Waiting Patiently for God

The first ingredient for being a King and seeing the Kingdom of God is sharing a sense of destiny in Christ. That means we have a vision or heart’s desire… some design for our future. When we really find that place of intersection between our heart’s desire and God’s...

Is There a Cause?

Connecting our hearts with a real Kingdom purpose is a key to Releasing Kings. Seeing our future is the faith that motivates enthusiasm, a work ethic, creativity, fruit, and wealth multiplication. It’s very easy to get in a rut of working a job that pays the bills but...

Apocalyptic Thinking

Whether people are left or right, secular and religious, there is a trend in America right now to think that the sky is falling. I read The Last Myth by Gross and Gilles. They make an excellent point about what apocalyptic thinking tells us about America. The topics...

The Next Level

“3 steps to connect with your own heart” –          Stop living someone else’s script –          Become yourself (the way you were designed) –          Build the bridge between vocation and ministry –          Get started on the dream God put in your heart Where is...

The Justice of Restoration

Justice is coming – The night is darkest just before the dawn. We are prophetically on the eve of new levels of creativity, opportunity and fruit. Yet, our experience is navigating the present darkness and attack against our dreams. The reason we guard our hearts is...

Experiencing Resurrection

The first step – We have all heard stories of millionaires having a history of bankruptcies and failures before they reach their dream. I want to suggest that there is a principle in the spirit by which God prunes, kills, shakes or breaks off things in our lives so...

Struggling or Strategizing

Why are people struggling? – There is an amazing phenomenon in the Kingdom called “seasons.” When God is doing something, we all can feel it and taste it and usually experience it. I’ve experienced loss, and when I look around I see some of my friends are experiencing...

The What, Why, and How of Life

“What” – Life has a purpose – The most fundamental question we ask in life is, “What’s my purpose?” Even if you don’t ask it overtly, your heart is searching for the reason in subconscious ways. I’ve heard believers say that it’s to glorify God. I’m not sure what that...

The Father’s Coaching Heart

We are all discipled through personal relationships. I’ve invested 40+ years in traditional services, conferences and classes, have written two books, preached in my own church for 13 years, and this newsletter is approaching number 400 over the last eight years. All...

Doors and Keys

Kings share one common phenomenon, particularly in this present hour: we are all contending for our inheritance and pursuing a dream. Servants content themselves with the blessed hope of heaven. Kings are focused on building the Kingdom here and now. That Kingdom...

Showing Ourselves To Be His Disciples

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8 NIV Adding a Kingdom perspective to our traditional church discipleship process has some profound implications, not just for others, but for you and me. We want to...

Shaking and Baking

The video version of this newsletter is here. Kingdom shaking – One of the realities of living in the Kingdom is that we sign up for both great victories and great battles that are bigger than we are. Many Kings are tasting a level of resistance, warfare or testing...

Writing Your Resurrection

…unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.  “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. John 12:24-25 NASU As you are aware by now, life has...

Learning to Stand

Sit, Walk, Stand – I love the progression of maturity in Ephesians. First we’re seated with Christ, second we learn to walk with Him, and finally we learn to stand in our inheritance. Normally we think of having to attain or accomplish something to achieve our...

Experiencing Praise

The video version of this newsletter is here.I have often heard of the concept of praise as means of releasing God’s power. Israel toppled the walls of Jericho by simply marching and praising, and Paul and Silas praised their way to an earthquake that opened the...