Two big challenges in Kingdom business are: 1) an overemphasis on leadership (We all drank the Kool aid and worshipped the microphones); and 2) zero emphasis on the art of following (we all copied whatever works like lemmings, instead of leveraging the power of Father’s Purpose).
Business leaders pride themselves in being entrepreneurial, creative, independent, and strong. They sell themselves and their products on the genius of the process systems they’ve engineered to make tons of money, so that you can too when you follow their ingenious process. And if it doesn’t work, it’s because you didn’t follow their system; they also sell accountability to measure your copy-ability, to follow their recipe. Been there? Done that? Bought the pitch?
The problem is lack of purpose, or better said, lack of leaders that follow Father’s purpose. The accountability to follow the process, systems, and procedures to success is that, beyond money, there is no lasting reason to do it. This whole realm of leadership is so shallow, it degenerates to the letter of the law that kills clients by making them serfs instead of sons. There is a trail of tears and train-wrecks behind these superficial business leaders.
So, the Kingdom Business question becomes, how do we marry Father’s purpose with business processes and systems that still generate cash flow? The answer is prayerfully and intentionally. The graphic below captures the biggest missing ingredient, Leaders who put Kingdom first. The single most important missing ingredient in Kingdom Business – Leaders who listen to God as sons and grasp the art of Following the Lamb Wherever! If Father really does provide, the best leaders should excel at allowing Father to add all these things. They should know what it takes!
Living words >>> Living Purpose >>> Living Business
Sons see purpose in Heaven 1st >>> create works that accomplish it on earth 2nd
Creativity – to Marry Purpose and Process
(Humility) Sons follow Purpose 1st >>> Create Process 2nd (Innovation)
Here are five intentional steps we take to creatively marry purpose and process in Business.
#1). Â Intentional Council Conversations
As sons, we’re regulars ascending to the Courts and Council of heaven. We even take others with us to hear and see first-hand. Our highest business value is simply following the lamb wherever by knowing Father’s purpose with clarity. Jesus redeemed a place for us at the table (Graphic Below).
- What is he saying? (Jn 8:38, Jn 12:49), say it with Him. Hear His Heart before you start.
- What is he doing? (Jn 5:19), do it with him! Follow the Lamb wherever!
We intentionally make room for Father to be Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our provider. Instead of running after everything we need like peasants, we co-labor on Father’s purpose in our business, knowing that we are sons who lack nothing when we’re on the same purpose page with Father. Our God is the King of kings, not the King of servants.
Ps 23:1 – the Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 6) my cup overflows
Deut 2:7 – For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands.
He knows you’re going through this great wilderness.
These forty years the LORD your God has been with you.
You have lacked nothing. (Also Deut 29:5)
Neh 9:21 – Forty years you sustained them in the wilderness, and they lacked nothing. Their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell.
Lu 12:31 – But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32)Â Â Â Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
Phil 4:19 – And my God will supply every need of yours
according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
#2). Â We get Purpose in Writing
There is an old saying that if you can’t get it in writing, you don’t have it yet. We treasure clarity in Father’s purpose. We even created some coaching systems to hear living words in the council and translate it a to living purpose on earth, in writing and in Business. Here’s how it works:
We all have nine ingredients that make up who we are and why we’re here (Heart Questions). They each come from specific conversations in the Council we call the Roadmap to Sonship, an amazing experience in itself!
We articulate heart’s desires on a Purpose Profile then in Aspirations. We’ll capture Your 9 Ingredients in a phrase that is specifically you, then in a paragraph (Roadmap) that reflects your sonship, the sense of knowing the your direction and being on the same page with Father.
#3).  Sons Volunteer solutions “and” hear them in a Council Conversations
Sons are not afraid to hear and volunteer solutions in a conversation with Father. Father’s Purpose naturally fuels creativity in sons and daughters. So, we:
- Discern Options – Do they Resonate? Have prophetic Juice?
- Outside eyes – Invite staff, others into the creative, prophetic implementation
- Team – Find your “Who’s” not just the “How’s” (Owners called to share the Purpose)
- Assess alternatives – do they work? Bear fruit? Have cash flow?
- Decentralized – Multiply by themselves, Mk 4:28? Autonomous? Leaders to make it work?
- Expect mid-course Corrections (Hold options & opinions loosely, Yet “Decide”)
We’re not afraid of failure or death of vision (Jesus is our Resurrection and Life)
#4). Â Move Purpose into Practice (Not Preaching)
Once we have purpose and a viable idea to implement it as a process system, we bring it from Heaven to Earth. We’re preparing the way in the spirit plus authoring the business plans and cash flow.
- New ideas face spiritual opposition, our strength and wisdom aren’t enough!
- Lay the foundation in hearing purpose first and leveraging God’s power to implement it.
- If there are accusations, then take them to the Courts of Heaven
- Release Living prophetic decrees from Father (not mental inventions; Hear & See them)
Call things into being, Rom 4:17 (Not affirmations from our ass, or verses from our memory) - Prophesy to the dry bones and the four winds (Ezek 37:9-10)
(Sons and Daughters prophesy what Father is saying and do what Father is doing)
#5).  When they do work, We Celebrate them… Dance!
Sons can hear “Well done!” from their Father. It’s a wonderful feeling when sons and daughters grasp purpose from Heaven and make it work on earth. We tell the stories and compliment the heroism of those who helped us. We recount the miraculous intervention Father provided in doing His part and we are not ashamed to thank and praise Him.
You can find Kingdom purpose in Council Conversations, and you can create business Strategies and Tactics to implement that purpose on Earth. It’s what we sons and daughters do!
There is much more on this topic in two of John’s Council Sessions – recommended reading.
Our Offer – We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow via coaching and courses. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format.
Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!
- Get a free copy of Intentional Reformation or the Lead Your Tribe Field Guide.
- Get on John’s calendar for a Zoom conversation.
- We start with a Purpose Profile to get your Kingdom purpose in writing.
- Have DIY options and a fleet of coaches with different specialties to choose from.
- We’re partnering with Larry Nault at
Cutting Room Floor
Another way to look at the leadership dynamic is seeing that we are both:
- Priests who can navigate purpose from the Courts and Council of Heaven, and
- Kings who can implement it on earth in business
Face Book Live discussion on this topic: