The business world is influenced by a belief that positive transformations come through changing our mindset. The recipe for changing myself or others is to adjust my attitude with positive affirmations and positive thinking. The gurus even have some out-of-context bible phrases to prove it!

  • Pro 23:7 – As a man thinks in his heart, so is he
  • Rom 12:2 – Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Just change your limiting beliefs and you will change yourself, circumstances, and the world around you. Adopt the principles of cerebral success and you’ll be happy and rich! People are left in systems of accountability trying as hard as they can to believe their new mindset and get it to produce their dream. Unfortunately, chasing all those self-improvement rabbits just doesn’t work. Worse than that, it’s all a lie.

The beliefs, habits, principles, values, ethics, character, and works prescribed to make our business a success degenerate to a pharisaic, killer list of external rules that no one can keep or keep up with. Kingdom business has a much different message (words of life) and a much different Spirit of Life:

2Cor 3:6 – He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—
not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Deism – The deception behind this mindset strategy is that you don’t have to talk to God, everything is within you. You can change yourself. Men are not able within themselves to cast off their own chains of captivity, sorry. Deism is a popular belief that there is a God, but He doesn’t interact with men, that God is an abstract only accessible through human reason and rational thought. Cessationists say that God stopped doing miracles; Deists say that God has never done miracles. Basically, the god of deism is a human construct designed to make room for us to be our own god.

Where Transformation comes from – Kingdom Business has a totally different foundation, God does talk to us and co-labor with us. Those conversations and interactions are transformative in our lives and our business. Note that Jesus’ transfiguration in Mt 17:2 is the same Greek work as transformed in 2Cor 3:18 and Rom 12:2.

Mt 17:2 – There he was transfigured (Metamorphoo, G3339) before them.
His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

2Cor 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
18)  But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord,
are being transformed
(Metamorphoo, G3339) into the same image from glory to
glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

We are all transformed when we ascend to where the Spirit of the Lord is and see the Father in the Council. Seeing His glory is somehow like a mirror that reveals we are His sons and daughters who share His purpose. Suddenly our lives and business have a brand-new meaning, a transformative reason to set a new course (turn, Metanoeo). Our minds are renewed (renovated in the Greek) as a byproduct of what the Lord shows us in the Council – Kingdom Purpose. We are Seers and Doers, doing what Father is doing.

Rev 3:18 – I counsel you to buy from me (shop/transfigure in Heaven’s storehouse, Council)
1)  gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich;
2)  and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;
3)  and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

The law of serfdom is discipline and accountability to legislate new mindsets and behavior via our heads instead of our hearts. Sonship is built on authenticity; the desires God wrote in our heart. Sons are volunteering for a new course that we are genuinely excited about. I am no longer under the law and all the rules. Now I’m in the space of co-laboring with Father to make His and my dream come true. Thanks to Jesus’ redemption, we have gone from being under the law of self-improvement to the grace of His empowerment. God’s Kingdom is all about relationship, conversations, and co-laboring – not rules.

Ps 37:4 – Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Jn 15:16 – You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you
that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide,
so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

Experiencing Connection – The overriding experience of ascending to Father’s Council and seeing yourself as His son or daughter is connection… with your Father and yourself, who you really are. It’s transformative. As Jesus’ son or daughter there is a transfiguration experience waiting for you. It’s not one experience, it’s a lifestyle of occupying your seat in Heaven so you can do what Father is doing on Earth. Sons and Daughters are anointed for Reformation of People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations. The practical impact in a business culture is a profound sense of shared purpose, Ecclesia.

These Key Experience Indicators (KEI’s) are like a relational roadmap into your heart and into your seat in Heaven.
These are links we use to help businesspeople “experience” connection in the council.

We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow.
Axiom – Have fun, make money, love people, and build the Kingdom!

This blog was inspired by two of my own Council sessions which have much more that I think you will enjoy.


Chris and I expanded on this theme from a business perspective for a FaceBook life video.

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