We created a study version of this blog as PDF.

There is a theme is both Christian and secular business that badly misses the mark of connection. Kingdom businesses are enthusiastic about co-laboring with living words and the dynamic purpose of doing what Father is doing every day. Here’s the key:

The Poverty Mindset – Whether we come from a purely secular mindset or from a religious background, it’s the same self-reliant intellectualism; the letter that kills instead of the spirit that gives life. We’re programmed to get our direction right out of our self-indulgent dreams or by copying someone else who seems to have it going. Even if we get rich financially, it’s still a poverty mindset void of Kingdom purpose. We’re still bankrupted by a meaningless life, even if we gain the trappings of outward success or microphone spirituality that we ran after. Purpose is the currency of God’s Kingdom.

Where Wealth and Purpose Come From – The answer is in relationship with God, sonship, prayer, Living words. The problem is all that is meaningless preaching until someone shows me how. The gospel feels like one more network marketing sales pitch with all the empty promises of wealth and happiness. How do we add relational substance to the reality of Father’s promise and get out from under all the cheesy, humanistic recipes?

Ascension, the stairway to Heaven – Jesus redeemed access to Father. The Courts of Heaven and Father’s divine Council are places in the spirit where Sons have seats in heaven (Eph 2:6) with their names on them. Jesus went ahead of us to prepare a place.

Jn 1:51 – From now on you will see an open heaven
and gaze upon the Son of Man like a stairway reaching into the sky
with the messengers of God climbing up and down upon him! (TPT)

Jn 14:2 – My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so,
      would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
3)   And if I go and prepare a place for you,
       I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Kingdom is here – The message of Kingdom Business is that the Kingdom of God is here. Sons are ascending to the Courts and Council right NOW (the context isn’t after you die!). Sons are bringing Reformation to earth “now.” We’re not sitting around waiting for a rapture or a revival, we’re commissioned to redeem Nations (Mt 28:19). Our identity, story, purpose, and assignment all have a source, Heaven! We just have to go there and participate in the Council conversations to get them.

Eight Business Reasons Ascension is Essential

#1).  Jesus redeemed access to Father’s Council (Jn 1:51). Sons accept the invitation, and Father is repopulating His Council with sons who have enough humility to say yes Lord, I want this.

#2).  Father’s Council is our source of Strength, Valor, Value, and Purpose (Ps 84:7, Duet 8:18)

#3).  Conversations with the 7 Spirits of God:
a. Are the relational wellspring of creativity and wisdom in Business
b. How we create value in business
c. Why Father co-labors with us to add all these things (we’re on the same page)

#4).  The Courts and Council is where our Seer gift is developed (Learning to say what you see, Jn 8:38)

$5).  The Council is a conversational wellspring of Living words and Prophetic Decrees (Mt 4:4)

#6).  The Council is our strategy session for Co-laboring, doing greater works, carrying Father’s favor
(Big Picture – Father is orchestrating a Reformation of Nations through His sons)

#7).  It’s how we keep in Step (Gal 5:25), on the same page with Father (Righteousness)

#8).  We’re bringing the culture of Heaven to our Business (Ecclesia, shared purpose)
(People gather, unite around shared purpose; they can hear it too)

Wisdom – Where to you feed your soul? What are you hungry for? Where do you eat?
a. The world
b. The Father’s Vine, His Divine Council
Jn 4:34 – My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work

No one is fed by introspection; self-indulgence is self-consuming. Introversion eats away at our personal authenticity and spiritual identity.

The Paradox is that you find yourself and connect with yourself when you find your higher purpose.
Really, it’s finding your Father, your sonship, the Council, then Purpose.
It’s how we show ourselves to be “His” disciples:

    • Every one of them appears before God in Zion (the Council, Ps 84:7 NASB)
    • We bear much fruit bringing Heaven to Earth (Jn 15:8, Mt 7:15-20)
    • We have love for one another (Jn 13:35)

Can you tell if someone is connected? Sons have Juice, Living Words, Purpose, a Fragrance.

Jn 15:5 – I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.
6)   If you do not remain in me,
(you will produce wood, hay, and stubble, 1Cor 3:12-13)
you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers;
such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.
7)   If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
8)   This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit,
showing yourselves to be my disciples.

The Spirit of Truth – THE only JUICE is in the Vine, from the Father.

  • Not in human introspection, recipes, formulas, self-help, self-discipline, and accountability.
  • Everything begins with Sonship, Ascension, your Seat in Heaven, Purpose.
  • Life, Living Water Flows from the throne in Heaven first (Rev 22:1),
    then out of your belly on Earth second (Jn 7:38) – First in Heaven, then on Earth.

More: This blog, and the video discussion were inspired by my own Council sessions. They have much more on this topic, and they have instructional links so you can do it to.

How do you know if going to the Council is real? Read these examples and see if they resonate.
Even better, ascend and see what Father shows you.


What’s My Next Step?

We’re creating every resource we can think of to help people in Business become sons and daughters who ascend to Father’s Courts and Council and play their Business role in Reformation.

Why? – We believe this is a movement God is sponsoring that will impact People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations. We think it’s intentional Reformation and we’re sharing Father’s enthusiasm.

We help Sons and Daughters find their Kingdom Purpose “and” in the process, help them ascend to the Courts and Council to hear it, see for themselves, and keep it current.

Steps 3 and 4 are innovations to help Kingdom Leaders in an existing business move to a Kingdom Business Purpose and Culture within their Staff.

  • Ecclesia in Business is the goal (Experiencing God’s presence in our team).
  • Sharing Kingdom Purpose in business, complete with exploits and greater works.
  • Seeing the fruit of what people and Father can do together in Business – Co-laboring!

Here’s the sequence we recommend.

Click here for a PDF with Live links.

About Us – We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format. Our Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!

Face book discussion Larry and I had on this topic

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