I few to Phoenix for a marketing workshop last weekend. I was braced for the normal fast-taking hype, tall tales, and upsells. But what I experienced was mostly believers in a business culture of helping one another succeed. There was a younger generation of 20’s and 30’s who were mentoring one another in business and in the Spirit. It was like breath of fresh air compared to my expectations.

I got saved in the Jesus People movement. This marketing weekend had all those earmarks of youth and energy and hunger, only it was in the business mountain – part of why it thrills me. Here’s what’s different:

  • In the Jesus movement it was easy to get swept into salvation, being filled with the Holy Spirit, experience being carried by waves of worship – it was wonderful. But if you want to “do something” with your new faith going into full time ministry was about the only option. Lots of people shipwrecked their lives and marriages trying to do the will of God with no money.
  • This movement is much more than a revival, it’s a Reformation that is touching people, business, and nations. Young people are getting saved, filled, and worship like before. But this time their discipleship includes revelation of their purpose in a mountain like business. It’s not just what they believe and have experienced. This time it works by what they do in business to express their calling; How they are practically engaged in bringing Heaven to Earth. They are co-laboring with their Father.

Lord, how do we do this? was my first question! This is a movement where Father is engaging His sons and daughters in Kingdom purpose. We are being invited into His presence and power, but also his purpose and His works. He’s building His Kingdom through co-laboring sons and daughters.

  • Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters (Heb 2:10-11).
  • We have a seat in Heaven (Eph 2:6).
  • Jesus paved the highway to Heaven to ascend and be in Father’s presence. (Jn 1:51)

There is bow wave of discipleship coming – This is the fun part. These young people are being awakened by Holy Spirit. One told me he didn’t like other people telling him what to do. God has reserved them for himself. They are wired to be entrepreneurial sons, not compliant servants. They want to be relationally found and launched, not fixed. This time discipleship looks much different:

  • It has a 1-on-1 component where a mentor sees what they carry.
  • This movement has unique, prophetic purpose, instead of generic purpose.
  • They want to be found, seen, engaged, equipped, sent… not fixed or lectured.


It’s not really resistance – there is a dynamic, ongoing awakening of hearts right now. You might feel like your mentoring skills are hidden; your wisdom is brushed off? It’s OK! Instead of prophetically or practically telling people what to do next, prophetically point to what Father is doing in them, with them.

  • Where they are on their hero’s journey toward Father’s purpose and their future self?
  • What they have been through?
  • What is next in their experience?
  • What Father is doing in their purpose, their future?
  • Prophetically point to what they can already see
    (it will open their hearts for what they do not yet see).
  • It will be discipling sons via experiences, not head knowledge (do it first, explain it second)
    • Who ascend to the Courts of Heaven (warfare overcoming accusations)
    • Who ascend to the Council (see what Father is doing and do it with Him)

Are we selling something? We totally are! We’re selling people on the dream God wrote in their heart. We’re telling them to sell everything and buy the pearl.

See the Heroism, not just the hedonism – This is a generation of entrepreneurial warriors who not afraid to pursue goals around great personal aspirations. The Good news of the gospel is:

  • Let go of your soulish aspirations and self-indulgent goals, and then
  • Trading up to Father’s purpose makes your dreams come true.
    Putting God’s Kingdom first invites Him to co-labor with you on a shared purpose so He can add all these things into your Future Self Now.

It’s the paradox of sonship that is the essence of their discipleship journey. And, for the same price the upsell is – it’s what makes your business take-off as well, Father adding all things to your business.

Be the Father who Disciples Sons into Their Business Heroism

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably already saved and have other people on your heart to bring into their purpose, their entrepreneurial sonship. I’m suggesting that even your business may have that invitation.

How do we disciple sons in business? This Reformation in Business and Nations is engineered, led by Sons. We’re encouraging heroes, champions, big dreams, and greater works. We want to them dream even bigger… beyond all they can ask or imagine according to the power of God working in them (Eph 3:20). These are sons who are:

  • Taking their seat in Heaven

Eph 2:6 – And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms
in Christ Jesus, 7) in order that in the coming ages he might show…

  • Sons are Receiving their inheritance in Father’s purpose, their Heroism
  • Sons Laying down their lives and picking them up again (Jn 10:17)
  • We are sons and daughters with them, Bringing Heaven to Earth
    • Owning the movement, the Reformation, inviting sons to play their role
    • Wielding Father’s power and authority
    • Hearts that grasp being Rich toward God, storing Treasures in Heaven

Here are additional resources that will help. Links are life on the PDF version of this graphic. Take action on the first two now.

Acts 6:7 – And the word of God continued to increase,
and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem,
and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.

Acts 9:31 – So, the Ecclesia throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria
had peace and was being built up.
And walking in the fear of the Lord
and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.

Acts 12:24 – But the word of God increased and multiplied.

Acts 16:5 – So the Ecclesia were strengthened in the faith,
and they increased in numbers daily.



More: This blog, and the video discussion were inspired by my own Council sessions. They have much more on this topic, and they have instructional links so you can do it to:

What We Do – We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format. Our Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!

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