Like a Child

One of the secrets to fulfilling our Kingdom and Kingly destiny is becoming child-like. When we were little, our philosophy of life was going after whatever we wanted. We would crawl or waddle over to the desired object and simply grasp for it. If we couldn’t get it,...

The Price of Success

Most of us have heroes or role models whom we consider successful. Last week we discussed the role of passion in finding our personal calling or purpose in life (Passion is in Fashion). This week we want to make it a little more practical and outline eight simple...

Passion is in Fashion

There is a shift in the Kingdom that allows Kings to embrace their passion. We are all attracted to public figures in music, sports, business, or politics who are passionate. They love what they do; they are really good at it, and their level of fervor, enthusiasm and...

Sowing for a Resurrection

It’s bad – the news media and the prophetic camp are having a feeding frenzy on the dire US and world economy. In the US, we tax 2.2T and borrow money so that we can spend 3.5T. That’s bad enough, but every year we spend more. Other nations have similar issues, so...

Entering Rest

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. 9 There remains, then, a Sabbath — rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make...

From Poland with Love

Our Releasing Kings business conferences in Warsaw and Gdansk exceeded our expectations in many ways. We got to stay in homes and re-connect with people we met in Warsaw in November. We also saw the progress of business men and women who were saved at the last...

The Increase of His Kingdom

Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. Isa 9:7 NIV The “Chicken Little” mentality – I have lived all of my life under the threat of catastrophe…. over-population, nuclear winter, peak oil, acid rain, global cooling, ozone layer depletion,...

Discipling Nations Starts With Me

Living paycheck to paycheck – One of the interesting realities of life is that most of us just spend all the money we make working at a job. It’s called “living from paycheck to paycheck.” Unions are fighting for better job benefits, but it’s really a losing battle....

Standing in the Gap

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then… Eph 6:13-14 NIV Judgment – Believers are focusing on much that is wrong morally and...

How Change Happens

Information and Motivation – Have you ever been to a motivational seminar? …where you see the possibility for something brand new? Then we go home with our new knowledge and excitement and it lasts until our first encounter with our old lifestyle, whereupon it...

Created for Success

You win – Just like airplanes are designed to fly, God created you to succeed. Most of us have experienced enough failure in life or our upbringing that our computers are programmed to doubt that we can succeed. However, you can overwrite the negative software if you...

Connecting Disciples with Their Hearts

Guilt vs. dream motivation – I want to offer a simple premise about motivation. Guilt can be a good short-term motivation to stop doing the wrong thing. However, guilt can’t be used as a motivator to do the right thing.  It just doesn’t last. People who do reach their...

The Next Great Idea

Creativity – I interviewed Andrew Ferguson, a business CEO, who has an amazing story. One of the things he mentioned was very profound. Andrew has been through an amazing number of ups and downs. He learned that failing in a business is not the “end” of an...

Thy Kingdom Come

Which Great Commission? – I was recently sharing in a local church about life purpose and a lady explained that, “Our purpose is to lead others to Jesus.” I hadn’t thought about it for years, but that used to be exactly my belief. If you asked me to recite the great...

Thy Kingdom Come – Part 2

Which Great Commission? – I was recently sharing in a local church about life purpose and a lady explained that, “Our purpose is to lead others to Jesus.” I hadn’t thought about it for years, but that used to be exactly my belief. If you asked me to recite the great...