The Heart of Profit (2)

If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks.  19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything.  20 Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because...

Managing Imagination

A tool of destiny – I want to suggest that our imagination is one of the ways that we discover our Kingdom purpose (aka the will of God). Here’s how it works: imagination or meditation is our journey through the desires of our heart to find the desires on God’s heart....

Finding Your Open Door

In my own life and the lives of all my friends, we are wrestling with finding an open door. Or, if a door has opened, how do we manage the flood of blessing and adversity that goes with it? Many hearts are longing for a door to open. Some don’t even know what door to...

Making the News

Bad news – I periodically succumb to cynicism from the steady drum beat of bad news in our culture. A national arrogance that denies God’s calling, prayerless public schools that rank 26th in the world, poverty and the murder rate in inner cities, 60 million...

Stewards and Superstars

In the course of pursuing dreams and experiencing the desires of our hearts, we all weigh the concepts of being a faithful steward of what God has for us and experiencing the fruit of God’s intervention in our lives. Stewards emphasize discipline, wisdom and...

Mystical Poverty

It’s a little surprising, in the political landscape of our day, that wealth and wealthy people are being categorically demonized. Greed and corruption do make headlines, but those errors are more present in poverty than wealth. When we look for the roots of our...

Trajectories of the Heart

In the world of coaching, psychology and self-help there is a truth that goes something like this: “People who believe they are ‘worthy’ have a strong sense of relational connection, love, and feel they belong.” These people can embrace their vulnerability and become...

A Light in the Darkness

One of the themes for 2013 that resonates in my heart is that we will see increasing darkness and increasing light at the same time. At some level that’s always been true, but it’s easy to see our social and political landscape darken in America while the Kingdom gets...

From Chaos to Kairos

The rate of change in our society and in the Kingdom is astounding right now. Waiting 2 years for a cell phone contract to expire means watching 50 models introduced – all better than the one I just bought. 2012 was a year of total chaos for Sue and me. In the summer...

Plans of the Heart; Steps from the Lord

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov 16:9 NIV We are in an amazing spiritual season right now. Every few days there is a new shaking in some part of the world that ignites the passions or fears in the hearts of people. As 2013...

Immanuel – God With Us

The essential message of Christmas is that God chose to come and dwell with man. Jesus was not a “fall guy,” an angel or even a son in the sense of being someone other than God. Jesus is God in a way that humans cannot adequately explain. As CS Lewis said, it...

Thy vs My Will Be Done

CS Lewis is one of my favorite authors and yesterday I posted this quote on FaceBook. There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to who God say, in the end, “Thy will be done.”  CS Lewis I originally though he...

From Parables to Profits

We are in an amazing hour of transition. I believe it’s for the better. Even though our economy approaches a cliff, as are many personal accounts, something new is being birthed in the hearts of Kingdom people. We should see it and cooperate with it. On a good day I...


The recent election, the fiscal cliff, world events, and the political and spiritual climate leave our hearts wondering where God is in all these events. We’ve listed every answer floating to the surface because many of those same theological choices are being...

Hang on to Your Heart

The Gospel of Salvation – We all have roots in the gospel of salvation; Jesus died for our sins and, if we accept his sacrifice and ask his forgiveness, we can be saved. People in desperate straits are indeed forgiven and heaven is their destination. When we translate...