A great way to discern truth is to contrast it with the false so it’s easy to see the consequences of where each lead. We all have dreams and desires and questions about God’s role in making them happen. The philosophic or theological contrast is:

  1. I’m using spiritual principles (god) to make my dreams come true. I call it faith; leveraging verses, principles, science, and prayer, to get god to move on my behalf.
  2. I’m a Son who is fluent in the dreams in God’s heart and I’m co-laboring. He wrote the dreams in my heart, and I’ve found conversations where our dreams overlap. I call it flow.

#1) God is a force – I already have a connection with the god of the universe, a spiritual mindset, positive thinking, and positive speaking via my affirmations. I’m already manifesting my dream through the law-of-attraction. That’s the Santa Klaus of universalism who always gives the same answer when we pray; I’ll give you whatever you ask! Yahweh is not a genie in a bottle you can rub to get what you want. God is not a force, He’s personable, conversational, loving, wise, purposeful, and intentional – He has a will of His own. This false concept of God is often hides behind terminology like your hypothalamus, neuroscience, and quantum physics.

All creation and all people have been waiting (Rom 8:19) for the sons of God for a reason: it’s sons that bring Heaven to Earth… in a Reformation of People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations.

#2) Sons Ascend – Father is inviting you and I to sonship, to our seat in heaven (It’s a place, not a metaphor). Ascension in the Spirit is how you get there, so that we can have the conversations and see what Father is doing and do it with Him. Sons and daughters become fluent in the Courts and Council of Heaven.

Courts of Heaven – Win The Spiritual Battles, Silence Accusations legally via Jesus

God’s Council – See what Father is doing in Heaven and do it with Him on Earth (Jn 5:19)

My prayer has gone from crumbs to conversations. I used to get hints and hunches, rattle off my list of wants and call it good. Have you tasted the frustration and condemnation of trying to measure your prayer life against what it’s supposed to be? The pretense of shallow prayer all stops with ascension. The party starts in your seat in heaven with Father, Jesus, and the 7 Spirits. The party starts when your seer gift is activated, and you know what is being said and what Father is doing.

Is it mysticism? – God’s strategy is prophetic sons, who function as priests in Heaven and Kings on Earth to bring His Kingdom from Heaven to Earth (in business).

If there is a weak area in Christian or Kingdom Business, it’s this question, How do we invite God’s participation in our business? Jesus’ example of doing what His Father is doing (Jn 5:19) is littered with signs and wonders that are totally absent from the business mountain. We really do have the form of Godliness but often deny the power in business (2Tim 3:5).

Mt 5:3 – Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
     Ascension, Courts, Council, the seat in Heaven for our priestly responsibilities

         4)  Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
                  The fragrance of humility, brokenness in Sons from death and resurrection

        5)  “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
                  Sons bring heaven to earth in a Reformation as kings who honor the King of kings

        6)  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
                  Prophetic Sons on the same page with Father, Putting Kingdom 1st so he adds

The consequences – People have a spirit and a Father in heaven. When our communication ignores that reality, we remain on a soulish level. Deception is rampant, manipulation is surprisingly easy. But for a son or daughter who has conversations in the Council and deals with accusations in the Courts of Heaven, it’s nearly impossible to deceive them or derail them. The corollary is that if you want to lead them or market them, simply say what their Father is saying, do what their Father is doing, His sheep hear His voice.

Kingdom business is not that complicated. We’re serious enough about hearing our Father that we ascend to His Courts and Council. Strategies and transactions happen in heaven first and on earth second. Father’s purpose is the KPI that opens the gates and lets the King of Glory into our business (Ps 24:7). That’s what sons do in Kingdom Business, we are the gates, we see the purpose.

Mt 16:19 – I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
 and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven,
 and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.

Deception Works – The deceptive consequence of viewing god as a force is that it works in the near-term. We can utilize the force for health, wealth, and relationship. The problem is that when we do trade for those things the price tag is part of our soul. We become captives of our compromise; the end is redeemable, never pleasant, always regrettable. Live links for graphic.

This blog was inspired by two Council session you will enjoy.

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