As business owners or leaders, we’re all in the people business. The best leaders or sales staff are always personable, able to communicate and connect with people’s hearts. They make you feel valued, known, and esteemed. They make us feel like a friend they’ve always known. What do they do differently? Is this level of connection a skill the rest of us can learn?

The difference between a neanderthal or a pharisee and a people-person is the warmth of the language used. Living, prophetic words are disarmingly loving and inviting, good for business sales and culture. We hear a lot about telling stories to engage people. Pictures are the language of hearts and stories do engage us. Even more effective than storytelling is hearing and telling their story. That’s a prophetic skill with roots in Listening! The real difference in connection is what you hear, both from the person’s heart and from God’s heart for them; what you ask.

Prophetic stories for other people have three ingredients that cause us to take note. Rather than predicting the future, the focus is unveiling the purpose Father wrote in our hearts.

#1. Past – These stories heal old wounds, redeem purpose, and recover what was stolen

#2. Present – Prophetic Stories awaken our hearts to opportunities, plans, co-laboring

#3. Future – Prophetic stories allow Father to show us where purpose leads, what He is doing

It’s not learning to speak; it’s Learning to Listen – Hearing hearts is developed skill that starts with learning to listen to Father’s heart. What Jesus said to people had a source! The point is that we have access to listen or see from the same source, From our seat in heaven in Father’s presence. The Sons and Daughters all creation has been waiting for are learning to say what they see! Sons ask questions and listen for answers. They strategically position themselves to do business in the Spirit first.

Jn 8:38 – I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence

Jesus’ living words in these prophetic conversations spoke to transformations; they inspired relational transactions. Everyone He encountered could feel the difference and responded.

Jn 4:29 – Come and see                      🔥 Referral marketing, because of
the man who told me every I ever did   🔥Prophetic conversations, questions

Jn 6:63 – The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.

Jn 6:68 – Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.

The language is different – There is a stark contrast between living words and the letter of memorized scripts and canned rules, values, principles, quotes, and recipes; having a verse for each one doesn’t help. One has spirit and life that awakens our heart, the other puts us to sleep. Father’s mercies and manna are new every day. When we speak out of what we have heard in the Council it sounds fresh, alive, and relevant. Living prophetic words convey purpose and touch our hearts. The hearts of these sons and daughters who connectare streams of living water that bring life and hope to other people. People like to be around us! They buy our story, want relationship, and welcome the transaction.

Jn 7:38 – rivers of living water will flow from within them. 39) By this he meant the Spirit

Acts 6:10 – But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.

2Cor 3:6 – He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—
not of the letter but of the Spirit;
for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Gaining Competence – How do we learn this relational heart language? If you wing it during the conversation, you will probably miss. This depth of heart comes from going before (or on behalf of) people to the Courts of Heaven and Father’s Council. We’re intentional about hearing what Father has to say before we start talking. We’re not just intuitive mystics tapping into our own inner light. Prophetic, life-giving words flow from what we hear and see in the Council, not our off-the-cuff remarks and not our guess at what sounds prophetic. It’s more than occasional prophetic crumbs where we get a glimpse and color in the missing pieces of our hunch.

Prophetic, Living words are discernable and substantive. What Father is saying speaks into our heart more than our head. That’s what makes all the difference in sales or leadership. Our Living words 1) speak to their purpose, 2) provoke a response in their heart, 3) invite them into their inheritance from Father, and 4) engage in steps to make it all happen. Sounds a little like discipleship in the business mountain, doesn’t it?

Living, prophetic words have great authority that flows from great love:

    • They awaken our hearts to tangible possibilities from our Father.
    • Living words communicate life (faith) and hope and feel like being loved.
    • They carry a relational impartation (a transaction in the spirit, an experience).
    • Living words are the courageous authority to invite, awaken, convince, convict.
      • To pull people into their own sonship (identity).
      • Into their own inheritance (Purpose).
      • Bring healing to their story (Set captives free, Lu 4:18).

Matt 4:4 – Man shall not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

How to Get Competent with Living, Prophetic Words?

Q – My prophetic gift is maturing, but I don’t see everything. How do I get started connecting with hearts?

A – Start with love for the person. It does feel risky, but for their sake we’re willing to try. We all prophecy in part and see in part (1Cor 13:9). I want to listen to God first in the Council and patently hear and see as much as I can for the sake of my friend. If there are accusations, I want to take them to the Courts of Heaven by proxy first and get decrees from Father.

With that prophetic context, I will guide the conversation to those areas by asking questions. When their answers are prophetically in sync with Father, I get a confirmation based on what I’ve already heard. If it’s off, I redirect the conversation with another question. When they say what Father is saying, they can also feel the confirmation with an assist from Holy Spirit. Whether I verbalize the insight from Heaven, or they do, I will confirm it, point to it, and celebrate it with them. That usually happens multiple times in the conversation.

In the bigger scheme of things, we’re helping people become sons who can ask God questions and hear themselves. We’re not just telling their stories; we’re activating their seer gift so they can see the stories too.

Q – What are the Courts of Heaven and God’s Divine Council?

A – Read the two examples of Council session notes and follow the four links listed in them where we give a full explanation.

There is also an online course, Seers and Doers. My personal preference for businesspeople is to use these prophetic conversations to develop their Purpose Profile ~ 6 weeks of weekly Zoom calls. After that we stay in touch with a group of other business leaders in Monthly Tribe. Everyone share’s their Kingdom purpose and we help one another take our next steps. Courts and Council are an organic part of every step and we learn and discern by going, then bring what we’ve seen in Heaven to earth in our business.

 Bottom line – If I put the focus on myself, my product, or the money they or we will make, we miss the point of hearing their heart. People always buy their own why, their own purpose. We’re not in the business of trying to talk them into our purpose, or product… Hear their heart, connect them with their inheritance. If our product or service helps, then we have a transaction that serves their transformation plus a lasting relationship.
This is a summary of what happens when people really connect, and our conversations go somewhere that’s good for them (and usually us too!).
Click the graphic for a PDF with live links.


Note: the above graphics, this blog, and the video discussion were inspired by two of my own Council sessions. They have much more on this topic, and they have instructional links so you can do it to:

We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format. Our Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!


This is the bonus discussion on this topic (35 min) with:

Larry Tyler –
Beverly Lewis –

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