their weak areas....

From Entitlement to Initiative

Now that world economies are slowing down, entitlements are being threatened. There is also a theory that riots in the UK and other countries have roots in the government providing inadequate care for those trained to depend on entitlements. The reality is that...

Stop Driving the Church Bus

In the course of encouraging Kings to be entrepreneurial and take their Kingdom land, I run into people new to these truths who are frustrated with their local church. The idea of giving your heart permission to go out and create wealth, have fun, love people, and...

About Sacrifice

The world economy is in some disarray, so we hear a lot about paying the national debt through “shared sacrifice” which means the government would like more of your money. We’ve been spending trillions to bail out everything from banks to nations, so now we’re running...

Adding Substance to Your Dream

It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It is the one who won’t be taken who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live. From The Rose Secular writers...

Hearing Hearts

I heard your heart – Once we learn to hear our own heart’s desires, we start a process of learning to distinguish between our hearts and our minds. When I say “heart,” I’m referring to a deeper level; “subconscious” or “spirit” may also be terms we could use to...

Go There

We share a lot on pursuing the desire of your heart. It’s the key to life and motivation. Some don’t believe we can trust the desires of our hearts due to the past emphasis on human depravity – a belief that our hearts are evil (desperately wicked). God has placed his...

Heirs Together

Marriage is a great example of a relationship where the union is greater than the sum of the parts. Life is all about finding the people with whom we’re called to work, and enjoying the ride. The original couple was created to 1) be fruitful, 2) multiply, and 3) have...

Teamwork to Make Your Dream Work

Dreams with a chance to succeed have two ingredients: a plan to create wealth and the necessary help to implement them. People in poverty tend to miss both the money and the support system. They tend to think in terms of working alone. Wealthy people navigate the...