Leading from the Heart

There are two prior newsletters that go with this theme, Listening Skills and Putting Life in Corporate Culture. Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Prov 4:23 Message For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings...

Dreams Do Come True

  The video is here. Life is busy. Our culture doesn’t naturally get us connected with our own hearts, nor do any of our institutions teach us how. It leaves us plodding through life with no sense of destiny or purpose. We use entertainment to fill the gap in our...

Putting Life in Corporate Culture

The video is here. I have been dreaming about using the concepts of heart in the engineering company where I consult. There is an open door of invitation. Now, we have to deliver a practical approach that works in a secular, corporate setting. First step: define the...

Surviving Setbacks

The video is here. There is a belief in most of our hearts that if we are God’s kids, nothing bad will happen to us. It might be more realistic and Biblical to suggest that the Holy Spirit will lead us through a wilderness where lots of exciting things will happen....

Real Wisdom

The video is here. We all want to make wise choices that bear fruit. Revelation and wisdom are often confused in the spiritual dimension, and God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are often confused in the business dimension. So, how do we know what path is wisdom? Do not...

How to Change Your Mind

The video is here A friend put me unto a concept by Carolyn Leaf and her book, Switch on Your Brain. Neuroplasticity refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses due to changes in behavior, environment, neural processes, thinking, and emotions – as well as to...

Maria Lalik – Life and Business Coach

Maria Lalik (Life and Business Coach) Personal Name: Maria Lalik (la.mariah@yahoo.co.uk) Web Site: http://desiretodestiny.pl/ Education: Masters in Child Development, Certified Coach Business: Life & Success Coach, Translator, Entrepreneur Hobbies: Traveling,...

Try Smarter not Harder

The video is here. One of the remarkable differences between people under the influence of a poverty mentality and those living in God’s abundance is knowing when to get help. Those in poverty usually believe they must make in on their own. When they encounter a...

It’s Easy to Make Money

The video is here. Fifty years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the War on Poverty. Since then, US taxpayers have spent more than $22 trillion fighting Johnson’s war, three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history. Currently in the US, about 35% of...

Welcome to Warfare

The video is here. This adventure of releasing our own hearts in the Kingdom and inviting others to do the same has led to some surprising places. For example, I’m blessed beyond measure to find that God has written in the hearts of people who do not yet know Jesus....

Sharing Your Why

The video is here. There is a sound in the Kingdom built around sharing your “why” – the real reasons for the motivations of our hearts. If we try to convince others to adopt our why, it feels disingenuous and raises the resistance we all have for a sales pitch. If...

In Christ

The video is here. One of the great keys of the Kingdom is learning to dwell “in Christ.” It is simply surrendering our agenda to be with Jesus and see what’s on His heart. That place and time is the wellspring of everything we have to give others. He who dwells in...

Crowns and Thorns

The video is here. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings… Phil 3:10 NIV If we died with him, we will also live with him; 12 if we endure, we will also reign with him. 2 Tim 2:11-12 NIV The Lamb will...