
The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. I’ve been in several group retreats where we take a DISC profile (Personality assessment) and divide up into groups for discussion. One of the four traits is an “S” for stabilizing. When I place myself in...


Ashamed of it, or filled with it? Kings are “quietly” entrepreneurial, courageous, powerful, competitive, adventurous, visionary and generous. They leverage their success to make others successful. Instead of creating followers, they are leaders who create more...

My Dream Isn’t Here Yet

I received a comment on a last week’s newsletter that is very relevant. Many are going through a phase where aspects (or all) of our dream hasn’t arrived yet. Welcome to the club. I thought this articulated one of the excesses we can fall into: pursuing a legitimate...

When Fear Comes Knocking

One of the realities of life is that things do go wrong occasionally and we have to make wise adjustments. The first choice involved is deciding to move. The consequence of fear is that it tends to immobilize us; our response is to surrender and curl up in the fetal...

Going Viral

We touched His glory this weekend at a Releasing Kings conference. Like breaking the alabaster box and releasing the fragrance, we released some of His glory from within the saints. We’ll never know the full ramifications until heaven. My heart is full and satisfied...

The Purpose of the Church

I actually think the church is healthy and growing worldwide. It is popular, and somewhat appropriate, to “bash” religion right now. Old wineskins are continually being exchanged for new and that process has historically been painful and contentious. What is...

Meditation – Exercising Your Heart

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17) It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of...

Choosing a Path Of Life

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Vacations Back in Egypt

The Promised land – Let’s try to define the promised land in modern terms relevant to the Kingdom: 1) Living the desire of your heart and releasing the creativity, initiative, and entrepreneurial spirit that naturally flows with enthusiasm. 2) Knowing that your dream...

Things I Learned in Debtors Prison

Going through a financial test is like living in the Promised Land and going back to Egypt for vacation. The good news is that I’ve learned a few things, and the Lord nudged me in the sense that He’s redeeming some lessons out of this season. Kings live and rule and...

A Season for Wisdom

The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is...

Fathers Who Connect

Tele-Seminar – Beverly Lewis and I discussed Kingdom impacts in an interview, “Have fun, make money and love people.” Listen to the recorded version here. Ray Edwards and I did a second interview that is just as good. Both are about an hour and give a great summary of...

Cultivating Charisma

The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. We wrote about seven ramifications of being in touch with your own heart’s desires in A Kingdom Primer. There is one more – charisma. People in touch with their own hearts have a freedom that resonates in...

The Best Defense

A good friend sent me this message as a prophetic admonition. I thought it was very relevant and decided to share it in this newsletter. The Lord has a significant plan for the message that you carry and it is being sharpened to have even more penetration in the days...

A Kingdom Primer

The video version of this newsletter is available on the Link. David Tinney and I did four conferences in Gdansk, Warsaw, Lutsk, and Rotterdam in November. My heart is thrilled with the fruit. We explained Releasing Kings in conference settings, personal...