We’ve all had a great idea or dream that ignited the desires of our heart. We pursued it with our time, talent, and treasure. But in the end it didn’t work, and in hindsight, it was obvious God wasn’t in it. It wasn’t just a personal failure, it revealed something missing in our relationship with God. Why did he allow this disaster when it all seemed so right?
That collection of mishaps is not as damaging as success. Failures tend to clean our ears so we can hear the Spirit of Wisdom. Success is prone to lead to deafness, an I-have-need-of-nothing mindset. One is humble, receptive, teachable; the other is arrogant, independent, and self-ish.
The success/failure; abundance/mediocrity; churched/unchurched measures for life leave us chasing dreams that are typically nothing more than an imaginary escape from the fear of repeating the trainwrecks of my past.
We all have a Spirit, Soul, and Body; a Spirit that is designed to connect with God’s Spirit in a conversational relationship. Without that wholeness, it is easy for leaders, marketers, and motivational speakers to leverage our fear and ambition to control us. Hitler was perhaps the greatest motivational speaker who leveraged the fear of national poverty from WW1, plus the dream of being a superior race. Germany was greatly inspired and moved; and volunteered for their own deception. It was legitimately moving, but purely on a human level, a level that is eligible for a demonic assist because it operates apart from the Spirit of God. Pseudo-spirituality is a commonplace counterfeit in secular circles… part of why woke inclusivity is compulsory.
1Thess 5:23 – Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; (Holoteles)
            and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete, (HoloKleros)
            without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• Entirely (G3651, Holo-teles) = Whole + end state (Complete purpose and destiny)
• Complete (G3548, Holo-Kleros) – Whole in Every Part, Lots, inheritance (Healed baggage)
Communication – Leadership and marketing include an awareness of the Spirit in People and the Spirit of God. We are never just talking to people; their spirit and the Spirit of God are always present. I am interested in the desires people have in their hearts, but it’s in the context of hearing something about Father’s purpose and desire for them. I am interested in the baggage of their past trainwrecks because I know there will be some kind of transaction via the Holy Spirit to heal them both emotionally and physically.
All business is people business, the business of 1) picking the broken pieces of their lives up off the floor, and 2) getting clarity on their bright future. Neither of those happen in a purely human interaction, it’s not my prowess as a loving friend, a wise manager, or a clever coach. It’s always miraculous. The impartation and transformation happen when they hear their own Father through their own Spirit. I can co-labor with that process on a prophetic level, it’s fun!
Wisdom and Understanding are two of the seven spirits, they are alive, personable, and conversational and moving, as opposed to a formulaic stream of intellectual recipes and rules.
Pro 3:13 – Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding,
14) for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.
15) She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
16) Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
17) Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.
18) She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.
Awakening – When Father speaks to us through our Spirit we awaken out of our spiritual slumber. Suddenly wealth and success take second place right behind following the Lamb wherever and putting Father’s Kingdom first. This dynamic of doing what our Father is doing is way more fun than any self-serving goal we could ask or imagine. Suddenly the paradox of letting go of the old to embrace the new makes my whole life work, business FLOWs. All the things we longed for in the past, our Father generously adds. It’s not just more fun, it’s more fruitful!
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it,
but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Mt 16:25
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep,
to gain what he cannot lose. — Jim Elliot
Applicability – The concept of Kingdom Business is building a creative culture that makes room for Father’s voice and victories. We’re intentional about implementing His Living Purpose in our Business. We’re intentional about continuing to hear His voice and make the mid-course corrections to keep in step with Father’s heart for Reformation.
That doesn’t mean you’re following a script. Father is actually leading you into situations that invite a conversation in the Council to get out.
We help business leaders navigate Sonship, Ascension, and Reformation in very practical ways. If that is interesting for you, chat with John. Zoom Calendar or Text 509-308-6873.
This blog was inspired by several Council sessions you will enjoy:
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