Is My Dream Too Big?

The video is here. Over the last two weeks we had the privilege of helping several dozen people in Poland and Denmark to get in touch with themselves and the dream that God wrote in their hearts (Heart Plan Workshops). It’s really a process of hearing God and...

John Garfield – Releasing Kings

John Garfield – Releasing Kings Personal Name: John Garfield (, johnsgarfield@gmailcom Education: BS Chemical Engineering, BA Theology via a local church Family: Wife Sue (nurse), 4 grown children, and 6 grandchildren Business: Imparting the...

Beverly Lewis

Beverly Lewis (Life and Business Coach) Video Introduction Personal Name: Beverly Lewis, 53,, Video Introduction: Beverly on you tube Education: University of FL, Ornamental Horticulture (that’s come in real handy) Family:...

Raising Kingdom Kids

Teaching our children to follow us as we follow Jesus is not a small challenge. Believing parents do take it seriously, but for most, when the kids are all grown, we can look back on some serious mistakes and mixed results. The current generation of young adults in...

We Are Not Equal

The video version of the blog is here. As the Kingdom of God unfolds around the world, we are watching people occupy their roles in different mountains. We are seeing great victories and great warfare at the same time. Equality is one of the ideological and spiritual...

Connecting With Our Heart

The video is here. One of the most profound ingredients of “Kingdom” is making the transition from servant to friend in our relationship with Jesus. God is walking us all through this transition to Kingdom by teaching us how to connect with what He’s already written...

He Is Still Alive

The video version of this blog is here The concepts of market place ministry and finding your 7-mountain role is embedded in the gospel of the Kingdom. We are saved through Jesus’ death and resurrection, but the invitation into the Kingdom goes beyond an invitation to...

7 Kingdom Strategies

The video for this blog is here. God is pointing us toward revival, intentional reformation, and Kingdom, and He’s inviting us to be more practical and strategic. Waiting on God and prayer are good and essential, but the Lord is inviting us to implement our prayer in...

Ideas That Have Legs

The video version of this newsletter is here. With the advent of social media, viral ideas have the ability to travel the world at a much faster pace. The Utopian theory is that this global exchange of ideas would foster enlightenment and unity around the world… I...

Filling the Leadership Vacuum

I’ve met some great people in our travels to Poland and I want to introduce you to one of them. John Godson is a member of the Polish Parliament. He’s a great example of a King in the political mountain with an apostolic gift to raise up some sons and daughters....

Leveraging the Kingdom Part 1

The video for this blog is here. One of our Releasing Kings coaches sent me a 10 minute video by Daniel Pink on his book, Drive. It’s really good! His thesis has to do with what motivates people to be creative or productive… at work, in life, everywhere. He found that...

Preparing Our Hearts For Victories

The video is here I am amazed at the sudden changes in Ukraine. It feels like there may be no place for corruption to hide. Friends over there are proud, cautiously optimistic, and determined. Here is a translation of a face book reflection from one of our friends who...