In the motivational world of self-help, getting something for nothing is the marketing message. The something is nearly always related to making more money. Unfortunately, having more stuff isn’t directly connected to happiness and dreams coming true. You can get some very big things, but the price tag is hidden in what you idolize and compromise. We’re not saying the promise doesn’t work. We’re saying it the cost is hidden.

Lu 4:6 – And the Devil said to Him, All this power I will give you, and the glory of them;
for it has been delivered to me. And I give it to whomever I will.
7)   Therefore, if you will worship me, all shall be yours.

There is also a religious realm where God is painted as the giver of free stuff, and we can manipulate Him to get what we want. The mantra is to quote a verse like this and claim it by faith.

Deut 8:18 – But you shall remember Jehovah your God,
for it is He who gives you power to get wealth (Chayil)

The Hebrew word for wealth (Chayil) is better translated as value or to be valiant. God’s promise is to empower us to create value, to be overcomers who can do many mighty works. He’s promising to anoint us to do that, not just give us a bunch of free stuff! It’s true that creating value can create wealth, but if the goal is making money instead of creating value, ironically, your money will sprout wings and fly away. It’s a promise!

Pro 23:4 – Do not labor to be rich; cease from your own understanding.
5)  Will your eyes fly on it? And it is gone! For surely it makes wings for itself;
it flies into the heavens like an eagle.

#1. Father Prospers His Sons – Each of us are God’s handy work, uniquely created for purpose and works that God pre-planned (Eph 2:10). When we do connect our hearts with Father’s purpose we connect with our personal identity and the theme in Father’s heart at the same time. The definition of righteousness is simply being on the same page with our Father. When that happens, doing the works that create value become fun. Work becomes worship because it delights our heart and Father’s heart at the same time. Think of Sonship as taking three more steps: 2) Get your Purpose, 3) Make the plan, and 3) Co-labor with Father to create the value (Flow).


#2. Get Your Purpose – Jesus redeemed an abundant life for each of us (Jn 10:10). That LIFE starts to work when we connect with our purpose, the one God wrote in our hearts. That sets a dynamic in motion that allows Father to work with us because we love Him and were aligned with His purpose. It does feel like a dream come true; it is the desire of our heart.

Rom 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose.

We have a broad purpose calling to an area of vocation, yet we each can do what Father is doing daily (Jn 5:19). Our purpose is dynamic (like our Father) and gets adjusted over time to move with what God is doing (Acts 17:28) and to keep in step with Holy Spirit (Gal 5:25). We use a Purpose Profile graphic to summarize our purpose and where it leads in terms of what we do (See video discussion of my own purpose profile linked below).

#3. Create the Plan, the Culture – Knowing your purpose implies having an intentional plan to make it happen and knowing who’s going to help you. It’s not a magic process. It takes HELP, conversations in the Council to unpack the plan and keep up with all the changes. The 7 spirits play a big role… Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and Fear of the Lord. It takes a multitude of counselors in heaven and on earth. Sons take initiative, yet don’t do it all by themselves. Their purpose is a prophetic trumpet that echoes Kingdom with others to engage and share the load.

#4. Create the Value – The fun part is seeing the purpose accomplished when the plan gains traction and the value gets created. Most of the time that value creation step also creates money via the cash flow in your business. But if it doesn’t make you rich, what else are you going to do? We still create the value God assigned us. Our reward may be more in Heaven than on Earth, but we’re still going to co-labor with what Father is doing. We’re still going to put the Kingdom first.

The Real Freebee is the fun, whether it’s hard or easy, whether your gratification is ongoing, or your hope is deferred. Co-laboring with Father is a huge inspiration. The fuel in our tank is seeing Father do it with us. That level of motivation can carry us through success, wealth, failure, delay, persecution… anything and everything. Our heart isn’t focused on our personal fame and fortune. Somehow doing what Father does is bearing fruit that remains, storing treasures in heaven. It delights our heart, blesses people, and adds to the Reformation of Nations. The clearer your purpose is, the more you will recognize Father co-laboring with you to make it happen.

Best of all, the 10 Ways we Put Purpose in Motion (graphic below) flows naturally out of our hearts. We don’t have to make ourselves do them; accountability isn’t necessary to stay engaged. Sons get aligned with purpose, make a plan to act on it, and go to work doing what Father is doing. It’s exactly the adventure we were designed for; we become the hero of the script God wrote for the story of our life, a role that fits us perfectly.

Note: the above graphic, this blog, and the video discussion were inspired by two of my own Council sessions.
They are instructive so that you can do it to:

We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format. Our Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!


Q & A on How To

So how do I define my purpose, create a plan, and make some progress? Specifically?

Get on John’s Zoom Calander for a Conversation

#1.  How to Get Clarity on my Purpose?

  • We have a self-help mini course called the Nail Your Purpose Field Guide that’s a great place to start, $47.
  • We also offer a six-week series of 1-on-1 Zoom calls to take get your Purpose Profile on paper. We done this with enough people over the years that we’re confident in getting to a prophetic level that will resonate with you. The attached video of my own purpose profile is a great way to Taste and See if it’s something you would like.

#2.  Steps to Create a Plan?

  • The purpose profile includes Aspirations, a breakdown of goals for each of the 16 components of your Purpose Profile. That’s a start.
  • We also collaborate with several of business coaches who can help you assess and triage your current business and develop a strategy for your future (a business plan), Larry Nault at
  • One of our coaches specializes in cash flow if managing your finances is a primary concern, Larry Tyler – biz.
  • Learning to have conversations with the 7 Spirits in the Council is a key to creativity.

Pro 8:12 – I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence;
I possess knowledge and discretion… and witty inventions

Discretion (H4209, Mesimmah) – a plan
Knowledge comes with a way to implement it, the idea, the witty invention
Expect not to have all the answers = we need the Spirit of Knowledge

      • Expect help from the Council
      • Ask and seek and knock – get the plan

#3.  How Do I Make it Happen?

  • Our experience is that becoming fluent in the Courts of Heaven and God’s Divine Council is the practical way sons learn to co-labor with Father. We use those tools to get to your purpose in the first place. It’s not hard to help you learn to use them yourself, but it does take some time and effort. Ascension is a fundamental part of sonship – sons like spending time with their Father at His house.
  • Manifesting the value associated with our purpose is a result of implementing our plan. It’s a process, not a miracle (perhaps a miraculous process?). Assembly the process that represents the engine of your business comes primarily through the people you work with. Building the culture that enables your business process becomes a priority


John’s Purpose Profile

The walkthrough-discussion of John’s purpose profile is below.

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