Meeting God@Work

Where is God? – in the Kingdom, we find the presence and power and person of God when we get in our mountain and get to work. It’s really simple! That’s where we find ourselves too… our passion, our anointing, our purpose, our fruit, our authority and our personality.

Corporate Heart Plans

The video introduction to this newsletter is here. The concept of getting in touch with our heart’s desires and finding our Kingdom purpose has an amazing impact in individual lives. It puts us on the team of making disciples of nations and the kind of reformation...

Doors and Keys

Kings share one common phenomenon, particularly in this present hour: we are all contending for our inheritance and pursuing a dream. Servants content themselves with the blessed hope of heaven. Kings are focused on building the Kingdom here and now. That Kingdom...

Have Fun, Make Money, and Love People

My personal journey toward marketplace ministry and this Kingly mindset started with four aspects of theology, and it changed my perspective on being entrepreneurial and contending for the Kingdom. We carefully wrote about these four topics in Releasing Kings, part 2....