You are invited to a Zoom with Christopher and Jonas
Leveraging the Media Mountain to Reach Eastern Europe
Saturday 10/2 @ 9:30 PDT Zoom Recording is here.
When I was in Poland we tried to meet the influential evangelical pastors throughout the nation. Pastor Krzysztof Zaręba has one of the largest charismatic churches in Warsaw. Jonasz Tołopiło is a businessman who has worked with Christopher for 20 years. Jonas has produced the largest secular stage events in Poland for decades. He provides sound systems and lighting. Now they have a top-notch film studio and have the staff to produce movie-quality videos for outreach. These are two of my favorite heroes from Poland
They have the vision to use this media capability to reach into Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.
I’m inviting you to a short slide presentation they will share on zoom. You will enjoy meeting them in person and having the opportunity to ask questions. Please come. I’ll record it so we can pass it on to others as well. Feel free to invite others by sharing this email.
I have also attached some of the slides they will share. When we think about the Reformation of nations, this is one of the most effective ways I’ve seen to cooperate with what Father is doing. Come and see for yourself. These two are amazing men of God.
Join us to impact Eastern Europe through a media project with our Christian friends from Poland.
This morning the Lord showed me your initiative
Here is what I saw.
The Lord is very proud of you Christopher. You have seen Jonas on his media mountain and blessed him out of your Father’s heart. I saw Jonas as a pioneer in the Kingdom (one of the first to occupy his mountain – in this case media)
I saw it also as an expression of Poland (the land where God dwells). Many Polish people will to drawn to this because your initiative comes out God’s book for the nation (Ps 139:15-16)
The scene I saw was the Russian bear sitting on the multitudes. As the spirit of the bear was lifting, I saw it like a fog lifting off of dreary, black and white cities. As the fog lifted people’s eyes could see color for the first time. Dreams went from black and white to color. The Bear represented corruption that instilled fear and oppression in the people of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
I was in one of the cities as the fog began to lift and people began to see the colors. Everyone could hear music in the distance… coming closer and closer When we could finally see, it was a parade and Jonas was leading an army of singers and dancers. It was like a victory celebration after a war, I had the sense of captives being set free and great joy in the city.
As Jonas led the parade through the city, the people joined all the singers and dancers in the streets and became part of the parade themselves.
The spirit of this parade and the people joining are captured by this Video (take 3 minutes to listen). I can’t watch it without tears!
The parade led to a stadium with a large stage. I saw Jonas on the center of the stage with the entire city in the audience. All the musicians and singers had taken their seats behind him. Then to everyone’s amazement, Jesus stepped out of Jonas and there were two on the stage. At that moment the entire stadium began to worship and give glory To God. Jonas was the first to lift his hands.
Father, let Your Kingdom come to Russia. Let the Motherland nurture her people.
Let her export your Glory and Blessing to the nations around her.
I saw people asking two things:
1) What must we do to be saved?
2) How shall we then live?
Jonas carries the key to #1. It is glorious!
Christopher and Jonas, I’m praying with you for #2. I heard industry and infrastructure. People will be asking how do we live financially and practically. What work shall we do? How can my dream come true? I saw the Lord giving you other men like Jonas as the heads of different mountains (Government, Business, and Education).
I am holding all these things in prayer and I am thanking God that you have released your heart to co-labor with what is in the Father’s heart for Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. We are with you both and with Poland and we are blessing your hands to do this great work.
Zoom recording is here.
Foundation for giving: Polska Fundacja Delta Media
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Releasing the Russian Book
Hi Christopher and Jonas,
The excitement for your vision is in my heart and the Father’s heart. I am releasing the $1M in prayer, researching Gofundme apps, etc. I will never forget seeing Jonus releasing Russian cities.
I want to share a concept. In 2016 when we were praying for Poland. The Lord gave us the Polish book (at least a start). When I say book I’m speaking of the calling or Kingdom purpose for a person, business, or nation (Ps 139:15-16). In reaching out to Russia, you will find it very helpful to understand the Russian book, to decree it in prayer, and share it with the Russian people. People in every nation want to be saved and go to heaven, but they also want to become sons who co-labor with Father on their personal and national destiny (Jn 5:19). God has wired nations into our hearts because he carries them in His heart. When I share about the Polish book in Poland it ignites the hearts of God’s people. You are doing the same. Revival is a goal, but the endgame is the Reformation of Nations and a spotless bride. As sons, we are not agreeing for any goat nations.
Ps 2:8 – Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance
Ps 72:11 – all kings will fall down before You; All nations shall serve You.
Ps 82:8 – Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.
Ps 115:16 – The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to man.
Matt 28:19-20 – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey (do)
Mark 11:17 – My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations?
Acts 14:16 – In the past, he let all nations go their own way
Rev 5:9 – with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe, language, people, and nation.
Rev 5:10 – And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.
In 2016 we started praying and drafting the Polish book which is linked. It is also in Appendix A of Intentional Reformation. Here is an excerpt from 2016:
Poland is in the heart of Europe and very much in the heart of God. That her calling is to be an Oasis, i.e., a shining example of the Glory of God evidenced by “centers of excellence” in every mountain. People will come to see the wisdom and Poland will send her sons and daughters to share the Glory. She will have a special ability in prayer and practice to set others free and break the “Spirit of the Bear.” By that, I mean the oppression and fear that go with communism, the mafia, and every kind of oppression. Those victories will be first decreed in the spirit and then won in the natural.
Poland is not just a country with borders. “Polish” is an idea that can be spread to bless others. What is that idea? What is uniquely Polish that these people carry?
You can see that the spirit of the bear is a reference to your vision for Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Just as Poland was invaded, you are invited by Father to invade your neighbors with the Gospel. Don’t forget Germany and her book . John Sobieski is my favorite Pole who rescued Vienna. He is the Kingdom example of the Spirit of the Polish heart to set captives free. This spirit is in your blood and in your book! You are warriors raising up the Ezekiel 37 Army.
This summer we wrote the USA book. You may also enjoy reading it, as another example of a nation’s book.
I write this just to make you aware of the prophetic power of books and the opportunity we carry as sons to release them and decree them in the spirit and in the natural. The Lord brought up the Russian Book in prayer this morning. I have not previously prayed or worked on it. Perhaps you have? Glad to help if you wish. I can also suggest other Polish coaches/intercessors who could help.
PS – This is in my heart because we help people and business discover the Kingdom purpose God wrote in their book and in their heart. Doing the same for nations is not more difficult than hearing God’s heart (
Love and esteem you both very highly,
Intentional Reformation
Hi Christopher and Jonas,
- We are not ashamed to ask the Lord from $1M to get this started.
- We are privileged to be your armor bearers in this victory.