
Extraordinary – Moving Up from the Mediocre Mindset Average is safe – I’m fascinated by the things that hold us back from achieving our full potential. One of the most common failure scenarios is resting once you get to average. Many use sabotage to achieve...

The Gospel of the Kingdom

I have one more insight regarding Warsaw. Our business conferences “accidentally” resulted in 30-40 salvations. The Lord spoke something into my heart regarding why it happened. This newsletter is an introduction to Kings and the Gospel of the Kingdom. It’s worth...

Whats Next for Kings

I saw something at our conference in Warsaw that amazed me. Of the 30-40 people that were saved (at a business conference!), many represented very successful businesses that are already influential in the city. Our church tradition is to rescue dysfunctional people...

Have Fun, Make Money, and Love People

My personal journey toward marketplace ministry and this Kingly mindset started with four aspects of theology, and it changed my perspective on being entrepreneurial and contending for the Kingdom. We carefully wrote about these four topics in Releasing Kings, part 2....

Free Markets

Where the Spirit of the Lord is… There are Free Markets The Great Commission – We all subscribe to the goal of preaching the gospel to all men and making disciples of all nations (Mark 28:19, Gen 12-2-3). We stress evangelism and missions and we see the Lord moving...


Breaking Poverty – We all want to help the poor. It’s a Biblical mandate that strikes close to home. We’ve all been in situations where we needed someone else’s encouragement and help to make it. Bearing one another’s burdens is a real expression of love. Kings should...

The Spiritual Roots of Capitalism

Opportunity – Christians on the left and right share a desire to help the needy and give everyone an opportunity for education. The political arguments are really about how we can best do that. As you are reading this newsletter the United States will be 13 trillion...

Goals That Overflow

Fish or fisherman – We all have desires and aspirations. Some of us even have goals written down. Why is it that some people seem to have an ability to create wealth and others don’t? There is even a political movement that concludes this scenario is unfair and wealth...

Manage Your Destiny

Fundamentals – The difference between servant and King is like a structure with a foundation that starts with our heart’s desire. When things go against us in life it’s wise to reassess that foundation. We all “labor to enter into rest.” The sweet spot in life is when...

After Your Heart is Released…

The Lights Come On – One of my personal delights is observing the process of seeing hearts released into a Kingly realm. During the conference in Ukraine we saw God’s people grasp permission from the Father to dream. For the first time, they looked into their own...

From Pew to Palace

First Love – When I first got saved the feeling of being known and loved and accepted by God was amazing. When I first found a church home I loved the feeling of God’s presence sweeping over the congregation. We soared like eagles in worship and the prophetic. Finding...

When Kings Get Drunk

Learning to drink – In 1995 Sue and I went back to Toronto to the Airport Vineyard to catch an outpouring… there were meetings six nights a week and people were there from at least 60 different nations. Our congregation was glad to see me go; and to some degree pushed...

Heart Exercise

exercise thyself rather unto godliness.  1 Tim 4:7 KJV But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Heb 5:14 KJV Mind vs. Heart – Western Christianity is prone to...

Viral Leadership

This week we’re expanding on a theme that started with last week’s newsletter (Independence Day) and a book entitled The Starfish and the Spider. Both are worth a minute to follow the links. Blessing the Nations – marketplace ministry adds a new dimension to the great...

Use Your Words

Affirmations – An affirmation is simply a declaration or proclamation that something is true. Coaching and the new age movement have borrowed the concept from the context of Biblical Christianity to help people change or get what they want… “I am a millionaire.” I...