The 15 minute video that goes through the details is here.
Would you like to intentionally invite God to play a role in getting your Business to take off? Do you want to stay in a secular, soulish, or religious realm or would you like to have an assist from the King of kings? Our businesses are like an airplane with five parts that make it fly: Kingdom Purpose, Value Creation, Marketing, Cash Flow, and Culture.
- The pilot is a son knows the Purpose and destination of the flight
- The two wings of the plane are Value Creation and Marketing
- The two engines are Cash flow and Culture
We have tools and people to help your businesses in any area of weakness, but we start with Kingdom purpose because if you can get that right, you and God may not need help on the rest!
It is true that we can dream of a table rush toward our offers for Health, Wealth, and Relationships.
- But is there a compelling purpose above that?
- Are we just selling commodities for money? Is that all there is?
- Can we store treasures in Heaven? Are temporal victories all that matter?
Mt 6:31 – Do not worry then, saying, ‘What are we to eat?’
or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear for clothing?’
32) For the rest of the world runs after all these things; (Health, Wealth, and Relationships)
for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
33) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,
and all these things will be provided to you.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in all five areas are good management practice, but in Kingdom Business we start with purpose because we want to engage our Father… because it’s the Best!
- How do you install in KPI in your business to measure what God can add to your business?
- What motivates Father to engage in your business?
- How do we create a business model that includes God on your team?
We spent the last 20 years learning how Kingdom Business works so that you can it do quickly. We can easily shave 5-10 years off your learning curve. Would you like to know how and Why? Our simple purpose is:
- To: Share the system to help Business Leaders get clarity, and co-labor with Father’s purpose
- So that: Father is free to add all these things to their Corporate Culture & Cash Flow.
(Kingdom Purpose is the KPI for what Father can do in your Business – Through You!)
We help our clients find their Identity, Purpose, and Passion via Sonship, Ascension, and Reformation.
Clear Kingdom Purpose is prophetically alive, has juice, fits my Story
- I can be myself; my heart’s desires and Father’s are aligned; it’s FUN!
- We have a Leadership foundation for Biz Culture – Seeing What God Wrote in Hearts
Here’s the back story. God had a divine Council of sons in Genesis 6 who fell. They intermingled with the daughters of men and the offspring were wicked giants or Nephelium. Life on earth became unbearably evil and corrupt. God’s answer to the cry for help was a flood (Noah’s ark) and confusing their languages (the Tower of Babel). When Joshua was taking their promised land, he was still defeating giants!
Fast forward to the new testament.
- Why do the nations rage? Evil leadership tracing back to fallen sons.
- Who are the evil powers and principalities we face? It’s the Same thread back to fallen sons.
Now the good news; God wants to repopulate His Council.
- All creation is waiting with eager expectation for the Sons of God (Rom 8:19).
- Jesus was the firstborn of many sons and daughters (Rom 8:30). He redeemed access to Father
- God wrote the desires in your heart (You can align your heart with Father, it’s not far away)
- Sons do what their Father is doing (Jn 5:19, anointing, power, authority – on the same page)
We recommend The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser for the full Biblical basis.
Some people will say I’m already a son; I already have purpose. True, but sons are no different than slaves if they remain a child, even though they have a huge inheritance (Gal 4:1).
God is repopulating His Council with sons like you and I, which leads to the next step, Ascension.
Jesus is the King of kings. Who do you think the kings are? What do you think they do?
Father is inviting you and I to sonship, to our seat in heaven (It’s a place, not a metaphor). Ascension in the Spirit is how you get there, so that we can have the conversations and see what Father is doing and do it with Him. Sons and daughters become fluent in the Courts and Council of Heaven.
Courts of Heaven – Win The Spiritual Battles, Silence Accusations legally via Jesus
God’s Council – See what Father is doing in Heaven and do it with Him on Earth (Jn 5:19)
My prayer has gone from crumbs to conversations. I used to get hints and hunches, rattle off my list of wants and call it good. Have you tasted the frustration and condemnation of trying to measure your prayer life against what it’s supposed to be? The pretense of shallow prayer all stops with ascension. The party starts in your seat in heaven with Father, Jesus, and the 7 Spirits. The party starts when your seer gift is activated, and you know what is being said and what Father is doing.
Others will say, I already have a connection with the god of the universe, a spiritual mindset, positive thinking, and positive speaking via my affirmations. I’m already manifesting my dream through the law-of-attraction. That’s the Santa Klaus of universalism who always gives the same answer; I’ll give you whatever you ask! The Real God is not a genie in a bottle you can rub to get what you want. God is not a force, He’s personable, conversational, loving, wise, and purposeful.
All creation and all people have been waiting (Rom 8:19) for the sons of God for a reason: it’s sons that bring Heaven to Earth… in a Reformation of People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations.
Sons are practical Bridges to Bring Heaven to Earth in Business.
Bringing Heaven to Earth practically via business in Your Tribe
(for People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations)
You will be able to take Your Tribe to “Greater Works” via their sonship
Have you felt what it’s like to be a hero, who hears “Well Done!” from his Father? Once you have seen what Father is doing and felt the FLOW of doing it with Him, you’ll never go back. Your business will never be the same. The culture of your team will catch the vision, and the airplane will take off.
You’re being invited to change the world. It’s the strategy of Heaven, not a trite cliché. Topics in the Council include Father’s input on your identity, Jesus’ redemption of your story, the Holy Spirit revealing the truth in your purpose. The Spirits of Wisdom, Understand, and Counsel will pull the curtain back on your strategy, tactics, and Heritage. The Spirits of Might, Knowledge, and Fear of the Lord will unveil your Courage, Clarity, and business Culture.
You will be equipped with everything you need to co-labor with your Father; to play your role in a Reformation that touches four levels (People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations).
Engagement – You can be a Christian on your way to heaven and still miss the party. God’s offer for you is an inheritance that goes far beyond all you can ask or imagine. You could choose to run after Health, Wealth, and Relationships; or you sell them like commodities. But can you see the higher purpose in those people you’re trying to sell? Can you see that Father is offering to add all those commodities? Doesn’t it make good business sense to explore His offer and your purpose?
Story – Ralph purchased an oil filter patent 40 years ago. He’s an engineer, now in his 80’s and his grandson Daniel helps him. They have had sales and modest success, but the business has never taken off. They had offers to steal it and defraud it. The accuser said the doors would never open. About six months ago Daniel called to ask for help paying bills! God led them to some Kingdom Businesspeople who listened carefully to Ralph’s story of his oil filter invention and how it had been refined and used over the years to avoid having to change engine oil in cars, trucks, boats, locomotives… It fits their business model, and they agreed that $10M for the distribution rights in the US is a fair price. Ralph kept manufacturing and sales in the rest of the world. Ralph and Daniel are good stewards of their business, but also sons who have invited God into their business and God did His part. I know them well. They are not strutting around like geniuses; they have seen God move on their behalf because of sonship.
Your Invited – Would you like the KPI that allows God to do his part in your business? Would you like to play a tangible role in blessing People and Nations?
- God is repopulating His Council with the sons all creation has been waiting for,
So that: they can do the work of Bringing Heaven to Earth in a Reformation (Mt 5:3)
(a Reformation of People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations) - So, we have a system to help Business Leaders get clarity, and co-labor with Father’s purpose,
So that: Father is free to add all these things to their Corporate Culture & Cash Flow (Mt 5:5)
(Kingdom Purpose is the KPI for what Father can do in your Business – Through Sons!)
If this is a fit and you want to take the next step, we’ve created a brand new a brand-new master class called Get LYT @
You can click the link to Zoom with John. Our Get LYT Master Class will clarify your specific purpose as a son or daughter. We’ll share tools and templates that will pull the curtain back on what Father has in mind for your life and business. You will feel chosen by God before we’re done. Join me in the master class if you would love to be part of God’s team. I can’t wait to see you there.
This blog was inspired by a Council session you will enjoy.
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